Viability of Carica papaya L. Seeds by the Tetrazolium Test (original) (raw)
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Methodological adjustments to the tetrazolium test in rice seeds
Journal of Seed Science, 2017
Reducing the execution time of the tetrazolium test is important because it is used for making decisions during the preharvest and this test takes approximately 24 h. Thus, the goal of this research was to study preconditioning and staining periods and concentration of tetrazolium salt, in order to reduce the evaluation time of rice seed viability by tetrazolium test. Three independent experiments were conducted. In the first and second experiments, six rice seed lots from the BR Irga 424 cultivar were used. In the first experiment, different concentrations of tetrazolium salt (0.1, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 %) and staining times (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 h) were evaluated. In the second one, different hydration periods (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 h) at two temperatures (35 and 40 °C) were tested. In the third one, eight seed lots from the same cultivar were used, and the effectiveness of the modified tetrazolium test in the evaluation of rice seed viability was assesed. It is possible to carried out the tetrazolium test on rice using the hydration of peeled seeds for 1 h at 40 °C and staining for 1 h with a 0.25% salt concentration. Index terms: physiological quality, seed viability, Oryza sativa L. Ajustes metodológicos para o teste de tetrazólio em sementes de arroz RESUMO-A redução no tempo de execução do teste de tetrazólio é importante, pois esse teste muito utilizado para tomada de decisão em pré-colheita, consome aproximadamente 24 h. Dessa forma, objetivou-se nesta pesquisa estudar períodos de pré-condicionamento e de coloração e concentração do sal de tetrazólio visando reduzir o tempo de avaliação da viabilidade de sementes de arroz pelo teste de tetrazólio. Foram conduzidos três experimentos independentes, nos experimentos I e II foram utilizados seis lotes de sementes de arroz da cultivar BR Irga 424. No experimento I foram avaliadas diferentes concentrações do sal de tetrazólio (0,1; 0,25; 0,5 e 1%) e períodos de coloração (0,5; 1,0; e 2,0 h). No experimento II foram testados diferentes períodos de hidratação (0,5; 1,0; 2,0 e 4,0 h) em duas temperaturas (35 e 40 °C). No experimento III foram utilizados oito lotes de sementes da mesma cultivar e foi avaliada a eficiência do teste de tetrazólio modificado na avaliação da viabilidade de sementes de arroz. É possível realizar o teste de tetrazólio em arroz utilizando hidratação de sementes descascadas por 1 h a 40 °C e coloração por 1 h com concentração do sal a 0,25%. Termos para indexação: qualidade fisiológica, viabilidade, Oryza sativa L.
Comparing procedures for performing tetrazolium test on carrot seeds
Horticultura Brasileira, 2018
The tetrazolium (TZ) test is one of the main methods to estimate vitality or viability and seed vigor. The aim of this study was to improve the methodology and reduce the execution time of tetrazolium test on carrot seeds, considering two existing references on this subject. Eight lots of ‘Brasilia’ carrot seeds were used. The hydration, during the pre-conditioning of the seeds, was done in two ways: directly in water during 18 hours and in rolls of filter paper during 2 hours. Seed color was analyzed through combinations between cutting types, concentration, period and temperature used during contact with the TZ solution. Three types of longitudinal cutting were used, before immersion in the tetrazolium solution: a) lateral and as distant as possible from the embryo distal to the embryo; b) partial, in the distal region opposite to the embryo, on about 1/3 of seed length; c) lateral and near the embryo, without reaching it. The used TZ concentrations were 0.1; 0.5 and 1.0%; periods...
Journal of Seed Science, 2019
Quick tests are essential tools to evaluate seed quality. The objective of this study was to adapt the methodology of tetrazolium test, by identifying the most suitable pre-conditioning parameters of imbibition temperature and duration, and tetrazolium solution concentrations, in order to assess the physiological quality of chickpea seeds. Also, this work proposed the separation of lots in classes, according to the viability and vigor of the seeds. Three lots of chickpeas (lot 1-BRS Aleppo C1, lot 2-BRS Aleppo basic, and lot 3-Cicero) were evaluated. They were analyzed according to three combinations of imbibition temperature and duration (41 °C for 4 hours, 41 ºC for 6 hours, and 30 ºC for 18 hours) and two tetrazolium concentrations (0.1% and 0.5%). The imbibition at 41 °C for 4 or 6 hours, and at 30 ºC for 18 hours allowed clear visualization of injuries in the seeds after immersion in 0.1% tetrazolium solution. The intense coloration formed by the 0.5% solution of this salt prevented the differentiation of the types of damage. In addition, it was possible to separate the seeds into four classes: class I (viable and vigorous, without damages), class II (viable and vigorous, with superficial injuries), class III (viable and nonvigorous), and class IV (non-viable).
Viabilidade pol�nica de Carica papaya L.: uma compara��o metodol�gica
-(Pollen viability of Carica papaya L.: a methodological comparison). Pollen viability of Carica papaya L. 'Sunrise Solo' cultivar was estimated using in vitro germination and pollen stain tests. Two culture media described in the literature as efficient for pollen in vitro germination of C. papaya were used. Germination was higher in the media without essential elements but with a higher concentration of agar (65% compared with 51.5%). These results were compared with viability estimates based on staining pollen. The five stains used to test for pollen viability were: 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride-TTC, Alexander's stain, acetocarmine, iodine-potassium iodide and Sudan IV. Pollen viability estimated with TTC was 67.5% and similar to germination results providing a reliable estimate of in vitro germination. The four other stains overestimated pollen viability (> 90%), and their use should be restricted to determining cell constituents, and pollen grain integrity. Key words-Carica papaya, in vitro germination, pollen staining, pollen viability RESUMO-(Viabilidade polínica de Carica papaya L.: uma comparação metodológica). A viabilidade polínica do mamoeiro cultivar 'Sunrise Solo' (Carica papaya L.) foi estudada utilizando germinação in vitro e testes colorimétricos, assim como a validade dos testes colorimétricos como estimativa de viabilidade comparada àquela do teste germinativo. Os dois meios de cultura, descritos na literatura como meios eficientes para germinação da espécie, diferem basicamente pela presença de nutrientes essenciais e concentração de ágar. O meio de cultura sem elementos essenciais e com maior concentração de ágar forneceu o melhor índice de germinação polínica (65%). Os cinco corantes testados foram: 2,3,5-cloreto de trifeniltetrazólio (TTC), Alexander, carmim acético, lugol e Sudan IV. O teste de coloração com TTC forneceu estimativa de viabilidade (67,5%) equivalente ao teste de germinação in vitro e, portanto, confiável de viabilidade polínica. Os demais corantes testados superestimaram a viabilidade polínica (> 90%), porém são eficientes na determinação de constituintes celulares e da integridade do grão de pólen. Palavras-chave-Carica papaya, corantes polínicos, germinação in vitro, viabilidade polínica
Journal of Tropical Crop Science and Technology, 2019
This research aimed to carry out the response of seed germination and seedling growth of Calina papaya to the seed soaked in coconut water. It was conducted from April to June 2017. The study comprised two designs of experiment i.e. the Completely Randomized Design for the seed germination and the Randomized Complete Block Design for the seedling growth of papaya. There were 25 treatment combinations obtained and each treatment was replicated three times. The treatment factors comprised the concentration and the duration of seed soaked in coconut water. The results showed that the seed immersion in the 80% concentration of coconut water for 8 hours had the highest growth rate and vigour index. Meanwhile, the seed immersion in the 60% concentration of coconut water for 8 hours showed the highest percentage of germination. The seed immersion for eight hours resulted in the seedling growth of papaya.
Germination of "Solo" papaya seeds treated with plant hormones
Journal of Seed Science, 2014
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of some plant hormones on germination of Carica papaya L. seeds of the "Solo" group taken from fruits at maturity stages 3 and 5 (50% and 75% of the fruit skin showing a yellow color). Then, the seeds were subjected to treatments involving different combinations of acid 2-chloroethylphosphonic - (CEPA 0; 5 x 10-7 and 5 x 10-4 M), GA3 (0; 10 and 50 mg / L) and KNO3 (0 or 1 M), and germination was assessed at the 14th and 30th days. Seeds from fruits at maturity stage 3 showed increased germination when treated with all growth regulators tested. KNO3 promoted a decrease in germination and in the germination speed index, especially in the seeds from stage 5. The plant hormones did not promote any increase in percentage of normal seedlings of papaya seeds. Two-Chloethylphosphonic acid (5 x 10-4 M) and the gibberellic acid applied alone in the seeds from satge 3 promoted an increase in the number of normal seedlings 14 days a...
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2020
An experiment entitled “Role of pre-sowing seed treatment on germination behavior and seedling vigour of papaya (Carica papaya L.)” was conducted at Instructional cum Research Farm, College of Agriculture and Research Station, (IGKV), Bemetara, Chhattisgarh, India during the year 2018 and 2019. The experiment was laid out in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with Seventeen different treatments replicated three times. The papaya seeds were sown in polybags which was filled with common media and treated with three different concentration of GA3 (viz., 50, 100 and 150) and 10 per cent cow urine with addition of bio-fertilizers in media soil. The results revealed that the application of treatment T11 (seed soaking with 150 ppm GA3 + 12 hours + azotobacter) was given early germination, rate of emergence as well as highest germination percentage, seed vigour index – I and seed vigour index – II. While, T15 (seed soaking with cow urine 10 (%) + 12 hours + azotobacter) had given maximum ro...
Acta Horticulturae, 2010
Proper seed germination and seedling growth are most important considerations in successful seedling production under nursery technique of papaya cultivation. As the germination rate and seedling growth are affected by pre-sowing seed treatment of papaya with growth regulators and micronutrients, an experiment was carried out to identify a suitable treatment for getting better seed germination and seedling growth. Seeds were soaked with GA 3 (at 100, 150 and 200 ppm), sodium thiosulphate (at 20, 25 and 30 ppm) and micronutrient mixtures (4 different combinations of borax and zinc sulphate). Among the 11 treatments, GA 3 at 150 ppm was found best in respect to seed germination (72.2%) followed by sodium thiosulphate at 20 ppm (68.1%). But maximum seedling growth (52.32 cm seedling height and 5.18 cm seedling girth) was observed under GA 3 at 200 ppm. Borax at 0.50% along with ZnSO 4 at 0.25% also markedly improved the seedling growth.
Methodological adjustments to the tetrazolium test in coriander seeds
Journal of Seed Science
The reduction in the time to perform the tetrazolium test is critical in decision making at pre and post-harvest of seeds. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate different concentrations of the tetrazolium salt solution, temperatures, and staining times, to reduce the time for assessing the viability of coriander seeds by the tetrazolium test. The study was divided into two experiments conducted independently but sequentially. The seeds were evaluated for water content, germination, and viability in both experiments by the tetrazolium test. A completely randomized design was used, with four replications. For the tetrazolium test, the seeds were preconditioned by direct immersion in water for sixteen hours at 20 °C. In experiment I, the seeds were exposed to different concentrations of the tetrazolium salt solution (0.25; 0.5; 0.75; and 1.0%). In experiment II, different combinations of temperatures (35; 40; and 45 °C) and staining times (three, four, five, and six hours) were tested. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the best staining pattern of coriander seeds for performing the tetrazolium test is achieved by using the concentration of 0.5% tetrazolium salt solution for five hours at 40 °C.
Improving Small Weed Seeds Viability Assessment Using Tetrazolium Test
Journal of Agricultural Science
Tetrazolium testing in small seeds demands difficult and longstanding procedures, such as the embryo exposure by seeds section and the seeds pre-preparation. This study aims to access the viability of small seeds using the Tetrazolium test (TZ) without seeds sectioning, resulting in quicker, cheaper and precise measurements. Non-sectioned seeds of Conyza sumatrensis, Bidens pilosa and Digitaria insularis were put in contact with the tetrazolium solution during 0, 12, 24, 48, 72, 144, 216, 288, 360, 432 and 504 h to obtain the seeds coloring percentage in each time. When possible, the seeds coloring percentages were compared to seeds viability, obtained by the literature standard tetrazolium methodology (STZ), and with seeds germination. The proposed methodology (TZM) was cheaper and less laborious than the methodologies frequently used for weed seeds viability estimation, and provided rapid and reliable seeds viability estimations for weed species with small seeds within 24 h for Di...