Hiromichi Kamitsubo (1933–2017) (original) (raw)

Synchrotron Radiation News

In September 2017, the International Workshop on Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Accelerator-based Sources (WIRMS) paid its first visit to the UK. Organized by Diamond Light Source, a vibrant international community came together for four packed days among the spires of the historical Worcester College of Oxford University to discuss the latest developments in infrared (IR) microscopy, spectroscopy including Terra Hertz (THz), and imaging by synchrotron radiation (SR) and free electron lasers (FELs).

J. Synchrotron Rad 2012 19 541–546

Synchrotron radiation research is rapidly expanding with many new sources of radiation being created globally. Synchrotron radiation plays a leading role in pure science and in emerging technologies. The Journal of Synchrotron Radiation provides comprehensive coverage of the entire field of synchrotron radiation research including instrumentation, theory, computing and scientific applications in areas such as biology, nanoscience and materials science. Rapid publication ensures an up-to-date information resource for scientists and engineers in the field.

Intercampus institute for research at particle accelerators. Final report, March 15, 1992--September 30, 1995


for the San Diego branch. Over the years that DOE supported IIRPA, we were told that yearly reports (and the final report) were not necessary because the previous year's summary in our annual request for funds constituted those reports. Therefore, it has taken some effort, and a corresponding long time, to put something together, after the fact. I apologize for the long delay. The IIRPA was born as an idea that arose during discussions at the 1974 PEP summer study (SLAC/LBL), and began to be funded by DOE during the early stages of PEP detector design and construction. The intent was for the members of the Institute to be responsible for the P E P-9 Facility; all of the PEP experiments were supposed to be facilities, rather than just experimental setups for a particular group or research goal. IIRPA was approved as a Multicampus Research Unit (MRU) in 1977 by the University of California, and it was active on the UCD, UCSB and UCSD campuses for 10 years. The UCSB and UCSD branches continued to work together from 1987 to the termination date (1995) while the UCD branch went in a different direction. This report concentrates on the period of time when the Directorship of IIRPA was once again at the San Diego campus, 1989 to 1995. The collection of yearly reports make up the appendices A through F, and Appendix G is the letter from me to the Office of the President which officially terminated 1IR.PA. The major publications, for which the members of IIRPA made significant contributions, are listed in Appendix H. It is a record to be proud of, and I thank those hard working IIRPA people who made it possible. Following the termination of support by DOE, the Physics Department at UCSD would provide no advice or support for the tenure research appointment staff (two positions), but the staff of the P A P S office, who had taken over administration of the contract, worked exceptionally hard to ease that transition. All of the IIRPA members are deeply appreciative of that effort.

18, 658-670 J. Synchrotron Rad


Author(s) of this paper may load this reprint on their own web site or institutional repository provided that this cover page is retained. Republication of this article or its storage in electronic databases other than as specified above is not permitted without prior permission in writing from the IUCr. For further information see http://journals.iucr.org/services/authorrights.html Synchrotron radiation research is rapidly expanding with many new sources of radiation being created globally. Synchrotron radiation plays a leading role in pure science and in emerging technologies. The Journal of Synchrotron Radiation provides comprehensive coverage of the entire field of synchrotron radiation research including instrumentation, theory, computing and scientific applications in areas such as biology, nanoscience and materials science. Rapid publication ensures an up-to-date information resource for scientists and engineers in the field. BioCARS, a NIH-supported national user facility fo...

Notes on synchrotron radiation


I comment on a number of theoretical issues related to magnetobremsstrahlung, and especially on synchrotron radiation and Unruh (temperature) radiation, that I consider of importance for the current progress towards a better understanding of the stationary features of such fundamental radiation patterns both in an accelerator context and, more generally, in the physical world

Synchrotron science in the UK: NINA, the SRS and Diamond

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2019

The development of synchrotron science over the last 50 years is reviewed from the perspective of the authors' own scientific programmes. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Fifty years of synchrotron science: achievements and opportunities’.

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation

Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography, 1993

At the Swiss Light Source macromolecular crystallography (MX) beamlines the collection of serial synchrotron crystallography (SSX) diffraction data is facilitated by the recent DA+ data acquisition and analysis software developments. The SSX suite allows easy, efficient and high-throughput measurements on a large number of crystals. The fast continuous diffractionbased two-dimensional grid scan method allows initial location of microcrystals. The CY+ GUI utility enables efficient assessment of a grid scan's analysis output and subsequent collection of multiple wedges of data (so-called minisets) from automatically selected positions in a serial and automated way. The automated data processing (adp) routines adapted to the SSX data collection mode provide near real time analysis for data in both CBF and HDF5 formats. The automatic data merging (adm) is the latest extension of the DA+ data analysis software routines. It utilizes the sxdm (SSX data merging) package, which provides automatic online scaling and merging of minisets and allows identification of a minisets subset resulting in the best quality of the final merged data. The results of both adp and adm are sent to the MX MongoDB database and displayed in the web-based tracker, which provides the user with on-the-fly feedback about the experiment. computer programs J. Synchrotron Rad. (2019). 26, 244-252 Shibom Basu et al. Automated data collection for serial synchrotron crystallography 245 electronic reprint computer programs 246 Shibom Basu et al. Automated data collection for serial synchrotron crystallography