Creangă şi proza basarabeană: istoricul problemei


In the history of Romanian literature in Bessarabia Creangă's modelling role is exem¬pli¬fied especially during the turning periods, when the concept of literature is radicalized (years 20-30, 60, 80). Across different searches and wanderings of prose writers, namely, the organicist perspective of the structure of the Bessarabian literary phenomenon elucidates the importance of the Creangă model in overcoming the different complexes, among which, especially, of the narrow-minded Romanian.

Provocările limbajului în Codul administrativ


Recently entered into force, the administrative code was adopted with the stated purpose of unifying the regulations in the field of public administration, in order to create a normative framework, coming to the aid of individuals, public administration, but also of practitioners. In this respect, a significant part of the provisions were taken identically from the normative acts that were repealed, while there are also new provisions, some of them leaving, unfortunately, the impression of a code adopted in haste. Without claiming a thorough analysis of the entire regulation, the present study aims to address some of the challenges brought by the language used in OUG: 57/2019. Between the two extremes among which the legislator oscillates (either an incomplete or ambiguous language, or an over-regulation), the most relevant problem, in terms of the consequences that it can produce, probably consists in using already legally established notions, with a totally different meaning (such...

Tipologia frazei în creația viereană [Articol]

USARB, 2016

The structure of the sentence in G. Vieru's poetry is directed towards simplified models, although there are many inversions of the constituent parts of sentences. The sentence is characterized by complexity (the number of compound sentences prevails over the composite ones). The composite sentences, actually, reflect the author's style, peculiarities of reflection, techniques to structure thoughts and ideas. It is worth mentioning that the syntactic complexity of the composite sentence makes the reading of a piece of literature difficult, but G. Vieru arranges the syntactic components very carefully, thus, offering the reader the possibility to penetrate to the essence at a more careful reading.

Probleme ale artei contemporane

Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series, 2015

This paper aims at discussing some problems of the contemporary art through some of Arthur Danto’s theories. The concept of the end of art, the new way of making art, how to understand the contemporary art are some fundamental problems of nowadays art criticism. Comparisons among artistic techniques used by various avant-gardist movements, especially cubist, abstractionist and dadaist ones are intended to build a comprehensive image of the evolution in art creativity towards post-wars period represented by new contributions (Andy Warhol and Joseph Beuys). These examples prove that the contemporary art needs a more attentive interpretation and a better understanding of the material-form connection within the art work and the process of plastic creativity.

Etica Autonomiei Şi Etica Autenticităţii. Afinităţi, Distincţii Şi Opoziţii


Atât etica autonomiei, cât si etica autenticităţii pot fi sintetizate prin aceeasi exigenţă metaforică de a deveni propriul tău stăpân. Aceasta nu este doar o simplă coincidenţă. Conceptul de autonomie si conceptul de autenticitate sunt con­cepte morale care poartă amprenta atomismului social, accentuând rezistenţa individului uman faţă de presiuni totaliza­toare si holiste. Ca atare, cele două concepte sunt caracterizate de aceleasi opoziţii dintre „interior” si „exterior”, dintre auto- si hetero- , dintre „propriu” si „străin”. Cu toate acestea, o analiză atentă va dezvălui o serie de distincţii concep­tuale dintre etica autnomiei si etica autenticităţii, distincţii ce vor face vizibilă tensiunea dintre un ideal iluminist al autoguvernării si un ideal romantic (sau, intr-un sens mai larg, contra-iluminist) al autoapartenenţei. Primul subliniază importanţa raţiunii in crearea unei comunităţi a individizilor ce se autolegislează moral, in timp ce al doilea subliniază importanţa emoţ...

Esse Versus Habere – Dualitatea Voinței Umane –

Altarul Reîntregirii, 2019

Esse versus Habere-The Duality of Human Will 1. Man's existence for "to be" or for "to have", depends on how he understands his meaning in the world. This study aims to offer the reader an orthodox view on these two terms, in the hope that it touches the existential substance of contemporary man. When man "stole" deification, possession (of having) became an existential archetype in his physical structure. The serpent bound the soul of the primordial man to a phantasmagoria, a magical deification. The principle of possession expresses man's desire to transform the world into an object of consumption. The fundamental difference between possession and being is that things are worn out by their use, while the being exercised day by day develops to perfection. The need of transcendence, intrinsic to man, has undergone an ontological change that has found naive compensation in the field of technology. Fathers of the desert teaches us to evaluate the world through an unpassionate perception. The evangelical and patristic precepts put in contrast the desire for spiritual growth with a desire possession. This vision of detachment, gives man a sort of discernment that makes him responsible in relation to God, nature and to himself. St. John Chrysostom, recommends the desert as a pedagogical school against passions. The decision of the monks to go to the wilderness was motivated by both the desire to give up the world, possessions and honours, and to fully belong to God. In conclusion, compulsive opening to possessions and objects is mental and not spatial. The contemporary man needs to reflect on what really matters in an ephemeral world.

Scanerele corporale şi problema încălcării drepturilor fundamentale ale omului1

Sfera Politicii, 2010 Sfera Politicii este prima revistă de ştiinţă şi teorie politică apărută în România, după căderea comunismului. Revista apare fără întrerupere din 1992. Sfera Politicii a jucat şi joacă un rol important în difuzarea principalelor teme de ştiinţă şi teorie politică şi în constituirea şi dezvoltarea unei reflecţii politologice viabile în peisajul ştiinţific şi cultural din România. Sfera Politicii pune la îndemâna cercetătorilor, a oamenilor politici şi a publicului, analize, comentarii şi studii de specialitate, realizate pe baza paradigmelor teoretice şi metodologice ale ştiinţei şi teoriei politice actuale. Sfera Politicii îşi face o misiune din contribuţia la consolidarea şi dezvoltarea societăţii democratice şi de piaţă în România.

Principiile Dezvoltarii Durabile


Scopul proiectarii durabile este gasirea solutiilor constructive, care se reflecta in caracteristicile constructiilor, care sa garanteze pe de o parte bunastarea si pe de alta parte coexistenta celor trei grupuri care alcatuiesc ecosistemul global (elementele anorganice, organismele vii si oamenii). Atingerea scopului proiectarii durabile se face prin educarea intr-un cadru conceptual care are trei niveluri : principii, strategii si metode.