A Necessity or a Premature Move? The Shift of Indonesian Production Sharing Contract in the Oil and Gas Industry (original) (raw)
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This study aims to: 1) analyze empirically and test the effect of cost recovery in the Production Sharing Contract (Oil and Gas Production Sharing). 2) empirically analyze and test the effect of cost recovery in the upstream Oil and Gas Industry on State Revenues. The unit of analysis of this research is the upstream oil and gas industry managed by the Indonesian government with a Production Sharing Contract system with 44 companies or contract operator cooperatives. The population includes those who work as operators of cooperation contract contractors and SKK MIGAS with 62 manager levels, 51 professionals and 18 university researchers. And the researchers also used secondary data in SKK MIGAS in the 1984-20019 period. This research uses a qualitative approach, and the analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis, because the data analysis is done not to accept or reject hypotheses, but in the form of descriptions of observed symptoms, which are not always in the form of numbe...
Keywords Abstract PSC Gross split Net Present Value (NPV) Internal Rate of Return (IRR) This research explores two schemes of oil and gas PSC. First, Cost Recovery (old scheme) that the investor earned a production cost refund. While the second scheme is Gross Split (new scheme), which is the production sharing system without cost of recovery. The Gross Split scheme was implemented by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ignatius Jonan in early 2017 in response to the concerns of People's Representative Council (DPR) Commission VII that the Cost Recovery scheme was no longer prooitable for the government. Thus, there should be a new one which is better, beneeicial, yet attractive to investors to entrust Indonesian oil and gas business. The study was conducted at PT XYZ, the irst PSC Company which implemented Gross Split scheme after its contract period under the Cost Recovery scheme ended in January 2017. The study focuses on two cases of offshore oil and gas development projects, X and Y, by using economic capital budgeting indicators, such as NPV, IRR, and Pay-back Period. In addition, oil and gas iscal calculations are done equally with Net Contractor Take and Government Take, then analyzed the sensitivity of the variable that affects its economic project. The results showed that Gross Split scheme projects have better NPV and IRR values than the Cost Recovery scheme. As for Payback Period, both schemes had the same value. This means that the economic value of Gross Split scheme project is better. However , it turns out that the Government Take value is much smaller. While from the sensitivity analysis, the amount of production and price is very sensitive to both economic projects as well as the widespread on the Gross Split scheme. It can be concluded that the PSC Gross Split scheme will beneeit the Contractor if it is accomplished with good planning of Work Program & Budgeting (WPB), accurate calculation of oil and gas reserve, timely development of oil and gas facilities, along with the efficient use of production costs. For the government, although the income is smaller, on the other hand, it is no longer burdened with cost recovery of production which has been disrupting state's inance in the development of exploration and domestic oil and gas production.
Compatible Concept of Contract Law with Oil and Gas Production Sharing Contract in Indonesia
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), DOI : 10.9790/0837-2409031021 Series. 3 (September. 2019) 10-21 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. www.iosrjournals.org, 2019
The practice of Gross Split and Cost Recovery contracts for oil and gas production sharing results in inconsistency in the concept of oil and gas production sharing contract. This inconsistency will contribute to inability to reach the natural resource management as mandated by the fourth paragraph of the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, related to Article 33, point (3) of the 1945 Constitution, related to Article 1 and 2 of the Agrarian Law, related to Article 4 of oil and gas law, related to Article 25 in point (1) of Government Regulation No 55 of 2009. The regulations for oil and gas production sharing contract which is public and private have not been integrated into one guideline, and thus private, and public laws are often used as the guideline. Based on the comparison of the two types of oil and gas production sharing contracts, Gross Split contract might degrade the principle of ownership by the state in managing oil and gas compared to Cost Recovery contract. This disadvantage is evident from the lack of government role in supervising and monitoring the management of oil and gas, and this lacking government role can reduce the chain effect of the national economy. Key words : contract, oil and gas production sharing contract, Gross Split and Cost Recovery contracts
Lentera Hukum
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The Legality of Oil & Gas Production Sharing Contract Gross Split Scheme
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The study was conducted to analyze and compare the economic results of the current oil and gas Production Sharing Contract (PSC) systems of Cost Recovery and Gross Split in Indonesia. This was due to the introduction of a new regulation passed through ESDM Regulation No. 08 of 2017 and revised with Permen No.52 Year 2017. Based on data processing and calculations, the economy of the Y field, PSC Gross Split was found to be better with net income contract amounting to 206.42 million US Dollars compared to PSC Cost Recovery of 107.74 million US Dollars with a total investment of 258,41 million US Dollars. Besides, the Net Present Value (NPV) was 107,85 MMUSD and 54,28 MMUSD, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) was 62,24% and 46,82%, and Pay Out Time (POT) was 3,11 years and 3,31 years for Gross Split and Cost Recovery respectively.
Comparative Analysis of Nigeria and Malaysia’s Production Sharing Contract (PSC)
European Journal of Business and Management, 2021
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The Role of the State in Upstream Oil and Gas Gross Split Contracts
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Business, Law And Pedagogy, ICBLP 2019, 13-15 February 2019, Sidoarjo, Indonesia, 2019
The enactment of the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 08 of 2017 regarding Gross Split Production Sharing Contracts marks a new era for Indonesia's Upstream Oil and Gas Industry. Gross Split was introduced as the government's answer to the dissatisfaction with the Cost Recovery scheme that has been going on for decades. Without making changes to Law No. 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas, the Government considered it necessary to immediately issue regulations related to the Gross Split scheme in order to increase state revenues in the upstream oil and gas sector. Gross Split contracts also offer bureaucratic cuts in investment procedures expected to attract investors. This research aimed to analyse the legal aspect related to Gross Split regulation and to determine the extent of the government's role in implementing control and supervision of contractor activities in the Gross Split Scheme.