Comparison of 3D CRT and IMRT Tratment Plans (original) (raw)

Comparison of dose distributions in IMRT planning using the gamma function

Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR, 2006

Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) (1) is an advanced form of 3-D conformal radiotherapy. It uses non uniform spatial modifications in the intensity of the beams across the irradiated field. Consequently, it is necessary to develop sophisticated tools to compare measured and calculated dose distributions in order to verify the accuracy of the results of the planned dose distribution. Different methods have been developed to evaluate the accordance between measured and calculated doses, such as the point-to-point dose difference or the evaluation of the distance between two closed points having the same dose value (2-4). The verification method proposed by Low (5-7) seems to be more complete since it takes into account both the dose difference (DD) and the distance to agreement (DTA), allowing to define a "score", the gamma value, at each point of interest. A software tool (DDE: Dose Distribution Evaluator), based on Low's method, to evaluate the agreement between ...

Evaluation of targeted image-guided radiation therapy treatment planning system by use of american association of physicists in medicine task group-119 test cases

Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors

Background: This study aimed to evaluate the overall accuracy of the beam commissioning criteria of targeted image-guided radiation therapy (TiGRT) treatment planning system (TPS) based on the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Task Group Report 119 (TG-119). Methods: The work was performed using 6 MV energy LINAC with a variable dose rate of 200 MU/min which equipped with the high-quality external TiGRT dynamic multileaf collimator model H. The AAPM TG-119 intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) commissioning tests are composed of two preliminary tests and four clinical test cases. The clinical tests consisted of mock prostate, mock head and neck, C-shaped target, and multitarget. EDR2 film was used for evaluating the IMRT plans and point dose measured by a Pinpoint chamber positioned in slab phantom. The film analysis was done with the Sun Nuclear Corporation patient software. The dose prescription for each fraction was 200 cGy in mock prostate, mock head and neck, C-shaped target, and multitarget. Dose distributions were analyzed using gamma criteria of 3% and 2% dose difference (DD) and 3 and 2 mm distance to agreement. Results: In all test cases, the gamma criteria for 2%/2 and 3%/3 were found to be 94% and 98%, respectively. Results showed that the average gamma criteria result was in the range of 99.1% to 93% (3%/3, 2%/2) overall test cases. Conclusions: Findings were favorable and in some tests were comparable with the other studies. The dose point values were within the mean values of the range reported by TG-119. Overall, the TiGRT TPS is needed to apply IMRT technique in radiation therapy centers.

The Effect of Beams' Orientations on the Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Plan Quality

Purpose: The work aims at studying forty Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) plans designed using KonRad system and evaluating each of them under different conditions to study the effect of beams' orientations on the plan quality. Methods: Clinical step-and-shoot IMRT treatment plans were designed for twenty patients, suffering from different types of non-CNS solid tumors, to be delivery on a Siemens Oncor accelerator with multi-leaf collimators MLCs (82 leaf). To ensure that the similarity or difference between the plans was due to effect of beams' orientations, the same optimization constraints were applied for each plan and all other parameters were kept constant. Results: The analysis of performance was based on isodose distributions, Dose Volume Histograms (DVHs) for Planning Target Volume (PTV), the relevant Organs at Risk (OARs) as well as several physical indices like mean dose (D mean), maximum dose (D max), 95% dose (D95), integral dose, volume of tumor receiving 2 Gy and 5 Gy, total number of segments and monitor units (MUs). Homogeneity index and conformation number were two other evaluation parameters that were considered in this study. Conclusion: All coplanar CP and non-coplanar NC techniques result in clinically acceptable plans, with comparable target doses and dose to critical organs within prescribed dose constraints. For different organs at risk, the coplanar IMRT, the greatest advantage of non-coplanar IMRT was the marked reduction of general trend was that non-coplanar plans achieved the lowest values, while coplanar plans showed the highest. Significant differences (P<0.05) exist only between the homogeneity index HI (1.092 and 1.088) and Monitor Unit MU (357.79 and 341.80) of CP and NC plans respectively. Compared with the integral dose (p=0.007).

The Dosimetric Effects of Different Beam Energy on Physical Dose Distributions in IMRT Based on Analysis of Physical Indices

Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2013

This work aimed at evaluating the effect of 6-and 10-MV photon energies on intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment plan outcome in different selected diagnostic cases. For such purpose, 19 patients, with different types of non CNS solid tumers, were selected. Clinical step-and-shoot IMRT treatment plans were designed for delivery on a Siemens Oncor accelerator with 82 leafs; multi-leaf collimators (MLCs). To ensure that the similarity or difference among the plans is due to energy alone, the same optimization constraints were applied for both energy plans. All the parameters like beam angles, number of beams, were kept constant to achieve the same clinical objectives. The Comparative evaluation was based on dose-volumetric analysis of both energy IMRT plans. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Several physical indices for Planning Target Volume (PTV), the relevant Organs at Risk (OARs) as mean dose (Dmean), maximum dose (Dmax), 95% dose (D95), integral dose, total number of segments, and the number of MU were applied. Homogeneity index and conformation number were two other evaluation parameters that were considered in this study. Collectively, the use of 6 MV photons was dosimetrically comparable with 10 MV photons in terms of target coverage, homogeneity, conformity, and OAR savings. While 10-MV plans showed a significant reduction in the number of MUs that varied between 4.2% and 16.6% (P-value = 0.0001) for the different cases compared to 6-MV. The percentage volumes of each patient receiving 2 Gy and 5 Gy were compared for the two energies. The general trend was that 6-MV plans had the highest percentage volume, (P-value = 0.0001, P-value = 0.006) respectively. 10-MV beams actually decreased the integral dose (from average 183.27 ± 152.38 Gy-Kg to 178.08 ± 147.71 Gy-Kg, P-value = 0.004) compared with 6-MV. In general, comparison of the above parameters showed statistically significant differences between 6-MV and 10-MV groups. Based on the present results, the 10-MV is the optimal energy for IMRT, regardless of the concerns about a potential risk of radiation-induced malignancies. It is recommended that the choice to treat at 10 MV be taken as a risk vs. benefit as the clinical significance remains to be determined on case by case basis.

The IMRT information process—mastering the degrees of freedom in external beam therapy

Physics in medicine …, 2006

The techniques and procedures for intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) are reviewed in the context of the information process central to treatment planning and delivery of IMRT. A presentation is given of the evolution of the information based radiotherapy workflow and dose delivery techniques, as well as the volume and planning concepts for relating the dose information to image based patient representations. The formulation of the dose shaping process as an optimization problem is described. The different steps in the calculation flow for determination of machine parameters for dose delivery are described starting from the formulation of optimization objectives over dose calculation to optimization procedures. Finally, the main elements of the quality assurance procedure necessary for implementing IMRT clinically are reviewed. Contents

Acceptance tests and quality control (QC) procedures for the clinical implementation of intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) using inverse planning and the sliding …

Radiotherapy and …, 2002

Background and purpose: An increasing number of radiotherapy centres is now aiming for clinical implementation of intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), but-in contrast to conventional treatment-no national or international guidelines for commissioning of the treatment planning system (TPS) and acceptance tests of treatment equipment have yet been developed. This paper bundles the experience of five radiotherapy departments that have introduced IMRT into their clinical routine. Methods and materials: The five radiotherapy departments are using similar configurations since they adopted the commercially available Varian solution for IMRT, regarding treatment planning as well as treatment delivery. All are using the sliding window technique. Different approaches towards the derivation of the multileaf collimator (MLC) parameters required for the configuration of the TPS are described. A description of the quality control procedures for the dynamic MLC, including their respective frequencies, is given. For the acceptance of the TPS for IMRT multiple quality control plans were developed on a variety of phantoms, testing the flexibility of the inverse planning modules to produce the desired dose pattern as well as assessing the accuracy of the dose calculation. Regarding patient treatment verification, all five centres perform dosimetric pre-treatment verification of the treatment fields, be it on a single field or on a total plan procedure. During the actual treatment, the primary focus is on patient positioning rather than dosimetry. Intracavitary in vivo measurements were performed in special cases. Result and conclusion: The configurational MLC parameters obtained through different methods are not identical for all centres, but the observed variations have shown to be of no significant clinical relevance. The quality control (QC) procedures for the dMLC have not detected any discrepancies since their initiation, demonstrating the reliability of the MLC controller. The development of geometrically simple QC plans to test the inverse planning, the dynamic MLC modules and the final dose calculation has proven to be useful in pointing out the need to remodel the single pencil beam scatter kernels in some centres. The final correspondence between calculated and measured dose was found to be satisfactory by all centres, for QC test plans as well as for pre-treatment verification of clinical IMRT fields. An intercomparison of the man hours needed per patient plan verification reveals a substantial variation depending on the type of measurements performed.

Technical and Dosimetric Considerations in IMRT Treatment Planning for Large Target Volumes

Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 2005

The maximum width of an intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) treatment field is usually smaller than the conventional maximum collimator opening because of design limitations inherent in some multileaf collimators (MLCs). To increase the effective field width, IMRT fluences can be split and delivered with multiple carriage positions. However, not all treatment-planning systems and MLCs support this technique, and if they do, the maximum field width in multiple carriage position delivery is still significantly less than the maximum collimator opening. For target volumes with dimensions exceeding the field size limit for multiple carriage position delivery, such as liver tumors or other malignancies in the abdominal cavity, IMRT treatment can be accomplished with multiple isocenters or with an extended treatment distance. To study dosimetric statistics of large field IMRT planning, an elliptical volume was chosen as a target within a cubic phantom centered at a depth of 7.5 cm. Multiple three-field plans (one AP and two oblique beams with 160° between them to avoid parallel opposed geometry) with constraints designed to give 100% dose to the elliptical target were developed. Plans were designed with a single anterior field with dual carriage positions, or with the anterior field split into two fields with separate isocenters 8 cm apart with the beams being forcibly matched at the isocenter or with a 1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, and 4 cm overlap. The oblique beams were planned with a single carriage position in all cases. All beams had a nominal energy of 6 MV. In the dual isocenter plans, jaws were manually fixed and dose constraints remained unaltered. Dosimetric statistics were studied for plans developed for treatment delivery using both dynamic leaf motion (sliding window) and multiple static segments (step and shoot) with the number of segments varying from 5 to 30. All plans were analyzed based on the dose homogeneity in the isocenter plane, 2 cm anterior and 2 cm posterior to it, along with their corresponding dose-volume histograms (DVHs). All the dual isocenter plans had slight underdosage anterior to the match point and slight overdosage posterior to it, while the dual carriage plan had a nice blending of the dose distribution without the accompanying hot or cold spots. Based on the dose statistics, it was noted that the dual isocenter plans can be clinically acceptable if they have at least a 3-cm overlap. In the case of step and shoot IMRT, the number of segments used in a dual carriage plan was found to affect the overall plan dosimetric indices.