A Simulation of H-mode Plasma in DIII-D Tokamak with Complete Core-Edge-SOL Model Using Integrated Predictive Modeling Code (original) (raw)

Plasma Scenario Study for HT-6M Tokamak Using BALDUR Integrated Predictive Modeling Code

Plasma and Fusion Research, 2018

This study investigates the plasma performance in HT-6 M tokamak using 1.5D integrated predictive modeling code BALDUR. The simulations are carried out under the designed plasma conditions, including R = 65 cm, a = 20 cm, B T = 1.5 T, n e = 1 × 10 19 m −3 and I p = 40-150 kA without external heating. In these simulations, a combination of turbulence and neoclassical transports is used for predicting thermal and particle transport. Thus, the plasma evolution for plasma current, temperature, and density can be predicted under a designed condition. In addition, the influence of current rampup for the plasma performanceis investigated. The scenario study for the tokamak is also carried out by varying plasma current. To summarize the results yield the electron temperature at the center T e (0) = 477-1,551 eV (MMM95) and 328-1,384 eV (Mixed B/gB), the ion temperature at the center T i (0) = 26-50 eV (MMM95) and 18-42 eV (Mixed B/gB) the electron densit y = 6.4 × 10 18-1.4 × 10 19 m −3 in both Mixed B/gB and MMM95 simulations. Using the obtained plasma parameters, the radiated power of the carbon impurity is assessed.

The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling effort: Achievements and first physics results

The achievements and first physics results are presented of the European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Task Force (EFDA ITM-TF) effort, aiming at providing a standardized platform and an integrated modelling suite of validated numerical codes, for the simulation and prediction of a complete plasma discharge in arbitrary tokamaks. The framework developed by the ITM-TF, based on a generic data structure enclosing both simulated and experimental data, allowed for the development of sophisticated integrated simulations (workflows) for physics application. The equilibrium reconstruction and linear MHD stability simulation chain was applied, in particular, to the analysis of the edge MHD stability of ASDEX Upgrade type-I ELMy H-mode discharges and ITER hybrid scenario, demonstrating the stabilizing effect of an increased Shafranov shift on edge modes. A successful benchmark among five EC beam/ray-tracing codes was performed in the ITM framework for an ITER inductive scenario for different ...

Plasma Edge Kinetic-MHD Modeling in Tokamaks Using Kepler Workflow for Code Coupling, Data Management and Visualization

A new predictive computer simulation tool targeting the development of the H-mode pedestal at the plasma edge in tokamaks and the triggering and dynamics of edge localized modes (ELMs) is presented in this report. This tool brings together, in a coordinated and effective manner, several first-principles physics simulation codes, stability analysis packages, and data processing and visualization tools. A Kepler workflow is used in order to carry out an edge plasma simulation that loosely couples the kinetic code, XGC0, with an ideal MHD linear stability analysis code, ELITE, and an extended MHD initial value code such as M3D or NIMROD. XGC0 includes the neoclassical ion-electron-neutral dynamics needed to simulate pedestal growth near the separatrix. The Kepler workflow processes the XGC0 simulation results into simple images that can be selected and displayed via the Dashboard, a monitoring tool implemented in AJAX allowing the scientist to track computational resources, examine running and archived jobs, and view key physics data, all within a standard Web

A second generation code for modeling tokamak edge plasmas

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1992

We describe the development and status of our "second generation" tokamak plasma edge modeling code, UCLA-EMS. The design goals are flexible geometric modeling, robust and efficient numerics, easy alteration of modeling equations, and ease of use, via a graphical user interface. Fluid equations are discretized using a finite element-control volume hybrid method on a general quadrilateral mesh, not necessarily aligned with flux surfaces. The resulting nonlinear equations are solved using a Newton's method, and the linearized system resulting at each Newton iteration is solved by a preconditioned conjugate gradient method.