Easy Numerical Method to Solution a System of Linear Volterra Integral Equations (original) (raw)

Parallel Gaussian Elimination Method

AL-Rafidain Journal of Computer Sciences and Mathematics, 2008

The aim of the project is to develop parallel approaches for Gaussian Elimination Methods that are used in linear programming to solve linear module systems. Most of these models are time-consuming when executed and processed in the sequential microprocessor computers. During the project, we try to decrease this time and increase the efficiency of the algorithm for the Gaussian Elimination Method, through developing parallel methods appropriate to be executed on MIMD type computers. In this paper, three algorithms were suggested for paralleling a developed algorithm of Gaussian Elimination Method and a comparison was made between the three algorithms and the original. As we have been able to accelerate the three parallel methods and the speedup was one of the following: Speedup =

Empirical Equations for Estimation of Water Distribution Uniformity Coefficient in Case of the Alternate Setting of Sprinkler Laterals


Among the operating and management practices that can increase the uniformity of water distribution in the portable sprinkler irrigation systems is the alternate setting of sprinkler laterals. Shifting the laterals by half the distance between laterals results in a single alternate set and shifting the laterals by half the distance between the sprinklers results in double alternate set. Data representing 66 patterns of water distribution for a single sprinkler of different types of sprinkler heads were used. By choosing many suitable sprinklers spacing and using Microsoft Excel to implement the field distribution that free of dry spots, the following coefficients were computed: uniformity coefficient, uniformity coefficient of single and double alternate set, distribution uniformity, distribution uniformity of single and double alternate set and coefficients related to sprinklers spacing. Then, using the nonlinear regression analysis provided in SPSS, empirical relationships were derived to estimate both the single and double uniformity coefficients and the single and double distribution uniformity with determination coefficients of 0.783, 0.810, 0.720, and 0.766, respectively. The spacing coefficients that lead to the maximum values of the different uniformity coefficients were determined based on inferred equations. In addition, the functions proposed in previous studies used in estimating the single and double uniformity coefficients with determination coefficients of 0.608 and 0.539, respectively as well as the single and double distribution uniformity coefficients with determination coefficients of 0.584 and 0.491, respectively showed low accuracy as compared with the ones proposed in the current study.

Generalized Time-Domain Solution to the KZK Nonlinear Acoustic Wave Equation


1 M.Sc Graduated, School of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, mhajihasani@gmail.com 2 Assistant Professor, School of Computer Engineering, University of Qom, Qom, Iran, farjami@ut.ac.ir 3 Assistance Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 4 Assistant Professor, School of Physics, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, jtavakkoli@ryerson.ca

Using Remote Sensing technique for calculate the quantities and study the hydrologic properties of Al-Gaara

In present study, the remote sensing (RS) techniques and geographic information system (GIS) were used to develop the topographic map for calculation the volumes of earth work depending on Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) which data cover about 80% of the earth. The above data was used to develop the topographic data for Al-Gaara dam in the Iraqi western desert, and the compression between the earth work volumes that calculated by this method with which was calculated by surveying. Also, the hydrologic properties of the catchment area ( area, length of main stream, slope....etc) were determined to calculate the storage volume and maximum flow according to unit hydrograph theory. The results of present study, refer to a good accuracy to calculate the earth work volumes, as well as, the RS and GIS save time and money.

بناء نموذج احتمالي لاوقات الفشل باستخدام تحويل انتروبي لتوزيع Burr Type-XII

Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2013

المستخلص تعرف الانتروبي بأنها مقياس لعدم التأكد . قد تم استعمال تحويل الانتروبي باستخدام دالة التوزيع التراكمية ودالة المعولية للتوزيع المستمر Burr Type-XII في حالة البيانات التي تعاني من التذبذب لبناء نموذج التوزيع التوزيع الأحتمالي الجديد من تطبيق تحويل انتروبي على التوزيع الأحتمالي المستمر Burr Type-XII واختبرت الدالة الجديدة ووجدت أنها تحقق شروط الدالة الأحتمالية ، وتم اشتقاق الوسط الحسابي والدالة الأحتمالية التجميعية لكي يتم إعتمادها في توليد البيانات لغرض تنفيذ تجارب المحاكاة . تم بعد ذلك تقدير معلمات التوزيع الأحتمالي التي تم إستخراجها من صيغة التوزيع لدالة أوقات الفشل باستخدام طريقة الإمكان الأعظم وطريقة وايت وطريقة المقدر المختلط ، والمقارنة بينهما بإعتماد معيار متوسط مربعات الخطأ (MSE) للمقارنة بين النتائج باستخدام اسلوب المحاكاة في الجانب التجريبي للوصول الى افضلية المقدرات ولحجوم عينات مختلفة لمعلمتي الشكل والقياس للتوزيع . حيث بينت النتائج ان مقدرات المقدر المختلط لمعلمة الشكل هي الأفضل اما مقدرات معلمة القياس فقد اظهرت النتائج ان مقدرات المقدر وايت هي الأفضل

Representing continuum wave functions with complex Gaussians Computation of ionization cross sections


Titre : Les propriétés psychométriques de test goodneugh (Le dessin du bonhomme) : étude chez les enfants handicapés auditifs d'une tranche d'âge de 6 à 15 ans. Cette étude a pour but la détermination des propriétés psychométriques de test goodneugh chez un échantillon de 140 handicapés auditif et 104 t non-handicapés auditif, âgés de 6 à 15 ans. La validité du test était mesurée par l'analyse factorielle, la chronologie d'âge, et la validité des critères. La fiabilité était mesurée par quatres méthodes dont la stabilité du correcteur, test et retest, la méthode de deux moitiés, et la cohérence interne. Nous avons validé les hypothèses de l'étude selon les niveaux d'essai de test goodneugh selon les variables individuelles .L'étude a conclu les résultats suivants: test goodneugh a un haut niveau de validité par l'analyse factorielle et le test est composé par deux facteurs (la dimension de la maitrise, et celle des traits principaux), il a également un niveau élevé de la validité de la chronologie d'âge, et la validité des critères .L'étude a montré que le test a un haut niveau de fiabilité. Les résultats ont montré des différences non significatives dans les niveaux de test goodneugh en variables de sexe, la sévérité de l'incapacité et des différences non significatives entre les handicapés auditifs et nonhandicapés auditif, tandis qu'il y a des différences significatives entre les handicapés auditifs de deuxième niveau scolaire et ceux des trois autres niveaux scolaires. Mots clés : les propriétés psychométriques, la validité, la fiabilité, test goodneugh, Le dessin du bonhomme, handicapés auditif, non-handicapés auditif, l'âge 6 à 15 ans, niveau scolaire. Title: "The psychometric characteristics of goodneugh test (draw-a-man) : study a handicap auditory sample of 6 age at 15 age" .

استنباط قاعدة للتكامل العددي

مجلة جامعة بابل للعلوم الصرفة , 2016

The main objective of this research is, to devise a new base to find a single integrals numerically specified values of continuous functions, continuous but diseased derivative or diseased in one or more points of integration area. It also found fault with formulas, as we have the conclusion of this method of trapezoidal and Simpson bases. In addition, the results have been improved based on the boundaries of the patch and using accelerate of Romberg, so we concluded that it can rely on this method of integrals specific account, where given the relatively high accuracy results in a few partial periods compared with the trapezoidal rule.

Parallel Simplex Method Improvements

AL-Rafidain Journal of Computer Sciences and Mathematics, 2005

The aim of the project is to develop parallel approaches for both the simplex that are used in linear programming to solve linear module systems. Most of these models are time consuming when executed and processed in the sequential microprocessor computers. During the project, we try to decrease this time and increase the efficiency of the algorithm for the two methods simplex, through developing parallel methods appropriate to be executed on MIMD type computers. In this paper, three algorithms were suggested for paralleling (a developed algorithm and a comparison was made between the three algorithms and the original. This comparison is included in second section. In general, the practical results and the suggested programs for these new algorithms proved to be better in performance than their analogues that are executed in computers of sequential processor in view of the two elements of execution time and algorithm time.