Direction selectivity of synaptic potentials in simple cells of the cat visual cortex (original) (raw)

Linear mechanisms of directional selectivity in simple cells of cat striate cortex

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1987

The role of linear spatial summation in the directional selectivity of simple cells in cat striate cortex was investigated. The experimental paradigm consisted of comparing the response to drifting grating stimuli with linear predictions based on the response to stationary contrast-reversing gratings. The spatial phase dependence of the response to contrast-reversing gratings was consistent with a high degree of linearity of spatial summation within the receptive fields. Furthermore, the preferred direction predicted from the response to stationary gratings generally agreed with the measurements made with drifting gratings. The amount of directional selectivity predicted was, on average, about half the measured value, indicating that nonlinear mechanisms act in concert with linear mechanisms in determining the overall directional selectivity.

Directional selectivity and spatiotemporal structure of receptive fields of simple cells in cat striate cortex

Journal of neurophysiology, 1991

1. Simple cells in cat striate cortex were studied with a number of stimulation paradigms to explore the extent to which linear mechanisms determine direction selectivity. For each paradigm, our aim was to predict the selectivity for the direction of moving stimuli given only the responses to stationary stimuli. We have found that the prediction robustly determines the direction and magnitude of the preferred response but overestimates the nonpreferred response. 2. The main paradigm consisted of comparing the responses of simple cells to contrast reversal sinusoidal gratings with their responses to drifting gratings (of the same orientation, contrast, and spatial and temporal frequencies) in both directions of motion. Although it is known that simple cells display spatiotemporally inseparable responses to contrast reversal gratings, this spatiotemporal inseparability is demonstrated here to predict a certain amount of direction selectivity under the assumption that simple cells sum ...

Inhibitory contributions to spatiotemporal receptive-field structure and direction selectivity in simple cells of cat area 17

Journal of neurophysiology, 1999

Intracortical inhibition contributes to direction selectivity in primary visual cortex, but how it acts has been unclear. We investigated this problem in simple cells of cat area 17 by taking advantage of the link between spatiotemporal (S-T) receptive-field structure and direction selectivity. Most cells in layer 4 have S-T-oriented receptive fields in which gradients of response timing across the field confer a preferred direction of motion. Linear summation of responses across the receptive field, followed by a static nonlinear amplification, has been shown previously to account for directional tuning in layer 4. We tested the hypotheses that inhibition acts by altering S-T structure or the static nonlinearity or both. Drifting and counterphasing sine wave gratings were used to measure direction selectivity and S-T structure, respectively, in 17 layer 4 simple cells before and during iontophoresis of bicuculline methiodide (BMI), a GABAA antagonist. S-T orientation was quantified...

An intracellular analysis of the visual responses of neurones in cat visual cortex

The Journal of physiology, 1991

1. Extracellular and intracellular recordings were made from neurones in the visual cortex of the cat in order to compare the subthreshold membrane potentials, reflecting the input to the neurone, with the output from the neurone seen as action potentials. 2. Moving bars and edges, generated under computer control, were used to stimulate the neurones. The membrane potential was digitized and averaged for a number of trials after stripping the action potentials. Comparison of extracellular and intracellular discharge patterns indicated that the intracellular impalement did not alter the neurones' properties. Input resistance of the neurone altered little during stable intracellular recordings (30 min-2 h 50 min). 3. Intracellular recordings showed two distinct patterns of membrane potential changes during optimal visual stimulation. The patterns corresponded closely to the division of S-type (simple) and C-type (complex) receptive fields. Simple cells had a complex pattern of mem...

Dynamics of the orientation-tuned membrane potential response in cat primary visual cortex

Nature neuroscience, 2001

Neurons in the primary visual cortex are highly selective for stimulus orientation, whereas their thalamic inputs are not. Much controversy has been focused on the mechanism by which cortical orientation selectivity arises. Although an increasing amount of evidence supports a linear model in which orientation selectivity is conferred upon visual cortical cells by the alignment of the receptive fields of their thalamic inputs, the controversy has recently been rekindled with the suggestion that late cortical input--delayed by multiple synapses--could lead to sharpening of orientation selectivity over time. Here we used intracellular recordings in vivo to examine temporal properties of the orientation-selective response to flashed gratings. Bayesian parameter estimation demonstrated that both preferred orientation and tuning width were stable throughout the response to a single stimulus.

Correlated With Directional Selectivity in Electrosensory Neurons Differences in the Time Course of Short-Term Depression Across Receptive Fields Are


With the rise of ever more complex computational models of synaptic potentials in simple cells of the cat visual cortex. J. of the brain, the question of how individual neurons perform Neurophysiol. 78: 2772-2789, 1997. The direction selectivity of simple cells in the visual cortex is generated at least in part their computational tasks has become increasingly important. by nonlinear mechanisms. If a neuron were spatially linear, its Linear neurons hold appeal for the ease with which their responses to moving stimuli could be predicted accurately from computational function can be analyzed. Neurons that comlinear combinations of its responses to stationary stimuli prebine their inputs in a nonlinear way (prior to threshold) are sented at different positions within the receptive field. In extracelcapable of performing much more complex computations lular recordings, this has not been found to be the case. Although (Koch and Poggio 1992). Some of the most precise meathe extracellular experiments demonstrate the presence of a nonsurements of linearity in a neuronal system have been aplinearity, the cellular process underlying the nonlinearity, whether plied to the assembly of receptive fields in the visual system, an early synaptic mechanism such as a shunting inhibition or in part because of the ease with which visual stimuli can be simply the spike threshold at the output, is not known. To differ

Laminar differences in the spatiotemporal structure of simple cell receptive fields in cat area 17

Previous studies of cat visual cortex have shown that the spatiotemporal (S-T) structure of simple cell receptive fields correlates with direction selectivity. However, great heterogeneity exists in the relationship and this has implications for models. Here we report a laminar basis for some of the heterogeneity. S-T structure and direction selectivity were measured in 101 cells using stationary counterphasing and drifting gratings, respectively. Two procedures were used to assess S-T structure and its relation to direction selectivity. In the first, the S-T orientations of receptive fields were quantified by fitting response temporal phase versus stimulus spatial phase data. In the second procedure, conventional linear predictions of direction selectivity were computed from the amplitudes and phases of responses to stationary gratings. Extracellular recording locations were reconstructed histologically. Among direction-selective cells, S-T orientation was greatest in layer 4B and it correlated well (r ϭ 0.76) with direction selectivity. In layer 6, S-T orientation was uniformly low, overlapping little with layer 4B, and it was not correlated with directional tuning. Layer 4A was intermediate in S-T orientation and its relation (r ϭ 0.46) to direction selectivity. The same laminar patterns were observed using conventional linear predictions. The patterns do not reflect laminar differences in direction selectivity since the layers were equivalent in directional tuning. We also evaluated a model of linear spatiotemporal summation followed by a static nonlinear amplification (exponent model) to account for direction selectivity. The values of the exponents were estimated from differences between linearly predicted and actual amplitude modulations to counterphasing gratings. Comparing these exponents with another exponent-that required to obtain perfect matches between linearly predicted and measured directional tuning-indicates that an exponent model largely accounts for direction selectivity in most cells in layer 4, particularly layer 4B, but not in layer 6. Dynamic nonlinearities seem essential for cells in layer 6. We suggest that these laminar differences may partly reflect the differential involvement of geniculocortical and intracortical mechanisms.

Spatial and temporal features of synaptic to discharge receptive field transformation in cat area 17

Journal of …, 2010

LG, Sanchez-Vives MV, McCormick DA. Spatial and temporal features of synaptic to discharge receptive field transformation in cat area 17. . The aim of the present study was to characterize the spatial and temporal features of synaptic and discharge receptive fields (RFs), and to quantify their relationships, in cat area 17. For this purpose, neurons were recorded intracellularly while high-frequency flashing bars were used to generate RFs maps for synaptic and spiking responses. Comparison of the maps shows that some features of the discharge RFs depended strongly on those of the synaptic RFs, whereas others were less dependent. Spiking RF duration depended poorly and spiking RF amplitude depended moderately on those of the underlying synaptic RFs. At the other extreme, the optimal spatial frequency and phase of the discharge RFs in simple cells were almost entirely inherited from those of the synaptic RFs. Subfield width, in both simple and complex cells, was less for spiking responses compared with synaptic responses, but synaptic to discharge width ratio was relatively variable from cell to cell. When considering the whole RF of simple cells, additional variability in width ratio resulted from the presence of additional synaptic subfields that remained subthreshold. Due to these additional, subthreshold subfields, spatial frequency tuning predicted from synaptic RFs appears sharper than that predicted from spiking RFs. Excitatory subfield overlap in spiking RFs was well predicted by subfield overlap at the synaptic level. When examined in different regions of the RF, latencies appeared to be quite variable, but this variability showed negligible dependence on distance from the RF center. Nevertheless, spiking response latency faithfully reflected synaptic response latency. Girard P, Hupé JM, Bullier J. 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