Bilgiyi Toplama Mekanı: Kütüphane Binaları (2010). Mimar.İst :Mimarlık Kültürü Dergisi, İstanbul, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi, Sayı: 37, ss. 55-59. (original) (raw)

Aysev Deneç E. (2017) Oda: Tek Mekanda Yerleşim, Dosya ed. Arredamento Mimarlık, Sayı: 315, sayfa: 80-107, Boyut Yayınları, İstanbul.pdf


İnsana dair sayısız pratiği kapsayacak ve karşılayacak tek bir mekanda barınma, pek çok açıdan ele alınması gereken bir fikir. Tek mekanda barınma pratikleri bilinçli sanatsal, politik, ekolojik seçimler ile ilgili olabildiği kadar ekonomik kısıtlar, yoksunluk ve siyasi baskı rejimlerinin dayatması ile de biçimlenebilmekte. Konuyu tartışırken, yeryüzünde minimum ayak izi bırakarak varolmanın, mekanı ve hayatı konvansiyonel, programatik kompartmanlara ayırmadan barınmanın yaratıcı enerjisi kadar mahremiyetten yoksun, kapatılmış, mahrum bırakılmış, istiflenmiş olmanın yıpratıcılığından da bahsetmek gerek.

Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Dündar, “XVI. Yüzyıl Bazı Osmanlı Mimarları”, Ankara Üniversitesi İlâhiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: XLIII, Sayı: 1, Ankara 2002, ss.231-262.


This study invastigates the contributions of 107 architects to ottoman architecture, who lived during 16th. century. Because there are very little knowledge about these architects. This study depends upon researches made in Ottoman Archive and Topkapı Palace Museum Archive. Therefore, the knowledge about these architects restricted to archive documents. In this research we focused on unknown architects and we aimed to introduce their works. For this reason Sinan and Davud Aga, who were most famous architects in sixteenth century, had been maintained very little. Architects in sixteenth century are not limited to these 107 architects that were introduced in this article. Key words: Architect, architecture, monuments, mosque, Architects of Hassa, building, salary (ulûfe), citadel.

Gececi, M., Düzgün Bekdaş, H. ve Kara Pilehvarian, N. (2021). Mimar Mehmed Nihad Nigizberk ve Çalışmaları. Yakın Mimarlık Dergisi, 4(2), 65-89

Mimar Mehmed Nihad Nigizberk ve Çalışmaları, 2021

Architect Mehmed Nihad Nigizberk and His Works In this paper, the life and works of the architect Mehmed Nihad Nigizberk, who is a member of the Association of Ottoman Engineer and Architect, were examined, although it was very important for the period, it was not fully emphasized. From the II. Constitutional Monarchy to the Republic, being included Architect Nihad in the associations established by Ottoman engineers and architects is an important indicator of the "freedom" environment in which he grew up and it influence on him. Architect Nihad, who grew up in the Evkaf ecole of Architect Kemaleddin, became an important representative of the National Architecture style from the Ottoman to the Republic. Koç University Mehmet Nihat Nigizberk Collection of Architectural Drawings and Photographs, which was opened in June 2019, created a new resource to illuminate the gaps of Architect Nihad's work. The article "Architect Nihad Nigizberk, 1878-1945" published by Vasfi Egeli in Arkitekt magazine after the death of Mehmed Nihad Nigizberk is the earliest text written about him. "Mehmet Nihat Nigisberk's Contributions, Foundations Administration and Architect Kemalettin" written by Ali Cengizkan at the Symposium of Architect Kemalettin and His Period, Architecture / Social Life / Politics organized by TMMOB Chamber of Architects in 2007, provided the most comprehensive information about Nihad Nigizberk, However the life of Nigizberk is examined through Architect Kemaleddin. In this study, it is aimed to increase the knowledge on Architect Nihad by adding new information and documents.

14-Hüseyin Muşmal, Çetinaslan, Mustafa, “Bir Keşif Defteri Işığında Konya Kapı Camii’nin İnşa Süreci ve Mimari Özellikleri”, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, C. 2, Sayı: 6, 2009, s. 446-480.

Özet Kapı Camii, ilk defa 1658 yılında Mevlâna’nın torunlarından Konya Mevlevi dergâhı postniini Pir Hüseyin Çelebi tarafından yaptırılmıtır. 1811 yılında harap olan ilk cami, Eenlerli Köse Müftü adıyla bilinen Abdurrahman Efendi tarafından yenilenmitir. Ancak bu yapı da, 1867 Konya Çarısı yangınında tamamen yanmıtır. Bu tarihten sonra yaklaık iki yıllık bir süreçte ta malzemeden yapılmı olan bugünkü cami ina edilmitir. Ticarî alan içerisinde bir platform üzerine ta malzemeden, avlusuz olarak ina edilen ve kuzey cephesinde alt katına 8 adet dükkân yapılarak ticarî doku ile bütünlemesi salanan Kapı Camii, erafeddin, Sultan Selim ve Aziziye camileri ile tarihî Konya çarısının ve kent siluetinin en önemli öelerinden birisidir. Bu çalımada Kapı Cami’nin 1867 yangınından sonraki ina süreci ele alınmıtır. Bu çerçevede öncelikle yangın sonrasında düzenlenen keif defteri incelenmi ve inaatta kullanılacak malzemeler ile maliyetleri hakkında deerlendirmeler yapılmıtır. Yapının günümüzdeki durumu, plan ve süsleme özellikleri ayrı bir bölüm olarak ele alınmıtır. Çalımanın son kısmında ise 1867 yılında çizilen planı ve keif defterindeki veriler paralelinde genel bir deerlendirmeye yer verilmitir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kapı Camii, Osmanlı Mimarisi, Devirme Malzeme, Konya Çarısı Yangını Abstract The Construction Process and Architectural Characteristics of Konya Kapı Mosque In the Light of a Discovery Book The Kapi Mosque was originally built by Pir Husein Chelebi, the Head of the Konya Mevlevi Lodge who was one of Mevlana’s grandsons, in 1658. This first mosque, which had become ruined by 1811, was renovated by Abdurrahman Effendi, also known as Kose Mufti of Esenler. However, this building was totally burned in the fire that destroyed Downtown Konya in 1867. After this date, the present day mosque of stone material was built in a period of almost two years. The Kapi Mosque was built from stone in a commercial area without a garden and it was integrated into the commercial district by building 8 shops on the underground floor on the northern side. Thus, it is one of the key elements of downtown Konya and the city skyline together with the Serafeddin, Sultan Selim and Aziziye Mosques. The present study investigated the construction process of the Kapi mosque after the fire in 1867. In this framework, firstly, the discovery book, which was arranged after the fire, was examined and assessments were made about the material to be used in the construction and their cost. The present state of the building and its plan and decorative properties were dealt with in a separate section. In the last section of the study, a general assessment was made in accordance with its plan, which was drawn in 1867, and the data in the discovery book. Key Words: The Kapi Mosque, The Ottoman Architecture, Gathered Material, The Downtown Konya Fire