Foreign trade effect of Slovakia accession to the EU custom union (original) (raw)

Sustainable Urban Development in Slovakia - 2005, in Slovak

Sustainable urban development in the Slovak Republic - results of project, proposing a set of indicators and their application in order to evaluate SD of 6 Slovakian model cities. Sustainable urban development - basics of methodology and evaluation. 6 model cities in Slovakia (Dubnica n. Váhom, Prievidza, Levice, Trnava, Piešťany, Zvolen). Basic areas of urban development: Transport, Urban planning and construction, Environment, landscape and biodiversity, Environmental burden and ecological footprint, Socio-economical indicators, Management. Final assessment, conclusions and recommendations. Annexes.

Languages on banknotes of multinational states on the example of Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union

Journal of Linguistics/Jazykovedný casopis

Along with portraits of historical figures, images relating to the culture and history of a particular nation, the presence (or absence) of languages on banknotes is also an element of symbolic politics and part of the manifestation of the language policy of a particular state. In this paper, banknotes are seen as an element of the linguistic landscape, and the linguistic landscape – as a reflection of language policy, its peculiar public expression. This paper analyses the way in which the text displayed on multilingual banknotes constructs and reproduces linguistic hierarchies, reflecting the relative status of the languages within two multi-ethnic states: the Czechoslovak Republic and the Soviet Union. The study explores which languages were represented in the inscriptions of the various series of banknotes issued, based on the assumption that banknotes participate in the official language practices constituting the linguistic landscape and as such mediate language ideologies. Th...

Influence of the Abiotical Landscape Elements To the Slovak Castles Extension

Geografické informácie, 2016

The castles research has been traditionally solved by the specialist for historical sciences. But this issue could have much larger dimension opening wide space for any other scientists. According to postulate, that the castle could by considered as a landscape element, the geographers be able take part in the complex investigation of the castles. Geographical approach works with methods of collection, processing and evaluation of wide-spectrum databases about natural and cultural-historical environments of the castles transforming in space and time. This contribution attended to abiotic landscape elementbedrock and landforminfluenced geographical distribution of 272 castles identified in the area of the current Slovakia.

Primárne problémy transformácie slovenských stredných a odborných škôl v Košiciach v medzivojnovom období

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022

Múzeum školstva a pedagogiky, Bratislava Všetky práva vyhradené. Toto dielo ani jeho žiadnu časť nemožno reprodukovať, ukladať do informačných systémov alebo inak rozširovať bez súhlasu majiteľov autorských práv. Za odbornú stránku publikácie zodpovedá autorka. Rukopis neprešiel redakčnou ani jazykovou úpravou. Monografia vznikla v rámci riešenia projektu VEGA Miesta pamäti Košíc (ľudia a dejiny), č. 1/0212/12

Návštevnosť Česka občanmi Slovenska a jej priestorové dimenzie

Geografické informácie, 2018

The aim of the article is to evaluate the importance of Slovakia for tourism visitation in the Czechia. Based on sources available from the Czech Statistical Office, it can be said, that Slovakia is an important market for Czech tourism in terms of visitation and number of overnight stays. This fact positively affects a missing language barrier, as well as their geographical proximity. This is also the reason for shorter stays of Slovak citizens in the Czechia, but this is replaced by the frequency of arrivals. In terms of spatial distribution, the world dominates Prague and then the border regions headed by the Jihomoravský region. On the contrary, the most recent interest of Slovaks in Czechia records the regions peripherally due to their position towards Slovakia.