Cyber Security and Government Fusion Centers (original) (raw)

National Security Agency

Encyclopedia of the Fourth Amendment

to add Annex D and make other minor adjustments. (U) OPI: Center for Cryptologic History, EC, 972-2893s. (U) The compilation of the information contained in this document is UNCLASSIFIED// FOR OJi'Ji'ICIAL USE OULY. No section of this document shall be released without approval from the Office of Policy and Records (DJP). (U) POLICY 1. (U) In recognition of the fact that U.S. Government cryptology is a national resource exercised in trust by NSA/CSS, which has a national obligation to document its performance and its stewardship of resources by conducting a history program, the NSA/CSS shall: a. (U) Maintain a Cryptologic History Program in order to document and advance an understanding of the history of U.S. Government cryptology and the history of the NSA/CSS; and b. (U) Coordinate and manage cryptologic history activities at NSA/CSS through the NSA/CSS Center for Cryptologic History (CCH) (Reference b), with advice and guidance from the NSA Advisory Board (NSAAB) Cryptologic History, Literature and Museum Panel (Reference c). The CCH shall provide objective, meaningful, historical support to the NSA/CSS leadership and workforce to enhance decision-making, cryptologic knowledge, and esprit de corps; and advance an understanding of cryptologic history for the U.S. Intelligence Community, the Department of Defense, other government agencies, academia, and the general public. (U) RESPONSIBILITIES 2. (U) The NSAAB Cryptologic History, Literature and Museum Panel, an advisory body established by the Director, NSA/Chief, CSS (DIRNSA/CHCSS, hereinafter "DIRNSA"), shall: a. (U) Provide advice and guidance on the history program (Reference c); b. (U) Meet, at the direction of the Panel Chairman (selected in accordance with NSAAB procedures), to review the activities ofCCH, the National Cryptologic Museum, and the NSA/CSS professional journal (Cryptologic Quarterly); c. (U) Make recommendations to DIRNSA on memorialization issues; d. (U) Provide an annual report to DIRNSA on the status of the history program and make recommendations for improving impact and effectiveness;