Mairs, Rachel (2014) "Models, Moulds and Mass Production: The Mechanics of Stylistic Influence from the Mediterranean to Bactria," Ancient West & East 13, 175-195. (original) (raw)

On the allegedly manicheic funerary..., N. Proeva. In. ANTE PORTAM AUREAM STUDIA, 2017, pp. 178-

.) Ante portam auream, studia in honorem professoris Aleksandar Jovanović,, 2017

The so-called Tikvesh funerary stelae (N. Proeva), rather than stelae of the Kavadarci type (N. Vulić), are concentrated mainly in the Tikvesh region, and not only in Kavadarci, but are spread alongside the mid-stream of the Axius (Vardar). These stelae are the only ones in Roman Macedonia, with iconography that is not figural, but features motifs that are vegetal (the evergreen tree, leaves of ivy and wine, poppies, pinecones) and astral (stars, crescent) as well as agricultural tools (a wine reaping hook, a pickaxe). The motifs, presented in a more or less stylized manner, are found in the relief field, as well as on the pediments of the stelae. There are different and contradicting interpretations promoted to date, regarding the iconography of the stelae, the latest of which is based on Manicheans dogma. This opinion is unacceptable because the author has not looked at it as a unique iconographic pattern but had analyzed the motifs separately, completely ignoring the epigraphic elements (onomastic, paleography, etc.). The dating of these stelae to late Antiquity is also not supported. Contrary to this approach, by analyzing all the epigraphic and iconographic elements of this unusual iconography within the socioeconomic , religious and cultural milieu which it was created, the conclusion can be reached that the iconography concerns heroization, not only of the deceased, but also of their ancestors, along with the belief in immortality, expressed in a original way, typical of the local population.

Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. The journal of University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava

The notion that the form of a word bears an arbitrary relation to its meaning accounts only partly for the attested relations between form and meaning in the world's languages. Recent research suggests a more textured view of syntactic and narrative structure in Amerindian prosaic texts, in which arbitrariness is complemented by iconicity (aspects of form resemble aspects of meaning) and systematicity (statistical regularities in forms predict function).

Sorin Paliga, Etymologica et Anthropologica Maiora [2007]

Fundația „Evenimentul”, București, 2007

Al treilea volum al acestei serii cuprinde majoritatea studiilor publicate în diverse reviste de specialitate. Fiind vorba de studii scrise de!a lungul a aproximativ 25 de ani, unele revizuite !i completate, iar altele incluse în alte lucr"ri (cum ar fi volumele precedente ale acestei serii, alte câteva fiind incluse în volumul urm"tor, al patrulea), a fost necesar" o reorganizare a materialului. Pe de o parte, am eliminat acele studii care fac deja parte din alte volume publicate precum !i pe cele care se încadreaz" mai bine volumului urm"tor, care va cuprinde câteva dic#ionare etimologice de volum limitat, dar esen#iale, credem noi, demersului etimologic (Lexiconul Proto!Boreal, lexiconul celor o sut" de r"d"cini slave esen#iale, un extras al cuvintelor autohtone care permit reconstruirea unei spirante velare în trac"). Dat fiind c" unele studii au ap"rut deja în Thracian and Pre!Thracian Studies (ed. Lucretius, Bucure!ti 1999), iar-între timp-num"rul acestor studii a crescut semnificativ, am considerat necesar" reordonarea lor nu numai pe principiul cronologic. Cum frontiera dintre temele abordate (cum ar fi, de exemplu, mo!tenirea trac" a limbii române, rela#iile slavo!române, influen#ele de substrat asupra limbilor slave etc.) nu este simplu de trasat, am considerat util" ordonarea pe criteriul limbii în care au fost publicate studiile care este, în bun" m"sur", !i o ordonare tematic". Primele sunt studiile în limba englez", cele mai numeroase de altfel !i, de fapt, cu acestea am debutat în lumea !tiin#ific" în anii '80, pe când revistele de specialitate din România au amânat sistematic publicarea acelor studii !i care, astfel, au c"p"tat gradual versiune englez" pentru a putea ap"rea. Urmarea acestui fapt este c" versiunile ap"rute în Linguistica, World Archaeology, The Journal of Indo!European Studies !i, nu în ultimul rând, în Slavisti!na Revija (în limba sloven", dar fiind traduceri dup" originalul în limba englez") au fost ini#ial rescrise de autor pe baza versiunii în limba român". Nu am mai revenit asupra formei Etymologica-anthropologica / Exordium __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 8 Exordium anglice __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 9 Etymologica-anthropologica / Exordium __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10 I In English Anglice Urbs et civitas apud Thraeces __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 13 Thracian terms for 'township' and 'fortress', and related place-names Piae memoriae Patris Urbs et civitas apud Thraeces __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 15 *De-e(, in two syllables, confirmed by the medieval Latin spelling Dees). These place-names undoubtedly preserve the parallel Thracian forms *d"-t-, *de-e(-(attested only once in PN Datos) against the classical form dava, deva. 3. Dina, deina. This word is witnessed in a few place-names like Asbolodina, Bassi-dina, Pesi-dina, etc. (De!ev 1957: 136). It may have the same etymon as deva/dava but with a different development (of the type *dh"-nor or it might be related to Cymric din 'township' as De!ev unconvincingly suggested. No related place-names have been clearly identified so far. We suggest a possible approach to PN Dindryme (? Din-dryme) and mountainname (hereafter MN) Din-dyma, Din-dymon which are differently analysed in De!ev (1957). This suggestion finds some support in Rom. PN Dinga and PN Dinia) (< *din-g-and *din-i-a(respectively) which should probably be regarded as having a Thracian origin in the context discussed. 4. Diza, dizos, deize, witnessed in many place-names like Bur-dizos, Diza-zelmis, Diza-pes, Diza-polis, Oru-disza, Tyro-diza, etc. (De!ev 1957: 132). If the word is related to Greek *+,-&' 'city-wall' (Chantraine 1968: 1098) then the IE root is *dheig. ho-(Pokorny 1959: 244), as in Avestan pairida"za 'fence, garden', Armenian d"z 'heap, multitude'. These extra-Thracian parallels are irresistible and they seem to support the attested Thracians forms. We might equally refer to the same IE root *dh"-with a different development of the type *dh"-g. (h)-/, *dh"-g. (h)-os. As often in the field of comparative grammar no definite solution exists, but this is less important in the context of this paper. The term diza/dizos may not be preserved in any modern form, except perhaps Rom. PN Dezna (district Arad, W. Romania) for which it is difficult to suggest any other origin. 5. Leba: 01234560,' 758 9:3%;< (Hesychius). De!ev (1957), following Tomaschek (1893), considers that leba is a misspelling for deva. However, we will assume here that the form given in Hesychius is correct. This fact is proved by the existence of clearly related Thracian place-names like MN Abro-lebas,