Kids, Divorce, and Teachers (original) (raw)

Children of Divorce: The Impact on Classroom Behavior


This paper presents research on the influence of divorce on the classroom behavior of school-aged children. It attempts to uncover some contributing factors that may play a role in how a child deals with divorce. It explores the role of the teacher and school in the intervention and discusses what teachers have observed in working with children of divorce. Data were gathered from a literature review and from interviews with 48 elementary school students. Ten teaching professionals were interviewed about their experiences working with children from divorced families. The literature review suggests that the major contributing factors that may play a role in how a child responds to divorce are parental conflict; parental involvement; family structure; and economic strain. Professionals report that children of divorce have more difficulty behaviorally and academically. They also suggest that children from divorce are more aggressive; pushy; needy for attention; physical; and have difficulty controlling their anger. Schools can play a major role in helping children deal with divorce and can help promote a child's adjustment to the new situation as described in the interviews with professionals. Teachers need to have close contact with parents, provide an environment of love and acceptance, and work to instill confidence in each of these children. (Contains 8 appendixes and 79 references.) (JDM) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.

The impact of divorce on middle & high schools students

Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry

This paper discusses the impact of divorce on middle and high school students' education. Considering the recent rise in the proportion of divorce and the students drop-out of school in UK, and Turkey,1,2 it is crucial to write about this topic to raise awareness of parents, teachers, counselors, social workers about it, and to contribute to the ongoing discussions about the impact of divorce on different age group of people. The main aim of this paper is to explain the concept of divorce, its impact on middle and high school students and also to provide school and parents based prevention strategies as well as school counselor and intervention techniques. By doing so, the paper anticipates to draw the attention of parents, schools, school counselors, and researchers considering this significant problem. The paper starts with a brief definition of divorce, followed by divorce impacts on middle and high school students, prevention strategies, and some intervention techniques that...

The impact of divorce on middle & high schools students Volume 13 Issue 3 -2022

MedCrave, 2022

This paper discusses the impact of divorce on middle and high school students’ education. Considering the recent rise in the proportion of divorce and the students dropping out of school in the UK, and Turkey,1,2 it is crucial to write about this topic to raise awareness among parents, teachers, counselors, and social workers about it, and to contribute to the ongoing discussions about the impact of divorce on different age group of people. The main aim of this paper is to explain the concept of divorce, and its impact on middle and high school students and also to provide school and parents-based prevention strategies as well as school counselor and intervention techniques. By doing so, the paper anticipates drawing the attention of parents, schools, school counselors, and researchers considering this significant problem. The paper starts with a brief definition of divorce, followed by divorce impacts on middle and high school students, prevention strategies, and some intervention techniques that could be applied by teachers, school counselors, and parents to minimize the psychological effect of divorce on students from divorced parents


Overall, well done. The results is very nicely objective and clear, and your insights in the discussion are important and well-supported with both observation and citations. Do pelase wrok a bit on the overall structure and flow of the paper, but the ideas you express in it are fantastic. Really, well done! Abstract Divorce is an experience that unfortunately affects a large number of early childhood and elementary students. An intervention was conducted with ten children, three days a week, three hours each day for one month, with the target population of three years of age. Each child had an individualized behavioral plan (IBP), listing goals that each student should accomplish by the end of one-month intervention. A token system, which is a system of behavior modification through positive reinforcement, will be provided for all students. The intervention helped these children experiencing divorce make progress with their separation anxiety; attain a reduction in their targetted, disruptive behaviors; and generally have a more successful classroom experience.

The impact of divorce on middle & high schools students

Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry, 2022

According to Barthel and Marshall, 3 divorce is the formal legal dissolution of legally constituted marriage. Diedrick, 4 defined divorce as the as a profoundly devastating life experience. In my perspective, these definitions ignore cultural differences between people. A better definition of divorce could be a termination of a marriage through different processes including religion, cultural or judicial process. According to statistics on children of divorce (as cited in Jason, 2022), 21% of American children live without their fathers. Divorce has also affected children in Turkey. According to the Turkish Statistical Institute (2020), meanwhile, the number of married couples were 542 thousand 314 in 2019, decreased by 10.1% to 487 thousand 270 in 2020. The crude marriage rate expressed as the number of marriages for every thousand inhabitants was 5.84 per thousand in 2020, and there were 165,937 children in the custody of their mother or father after their parents divorced. A study conducted in the UK by researchers from the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (2019), highlights that children with divorced parents in late childhood and early adolescence showed an average 16 percent increase in emotional difficulties and an 8 percent rise in behavioral troubles in the short term. Pong and Ju, 5 have shown that high school withdrawal rates for students who reside with both parents were considerably less than for teens with single parents. They have argued that the dropout ratio is approximately twice as high for any student teen in a family type different from a two-parent intact family. The conventional wisdom is that children of middle and high school ages from divorce parents face many difficulties, ranging from difficulties such as aggressive behavior, delinquency, school failure, etc. The main role played by psychologists and sociologists in the construction of this point of view is central at the beginning of the twentieth century in particular by trying to establish a causality between domestic instability and delinquency. 6 A study conducted in the UK by researchers from the UCL, 1 showed that kids with divorced parents in late childhood and early adolescence, from 7 to 14 years of age, showed an average 16 percent increase in emotional difficulties and an 8 percent rise in behavioral troubles in the short term. Jeynes, 7 argued that on average, middle school students from divorced parents are slightly poorer in term cognitive ability compared with students who live in intact families. Divorce of parents mostly impacts students of middle or high school in many ways including academic performance, psychological well-being, personality, behavior, and negative perspective on the people and their future lives.

Divorce and its negative impact on the educational achievement of school students

Mohammed Mosa Foqara

This article "Divorce and its negative impact on the educational achievement of School Students " sheds light on the phenomenon of divorce and its negative impact on children's educational achievements. This article is intended to contribute to the enrichment of knowledge in the field of divorce, the field of education, and the field of education. The social and cultural context. The increase in the incidence of divorce increases the interest in dealing with this issue, which is a worrying phenomenon, since the divorce of the parents has consequences for the children's lives and in fact directly affects the educational achievements in general, and afterwards. We have academically weak children and this has a negative impact on society because the children are the backbone of any society and they are the people of society's future.

Academic achievement in children of divorce

Journal of School Psychology, 1996

The influence of parental divorce on Swedish children's final grades from compulsory school was studied. The study group comprised all children (n = 74) of a 1-year-sample of divorcing parents, who finished school within 1 year before, to 5 years after the parental divorce. Each child was matched with two classmates of the same sex from nondivorced homes, born at approximately the same time (control group). Comparisons of grade point average were made among children with different socioeconomic status. The grades of the children of divorce and the controls were similar, but children of manual workers were found to have a lower grade point average than children of higher level nonmanual employees. Thus, the study indicates that parental divorce in itself does not imply a significantly detoriated outcome in final school grades among children.

The Impact of Divorce on Children

This paper will present an overview of the impact of divorce on children and some of the ways that are intended to help children of divorce to successfully function in society. The impact of divorce on children takes many different forms. From mental and physical health concerns to financial instability, children suffer the most in the divorce situation. When a couple, who have children, divorces it affects the whole family. Children of divorced parents experience school and social related problems. Their routines are disrupted and they feel disconnected from one or the other parent. Custodial arrangements are another factor of impact for the children. This causes emotional stress and behavioral problems to develop within the child. Financial instability is another factor for children of divorced parents. In some cases a single parent household cannot maintain living conditions of the previous joint household. Children of couples, who divorce, are challenged in many different ways to cope with the reality of their new situation. These children often struggle in their environment due to many different factors but there are ways to help with the situation.

Divorce: Causes and Effects on Children

Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies

This paper investigates “Divorce: Causes and Effects on Children.” Worthy of note is that the fact that, divorce is not an uncommon experience in human history. It is experienced by couples irrespective of their social, religious, academic, political, economic, etc. status. One of the most hit in the saga of divorce are children born into the wedlock where divorce is experienced. The effects of this divorce on children are most often not well considered by the parents who embark on taking the status of divorcees. This becomes the onus of this paper using sociological and psychoanalytical approaches to the study of human institutions to study these effects on children, though not without looking at the causes of divorce. The paper reveals that the effects of divorce on children often are emotional, psychological, economical and religious spheres among others and recommends ways in which these effects can be minimized among children.