UNER: Universal Named-Entity Recognition Framework (original) (raw)

TNNT: The Named Entity Recognition Toolkit

ArXiv, 2021

Extraction of categorised named entities from text is a complex task given the availability of a variety of Named Entity Recognition (NER) models and the unstructured information encoded in different source document formats. Processing the documents to extract text, identifying suitable NER models for a task, and obtaining statistical information is important in data analysis to make informed decisions. This paper presents TNNT, a toolkit that automates the extraction of categorised named entities from unstructured information encoded in source documents, using diverse state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools and NER models. TNNT integrates 21 different NER models as part of a Knowledge Graph Construction Pipeline (KGCP) that takes a document set as input and processes it based on the defined settings, applying the selected blocks of NER models to output the results. The toolkit generates all results with an integrated summary of the extracted entities, enabling enha...

Building and Evaluating Universal Named-Entity Recognition English corpus


This article presents the application of the Universal Named Entity framework to generate automatically annotated corpora. By using a workflow that extracts Wikipedia data and meta-data and DBpedia information, we generated an English dataset which is described and evaluated. Furthermore, we conducted a set of experiments to improve the annotations in terms of precision, recall, and F1-measure. The final dataset is available and the established workflow can be applied to any language with existing Wikipedia and DBpedia. As part of future research, we intend to continue improving the annotation process and extend it to other languages.

Towards Automatic Creation of Annotations to Foster Development of Named Entity Recognizers


Named Entity Recognition (NER) is an essential step for many natural language processing tasks, including Information Extraction. Despite recent advances, particularly using deep learning techniques, the creation of accurate named entity recognizers continues a complex task, highly dependent on annotated data availability. To foster existence of NER systems for new domains it is crucial to obtain the required large volumes of annotated data with low or no manual labor. In this paper it is proposed a system to create the annotated data automatically, by resorting to a set of existing NERs and information sources (DBpedia). The approach was tested with documents of the Tourism domain. Distinct methods were applied for deciding the final named entities and respective tags. The results show that this approach can increase the confidence on annotations and/or augment the number of categories possible to annotate. This paper also presents examples of new NERs that can be rapidly created w...

TLR at BSNLP2019: A Multilingual Named Entity Recognition System

Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing

This paper presents our participation at the shared task on multilingual named entity recognition at BSNLP2019. Our strategy is based on a standard neural architecture for sequence labeling. In particular, we use a mixed model which combines multilingualcontextual and language-specific embeddings. Our only submitted run is based on a voting schema using multiple models, one for each of the four languages of the task (Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, and Russian) and another for English. Results for named entity recognition are encouraging for all languages, varying from 60% to 83% in terms of Strict and Relaxed metrics, respectively.

GermEval 2014 Named Entity Recognition Shared Task: Companion Paper

This paper describes the GermEval 2014 Named Entity Recognition (NER) Shared Task workshop at KONVENS. It provides background information on the motivation of this task, the data-set, the evaluation method, and an overview of the participating systems, followed by a discussion of their results. In contrast to previous NER tasks, the GermEval 2014 edition uses an extended tagset to account for derivatives of names and tokens that contain name parts. Further, nested named entities had to be predicted, i.e. names that contain other names. The eleven participating teams employed a wide range of techniques in their systems. The most successful systems used state-of-theart machine learning methods, combined with some knowledge-based features in hybrid systems.

Learning multilingual named entity recognition from Wikipedia

Artificial Intelligence, 2013

We automatically create enormous, free and multilingual silver-standard training annotations for named entity recognition (ner) by exploiting the text and structure of Wikipedia. Most ner systems rely on statistical models of annotated data to identify and classify names of people, locations and organisations in text. This dependence on expensive annotation is the knowledge bottleneck our work overcomes. We first classify each Wikipedia article into named entity (ne) types, training and evaluating on 7200 manually-labelled Wikipedia articles across nine languages. Our crosslingual approach achieves up to 95% accuracy. We transform the links between articles into ne annotations by projecting the target article's classifications onto the anchor text. This approach yields reasonable annotations, but does not immediately compete with existing gold-standard data. By inferring additional links and heuristically tweaking the Wikipedia corpora, we better align our automatic annotations to gold standards. We annotate millions of words in nine languages, evaluating English, German, Spanish, Dutch and Russian Wikipedia-trained models against conll shared task data and other gold-standard corpora. Our approach outperforms other approaches to automatic ne annotation (Richman and Schone, 2008 [61], Mika et al., 2008 [46]) competes with goldstandard training when tested on an evaluation corpus from a different source; and performs 10% better than newswire-trained models on manually-annotated Wikipedia text.

Building Multilingual Corpora for a Complex Named Entity Recognition and Classification Hierarchy using Wikipedia and DBpedia


With the ever-growing popularity of the field of NLP, the demand for datasets in low resourced-languages follows suit. Following a previously established framework, in this paper, we present the UNER dataset, a multilingual and hierarchical parallel corpus annotated for named-entities. We describe in detail the developed procedure necessary to create this type of dataset in any language available on Wikipedia with DBpedia information. The three-step procedure extracts entities from Wikipedia articles, links them to DBpedia, and maps the DBpedia sets of classes to the UNER labels. This is followed by a post-processing procedure that significantly increases the number of identified entities in the final results. The paper concludes with a statistical and qualitative analysis of the resulting dataset.

Shared Resources for Multilingual Information Extraction and Challenges in Named Entity Annotation

Progress in natural language processing requires increasing amounts of data and annotation in a growing variety of languages, and research in named entity extraction is no exception. While the value of richlyannotated, large-scale multilingual corpora is undeniable, costs for producing such data are high, underscoring the value of shared resources. As part of the US Governmentsponsored Automatic Content Extraction Program (ACE), the University of Pennsylvania's Linguistic Data Consortium has recently created a number of shared resources to support technology evaluations in multilingual information extraction. This paper discusses the challenges of multilingual corpus development, with a particular focus on Chinese named entities. It concludes with a description of the corpora developed to support this research.

Combining data-driven systems for improving Named Entity Recognition

Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2007

The increasing flow of digital information requires the extraction, filtering and classification of pertinent information from large volumes of texts. An important preprocessing tool of these tasks consists of name entities recognition, which corresponds to a Name Entity Recognition (NER) task. In this paper we propose a completely automatic NER which involves identification of proper names in texts, and classification into a set of predefined categories of interest as Person names, Organizations (companies, government organizations, committees, etc.) and Locations (cities, countries, rivers, etc). We examined the differences in language models learned by different data-driven systems performing the same NLP tasks and how they can be exploited to yield a higher accuracy than the best individual system. Three NE classifiers (Hidden Markov Models, Maximum Entropy and Memory-based learner) are trained on the same corpus data and after comparison their outputs are combined using voting strategy. Results are encouraging since 98.5% accuracy for recognition and 84.94% accuracy for classification of NE for Spanish language were achieved.