Traditional printing works in maximum garment industries are facing different problems like low productivity, longer production lead time, high rework and rejection, low flexibility, lower quality product, high non-value added work etc. In this study these different problems were identified by using numerous effective production control tools like process analysis, layout of work station, motion and time study, work standardization etc. The encouraging results after implementing these tools give the way to go forward and thrust to reach at the end point. Some key benefits of this implementation are decrease in sample rejection level by 70%, reduction of work level for repairing works by 80%. Value stream mapping has been used to identify the most bottleneck process. Eliminating bottleneck process results in reduction of excess motion and non-value added works by 50%. As a result, total processing time for final output is decreased. After the implementation of these tools effectively, the result shows a significant improvement of the production than before.

Implementation of Production Control Tools in Garments Manufacturing Process Focusing Printing Section.

International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering 2013 (ICMIME2013) 1-3 November, 2013, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. , 2013

"Traditional printing works in maximum garment industries are facing different problems like low productivity, longer production lead time, high rework and rejection, low flexibility, lower quality product, high non-value added work etc. In this study these different problems were identified by using numerous effective production control tools like process analysis, layout of work station, motion and time study, work standardization etc. The encouraging results after implementing these tools give the way to go forward and thrust to reach at the end point. Some key benefits of this implementation are reduction of excess motion and non value added work by 50%, decreasing of sample rejection level by 70%, reduction of work level for repairing works by 80%. As a result total processing time for final output is decreased. After the implementation of these tools effectively the result shows the significant improvement of the production than before."


In Bangladesh a significant amount of foreign currency comes from the RMG sector. Garment industries in developing countries are more focused on sourcing of raw material and minimizing delivery cost than labor productivity because of the availability of cheap labor. Due to this, labor productivity is lower in developing countries than in the developed ones. So productivity improvement is one of the major concern in garments factories. This paper addresses the scope of value stream mapping (VSM) application in a selected garments factory of Bangladesh. The core idea behind the thesis work was to examine the existing condition of production system where there is no application of VSM technique and to analyze the scope of VSM technique application in the studied production line. The main objective of the research paper is to identify various wastes occurs in the production system. Additionally it tries to find out some areas for improvement and propose some improvement strategies. In this concern this case study has been conducted focusing cutting, finishing and on a particular production line of sewing section in a selected garments factory. During the investigation, attention has been concentrated how non-value adding activity hampers daily production rate and how to improve the productivity. Value adding, non-value adding (necessary and unnecessary) processes and different types of wastes have been identified by drawing the current state map for cutting, sewing and finishing sections. The study focuses on removing the big losses namely, breakdown losses, quality loss, small stops, startup rejects to improve the effectiveness of the production line. Some strategies are proposed for reducing these losses and improving the overall productivity. It is found that the non-value adding time has contributed significantly in total production lead time. Finally, a future state map has been proposed to the management that will be benefited for productivity improvement of the existing production system as well as to reduce the non-value adding time. 1. Introduction In Bangladesh, the Ready Made Garment (RMG) Industry has emerged as a major economic sector and has had its impact on the financial service sector, communication, transportation and on other related industries. 2 million workers in 4,000 factories, which is about one-fourth of the number of employees engaged in the manufacturing sector, constitute the real backbone of the country's economy [1]. Garment industries in developing countries are more focused on sourcing of raw material and minimizing delivery cost than labor productivity because of the availability of cheap labor. Due to this, labor productivity is lower in developing countries than in the developed ones. For example, labor is very cheap in Bangladesh but the productivity is low among other developing countries. Similarly, the cost of fabric is a major part of the garment so there seems to be great need for improvement in this sector. Even in developing countries the CAD and CAM system for fabric cutting has been implemented to save fabric. Now the worry is about labor productivity and making production flexible. The fashion industry is highly volatile and if the orders are not fulfilled on time, the fear for losing business is real. This means that time is very important driver for success. The Company that delivers goods with a shorter lead time is the market winner. This can be achieved greatly by adopting lean manufacturing system which is more than a cost reduction program. It aims at eliminating wastes which could be in the form of excess production and inventory, redundant movement of material, waiting and delays, over processing, excess worker motion, rework and corrections. Part of lean manufacturing is assessing operations and processes or products that add cost rather than value. Each step of the manufacturing process is examined to determine if it adds value to the product. If it does not add value, the process could be assigned to a subcontractor or outsourcing company in order to focus the workforce on value-added operations of its core business. This is known as value stream which is a set of processes required to transform raw materials into finished goods that customer's value. In this research work, the scope of one of the most important Lean Manufacturing tool called " Value Stream Mapping " will be evaluated in a selected garments factory

Study and Analysis of the Scope of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) Technique Application in a Selected Garments


In Bangladesh a significant amount of foreign currency comes from the RMG sector. Garment industries in developing countries are more focused on sourcing of raw material and minimizing delivery cost than labor productivity because of the availability of cheap labor. Due to this, labor productivity is lower in developing countries than in the developed ones. So productivity improvement is one of the major concern in garments factories. This paper addresses the scope of value stream mapping (VSM) application in a selected garments factory of Bangladesh. The core idea behind the thesis work was to examine the existing condition of production system where there is no application of VSM technique and to analyze the scope of VSM technique application in the studied production line. The main objective of the research paper is to identify various wastes occurs in the production system. Additionally it tries to find out some areas for improvement and propose some improvement strategies. In t...

IJERT-Improvement of Manufacturing Production Process using Quality Value Stream Mapping

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2015 In this research work is to develop a quality value stream mapping (Q-VSM) for a production in a heavy transformer manufacturing company in India. The process begins with creating a current state map (CSM) and understands the production flow and the current cycle times. This provides the current information needed to produce a future state map (FSM). The goal is to identify and eliminate the waste, and non-added materials which is any activity that does not add value to the final manufacturing product, in the production process of the company. To collect the information needed, the study was conducted within the manufacturing production facility to enable the researcher gained knowledge and familiarized with the production flow and the activities being performed at the shop floor of the company. Parameters such as working time, cycle times, brake down times, and work in process for inventory and manufacturing materials, and information flow paths were recorded. High performance computer based "ARENA" simulation software was used to simulate and analyze the process flow and working process times. Result from the analysis shows that there are areas where the company can further improve their Manufacturing Production System (MPS). The results show the improvement of the manufacturing efficiency up to 64% based on the new proposed arrangement of the layout. Therefore propose of shop floor layout will be guided to the company in order to improve their manufacturing production system.


IRJET, 2020

This research has been performed to implement the Lean manufacturing in manufacturing unit with the help of value stream mapping i.e. tool of Lean Manufacturing. Value Stream mapping being an efficient Lean tool has appeared as the ideal way to spot and remove waste, through continuous improvement in almost every type of production industry. This research aims at analyzing on how value stream mapping can be applied to a manufacturing business, in specification to the company manufacturing shirts. This research kicks off with the notion of incorporation of lean techniques with manufacturing and results in encouraging response with noteworthy reduction in lead times. The process is first designed to reflect current state of the cutting section then analyzed for improvements. Thereby the value stream is redesigned to obtain an optimized flow of process i.e. future state. The research concludes with a result that the implementation of future state value stream map can give a considerable reduction in the current lead time in a day in cutting section with up to 60%

Reduction of Manufacturing Lead Time by Value Stream Mapping of a Selected RMG Factory in Bangladesh

Asian Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology

Bangladesh is a fast-growing economy powered by the readymade garments (RMG) industry which has promoted the country in the world through the motto ‘Made in Bangladesh’. The RMG industry has become the lifeline of the economy of Bangladesh. However, this industry faces several significant obstacles to its continued, sustainable expansion. The trading climate has become very competitive because of the phase-out of the export quota system. Additionally, with today’s rapid fashion, consumers want items with short lead times and affordable prices. Adopting the lean methodology across the board in the garment business is essential for long-term sustainability in this cutthroat context. Lean manufacturing is a philosophy to deliver the finest goods on time with minimum endeavor and less price. Lean manufacturing aims to cut lead times and remove wastes that don’t impose value on products. The purpose of this research is to identify wastes and to reduce manufacturing lead time by eliminati...


This paper discusses the problems with the Current State Map (CSM) were identified, by highlighting non-value added activities, The existing system is investigated for lead time problems and suitable remedial measures were implemented through VSM . The lean concepts and techniques are implemented in a garment unit . The outcome is that the the complete lead time is once decreased from 51 days to 43 days. The WIP at every work station has also been decreased.

Productivity Improvement of Cutting and Sewing Section by Implementation of Value Steam Method in a Garments Industry

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 2019

Delivery with quality and quantity is important for any manufacturing industry. At present, lead time is decreasing day by day and customer requirements also continuously changing. To complete customer demand whole production system should be more capable and efficient. For this reason, productivity is important for manufacturing industries. Productivity can be defined as a ratio between input and output. Garment industries are always having lots of production processes for desired products. Out of these processes some are not essential and do not add any value to the product. Most of the time, management is not quite aware of the non-value-adding processes. If we observe a garments production line, we will see that there were lots of In-process inventories and waiting time between almost every sequential operation. No strict and precise work distribution was followed by many workers. Material’s used to travel large distance from input receiving to needle check and cartooning. Many ...


In this competitive world, manufacturing companies has to look at redefining and redesigning of their production systems to attack the competitiveness demanded by the markets. The purpose of the paper is to know how value stream mapping (VSM) is used as a tool in implementing lean, to make improvements in the possible areas and to make modification from the current state to future state which helps in reducing the waste, eliminate non value added activities and increase productivity. A paper is based on the work that was carried out in an auto ancillary MNC company located in Pune .The aim of lean manufacturing is to reduce non value added activity, time to delivery, produce the quality products with economical and efficient manner with response to customer demand. The organizations which are practicing lean manufacturing have quality & cost advantages compared to the organizations that are still using traditional production approach. The VSM process is simple and straight forward to implement. It always starts at customer demand and works back through documenting all processes and collecting data which is required for manufacturing of a product. It shows the map " Value stream " containing all the data such as work in process, cycle time, lead time, number of equipment's, operators and information flows. In this particular case even though we find out that the process can meet the existing demand but a slight increase in it would lead to occurrences of bottlenecks and thereby will be a hindrance to the entire production process. Thus productivity is enhanced by knowing the bottlenecks and by eliminating them.