Historic “Modus Operandi” in the Revitalization of Ancient Towns: Japanese and Polish Experience (original) (raw)
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ReUSO Matera : Patrimonio in Divenire : conoscere, valorizzare, abitare , 2019
In recent years Poland has seen yet another wave of the reconstruction of historical structures. Projects of this type are meant to aid the revitalisation of historical cities and towns. Decisions about these reconstruction projects are made by local administrative authorities on the basis of fully mercantile considerations rather than a need to restore the memory of their own heritage. They are associated with the hope of obtaining funds from European Union. The reconstructed structures are meant to increase the attractiveness of centres of towns that have become decayed due to many years of neglect. The author wishes to present the results of her research on three selected cases of revitalisation programmes of small towns, in which their historical character was reconstructed thanks to these subsidies. The new presentation of the historical values of the place often uses heritage that is culturally alien to local communities, with the aim being the obtainment of new external investors and tourists. The social acceptance of reconstruction projects is partially motivated by ressentiment, as well as a lack of sufficient faith in the attractiveness of forms and solutions proposed by contemporary architecture.
Scientific Committee of Conference:, prof. Lechosław Lameński (Catholic University in Lublin), prof. Beate Störtkuhl (BKGE, University in Oldenburg), prof. Jan Salm (University of Technology in Lodz), prof. Marcel Smets (KU Leuven, prof. Emeritus) prof. Mirosław J. Śmiałek (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Pedagogic and Arts Faculty in Kalisz), prof. Krzysztof Walczak (Wroclaw University), prof. Agnieszka Zabłocka-Kos (Wroclaw University).
Revitalization of Cities in the Absence of Legislative Support: The Case of Poznan
Polish Sociological Review, 2014
Abstract: The article describes the problem of revitalization in a central and eastern European context as an element of the picture of social change. The article recapitulates the social and the spatial experiment which started in 2005 when one of the first processes of revitalization in Poland began. The idea of the revitalization was anchored in two places. The first was the socially rooted idea of the participation of inhabitants in urban planning, based on East German experiences (support in the original context by low dedicated particularly for revitalization processes). The second was that of improving the "touristic portfolio" of the city rooted in the multicultural history of the place, and the local identity. Actions which mainly relate to communication, cultural and social initiatives turned on processes which the author called "unsuccessful gentrification." The article attempts to identify what happened and why it happened. The investigation is based ...
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Development Possibilities of Historic Towns in Shrinkage – Case Study of Łódź, Poland
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Post-Second World War Reconstruction of Polish Cities: The Interplay Between Politics and Paradigms
Urban Planning
By the end of the Second World War, many of the Polish cities—and especially their historic centres—were in ruins. This was caused by both bombings and sieges conducted by the Nazis and Soviets. The particular group of cities is associated with former German lands—now called the “Recovered Territories”—which were incorporated into the borders of Poland as compensation for its Eastern Borderlands lost to the Soviet Union. These cities started to be gradually rebuilt after the end of the war, although one can distinguish certain stages and types of interventions, varying from the restoration and idealisation of the pre-war townscapes (so-called “Polish School of Conservation,” which was developed along principles contradictory to the urban conservation theories of these times) to late modern as well as postmodern (called the “retroversion”) principles. This process is ongoing, meaning the reconstruction of the historic cities is not yet completed. At the same time, these processes wer...
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Process Of Revitalization Of The City Centers In Poland: The Problem Of Cooperation Between Sectors
Contemporary city is a subject to rapid economic and<br> social changes. Therefore, it requires an active policy designed to<br> meet the diverse needs of their residents, build competitive position<br> and capacity to compete with other cities. Competitiveness of cities<br> depends largely on their resources but also to a large extent, on the<br> policies and performance of local authorities. Cooperation with social<br> sector also plays an important role, as it affects the use of resources<br> and builds an advantage over other cities.<br> The subject of this article is city's contemporary problems of<br> development with particular emphasis on central areas. This issue is a<br> starting point for reflection on the process of urban regeneration in<br> medium size cities in Poland, as well as cooperation between various<br> actors and their roles in the revitalization processes of Polish cities'<br&g...