The Effect Leg Muscle Explosive Power, Flexibility, Hand Eye Coordination and Confidence of Skill Lay Up Shoot Basketball (original) (raw)

Contribution of Leg Muscle Explosive Power and Flexibility on Lay-Up Shoot in Basketball

Proceedings of the 2nd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS 2018) and 1st Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2018)

the purpose of this research was to understand the 1) contribution of leg muscle explosive power (X1) to the skill of lay-up shoot in basketball (Y) for extracurricular activity students in Junior High School 9 Pekanbaru; 2) contribution of flexibility (X2) to the skill of lay-up shoot in basketball (Y) for extracurricular activity students in Junior High School 9 Pekanbaru; 3) contribution of the combination of leg muscle explosive power (X1) and flexibility (X2) to the skill of lay-up shoot in basketball (Y) for extracurricular activity students in Junior High School 9 Pekanbaru. The analytical technique used was a double correlation analysis, because of its ability to find the magnitude of the effect of relationship between two or more independent variables (X) simultaneously together with the dependent variable (Y). The total population in this study amounted to 41 people. The sampling technique used in this study was the Total Sampling method. The result of this research revealed that 1) there is a significant contribution of leg muscle explosive power (X1) to the skill of lay-up shoot in basketball (Y) for extracurricular activity students of Junior High School 9 Pekanbaru; 2) there is a significant contribution of flexibility (X2) to the skill of lay-up shoot in basketball (Y) for extracurricular activity students in Junior High School 9 Pekanbaru; 3) there is a significant contribution of the combination of leg muscle explosive power (X1) and flexibility (X2) to the skill of lay-up shoot in basketball (Y) for extracurricular activity students in Junior High School 9 Pekanbaru.


This study aims to determine the relationship of either single or double among the variables of body body height, arm length, arm muscle strength and leg power in the ability of free throw shoot of women athletes in Yogyakarta and how big the contribution from each of these variables. This study uses descriptive method with correlation analysis techniques. The population was woman basketball athletes in Yogyakarta who has done several games, and there were 106 people. The variables of this study consist of four independent variables they were body height, arm length, arm muscle strength and leg power. And the dependent variable was the ability of free throw shoot. All data required in this study were obtained through tests and measurements of each variable. Data were analyzed using correlation analysis by testing normality, linearity and testing the hypothesis which were a correlation analysis of each predictor, partial correlation analysis and regression analysis assisted by SPSS 20.0. The results showed that each variable of body height, arm length and arm muscle strength had a positive relationship with the ability of free throw shoot. As for the leg power, do not have a positive relationship. The contribution of each independent variable on the dependent variable as follows: 53.5% body height, arm length by 15.4%, arm muscle strength at 7.1%. The conclusions obtained from this study were from the four variables of body height, arm length, arm muscle strength and leg power, there were only three variables which contributed: body height, arm length and arm muscle strength.

The Relationship Balance and Arm Muscle Strength to Shoot Lay-Up Skills in Basketball

Journal Physical Education, Health and Recreation

This study aims to analyze the relationship between balance and arm muscle strength on lay-up shoot skills in basketball games for MA extracurricular students. Riyadus Sholihin. The sample in this study was taken as a whole or total sampling, namely 30 students. The balance test uses the stand stroke test, for arm muscle strength uses the flexed-arm hang test and for lay up shoots uses the lay up shoot ability test. The data analysis technique was processed with proportions and the hypothesis was tested using correlation with the help of a computer in the excel and SPSS 23 programs. Based on the analysis of the proportion of the data obtained, namely for the results of the balance, the proportion of 100% was obtained, totaling 30 students who had an average balance result in the less category for girls and medium category for boys. The results of arm muscle strength have an average category of less than once for women and very few categories for men. Whereas the results of the abili...

Eye-Hand Coordination and Agility with Basketball Lay-Up Skills: A Correlation Study in Students

JUMORA: Jurnal Moderasi Olahraga

The skill of laying up a basketball is one of the important techniques that plays a role in giving pounds or numbers in the game. Therefore, it is necessary to know aspects related to lay up skills. This study aims to prove the relationship between eye-hand coordination and agility with basketball lay-up skills. In this study, a quantitative descriptive approach was used with the correlation study method. The subjects in this study were male students of class VII SMP St. Francis of Assisi Pontianak, totaling 25 male students. Data analysis in this study was assisted by using SPSS Version 26. Results of eye-hand coordination research with lay-up skills showing a significance value of 0.000 > 0.05, there is a significant relationship between eye-hand coordination and lay-up skills in students. agility results with lay-up skills showing a significance value of 0.004 > 0.05, there is a significant relationship between agility and lay-up skills in students. Furthermore, eye-hand co...

The Contribution of Legs Muscle Power and Dynamic Balance Toward Jump Shot Ability on Senior High School Basketball Players in Padang


The purpose of this study is to find out the contribution magnitude of legs muscle power and dynamic balance to the ability of jump shot Senior High School Basketball players in Padang. Based on the problem, this research method using correlational approach and followed by analyzing the magnitude of contribution of each indicator variable to the predictor variable. To measure the legs muscle power using Sargeant test, dynamic balance using modified Bass Test, and for jump shot ability using speed spot shooting test. The sample involved in this study is 30 people which determined by training experience and frequency of participation in the competitions. The results of this research shows that legs muscle power contributed 22% toward the ability of jump shot; dynamic balance contributes 20% toward the ability of jump shot; and legs muscle power along with dynamic balance contributes significantly to 24% toward jump shot ability. Based on data analysis, it is concluded that the power ...

Relations Between Motor Abilities and Basketball Skills of 13-14 Year Old Students

Sportske Nauke i Zdravlje, 2022

The aim of the research is to determine the relations and influences of motor abilities on the performance of some elements of the basketball techniques in the 7th and 8th graders. The study included 85 respondents, students of 7th and 8th grade of elementary school "Prekounje" from Bihać. The motor status assessment system was represented by the 12 variables (three variables each to assess coordination, explosive strength, flexibility and speed), while 4 situational-motoric tests were used to assess the success of the performance of the elements of basketball techniques: 1. Throwing the ball with both hands against the wall and catching it for 30 seconds (BHLR30), 2. Dribbling the ball with the hand in a slalom (VLRS), 3. Throwing the ball into the basket for 30 seconds (ULK30), 4. Lay-ups for 30 seconds (PNK30). Basic central and dispersion parameters were calculated for all variables which confirmed the normality of the distribution, and the relations between spaces were determined by using the canonical correlation analysis. Values obtained by canonical correlation analysis indicate very high correlation between basic motor abilities and basketball skills.

Relationship of Kinematic Variables with the Performance of Basketballplayers in Lay-Up Shot

Citius Altius Fortius, 2009

The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between selected kinematic variables and performance of lay-up shots. Five (N=5) male basketball players who represented Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, were selected as subjects for the study. The help of digital photography was used to film the subjects in sagittal plane of lay-up shot. Joint point method was used in order to obtain the values of selected angular kinematic variables from developed stick figures. Height of center of Gravity was calculated by segmentation method. The performance in Lay-Up Shot was recorded by the scores in Lay-Up Shot, which was obtained by using a three point scale by the three judges. To determine the degree of relationship between selected kinematic variables with the performance in Layup Shot, Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Method was used. The results have shown the insignificant values of coefficient of correlation incase of all the selected kinematic variables and significant relationship between the height of center of gravity at the moment of release with the performance of the subjects in lay-up shots.

Kız ve Erkek Öğrencilerin Basketbol Yetenek Düzeyleri ve Bazı Performans Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2019

In this study, it was aimed to determine the performance characteristics and skill levels specific to the sports branches of students and to direct the correct branch by making skill determinations. The sample group of the study consisted of 110 volunteer middle school students, 55 girls 10,95 years and 55 boys10, 96 years aged, who had never been trained in any sport branch in Ankara. İn the study, performance features include vertical jump test, long jump test, 20 m speed jump test, health ball throw test, and ball drop shot for basketball talent detection, triple shot, ball throw, ball throw, ball throw on the wall, test was applied. Statistical analyzes of the measurements were made in the SPSS 22 program. When the total scores of the 55 male and 55 female students who applied the basketball ability test battery were examined, it is determined that there are 16 female and 22 male students with good and very good level. In addition it was determined that 10 girls and 14 boys from these students had better motoric test results than the others. As a result; 24 students may be more successful than the other students in the basketball field and it is considered appropriate to direct these students to the basketball field.

The Contribution of Eye-Hand Coordination to Basketball Lay Up Shoot Skills

Proceedings of the 1st Progress in Social Science, Humanities and Education Research Symposium (PSSHERS 2019), 2020

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the contribution of hand eye coordination (X) to the skills of lay up shoot in basketball (Y) to extracurricular students in junior high school 9 Pekanbaru. The study was held at junior high school 9 Pekanbaru. The research method used in this study was a quantitative approach with correlation analysis techniques. The population in this study involved 41 people. The sampling technique in this study was the total sampling method in which all population was chosen as sampled. The results of this study are that there is a contribution of hand eye coordination (X) to the skills of lay up shoot in basketball (Y) on the extracurricular students in junior high school 9 Pekanbaru equal to 67,4%.