A nonperturbative form of the spectral action principle in noncommutative geometry (original) (raw)

Quantum Gravity Boundary Terms from the Spectral Action of Noncommutative Space

Physical Review Letters, 2007

We study the boundary terms of the spectral action of the noncommutative space, defined by the spectral triple dictated by the physical spectrum of the standard model, unifying gravity with all other fundamental interactions. We prove that the spectral action predicts uniquely the gravitational boundary term required for consistency of quantum gravity with the correct sign and coefficient. This is a remarkable result given the lack of freedom in the spectral action to tune this term.

The spectral action principle in noncommutative geometry and the superstring

Physics Letters B, 1997

A supersymmetric theory in two dimensions has enough data to define a noncommutative space thus making it possible to use all tools of noncommutative geometry. In particular, we apply this to the N = 1 supersymmetric non-linear sigma model and derive an expression for the generalized loop space Dirac operator, in presence of a general background, using canonical quantization. The spectral action principle is then used to determine a spectral action valid for the fluctuations of the string modes.

Gravitational waves in the spectral action of noncommutative geometry

Physical Review D - PHYS REV D, 2010

The spectral triple approach to noncommutative geometry allows one to develop the entire standard model (and supersymmetric extensions) of particle physics from a purely geometry stand point and thus treats both gravity and particle physics on the same footing. The bosonic sector of the theory contains a modification to Einstein-Hilbert gravity, involving a nonconformal coupling of curvature to the Higgs field and conformal Weyl term (in addition to a nondynamical topological term). In this paper we derive the weak field limit of this gravitational theory and show that the production and dynamics of gravitational waves are significantly altered. In particular, we show that the graviton contains a massive mode that alters the energy lost to gravitational radiation, in systems with evolving quadrupole moment. We explicitly calculate the general solution and apply it to systems with periodically varying quadrupole moments, focusing in particular on the the well know energy loss formula for circular binaries.

On some possible mathematical connections concerning Noncommutative Minisuperspace Cosmology, Noncommutative QC in low-energy String Action, Noncommutative Kantowsky-Sachs QM, Spectral Action Principle associated with a Noncommutative Space and some aspects concerning the LQG

This paper is a review of some interesting results that has been obtained in various sectors of noncommutative cosmology, string theory and loop quantum gravity. In the Section 1, we have described some results concerning the noncommutative model of the closed Universe with the scalar field. In the Section 2, we have described some results concerning the low-energy string effective quantum cosmology. In the Section 3, we have showed some results regarding the noncommutative Kantowsky-Sachs quantum model. In Section 4, we have showed some results regarding the spectral action principle associated with a noncommutative space and applied to the Einstein-Yang-Mills system. Section 5 is a review of some results regarding some aspects of loop quantum gravity. In Section 6, we've described some results concerning the dynamics of vector mode perturbations including quantum corrections based on loop quantum gravity. In Section 7, we've described some equations concerning matrix models as a non-local hidden variables theories. In Section 8, we have showed some results concerning the quantum supergravity and the role of a "free" vacuum in loop quantum gravity. In Section 9, we've described various results concerning the unifying role of equivariant cohomology in the Topological Field Theories. In conclusion, in Section 10 and in Appendix we have showed the possible mathematical connections between the arguments above mentioned and some relationship with some equations concerning some sectors of Number Theory.

Renormalization and Induced Gauge Action on a Noncommutative Space

Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 2007

Field theories on deformed spaces suffer from the IR/UV mxing and renormalization is generically spoiled. In work with R. Wulkenhaar, one of us realized a way to cure this desease by adding one more marginal operator. We review these ideas, show the application to φ 3 models and use heat kernel expansion methods for a scalar field theory coupled to an external gauge field on a θ-deformed space and derive noncommutative gauge actions.

Quantum Gravity Boundary Terms from Spectral Action of Noncommutative Space

Eprint Arxiv 0705 1786, 2007

We study the boundary terms of the spectral action of the noncommutative space, defined by the spectral triple dictated by the physical spectrum of the standard model, unifying gravity with all other fundamental interactions. We prove that the spectral action predicts uniquely the gravitational boundary term required for consistency of quantum gravity with the correct sign and coefficient. This is a remarkable result given the lack of freedom in the spectral action to tune this term.

A novel approach to non-commutative gauge theory

Journal of High Energy Physics

We propose a field theoretical model defined on non-commutative space-time with non-constant non-commutativity parameter Θ(x), which satisfies two main requirements: it is gauge invariant and reproduces in the commutative limit, Θ → 0, the standard U(1) gauge theory. We work in the slowly varying field approximation where higher derivatives terms in the star commutator are neglected and the latter is approximated by the Poisson bracket, −i[f, g] ≈ {f, g}. We derive an explicit expression for both the NC deformation of Abelian gauge transformations which close the algebra [δ f , δ g ]A = δ {f,g} A, and the NC field strength F , covariant under these transformations, δ f F = {F , f }. NC Chern-Simons equations are equivalent to the requirement that the NC field strength, F , should vanish identically. Such equations are non-Lagrangian. The NC deformation of Yang-Mills theory is obtained from the gauge invariant action, S = F 2. As guiding example, the case of su(2)-like non-commutativity, corresponding to rotationally invariant NC space, is worked out in detail.

Canonical approach to noncommutative gauge theory

Physics Letters B, 2010

It is known that gauge transformation of the Kalb-Ramond field B μν with vector parameter Λ μ is symmetry of the closed string world-sheet action. It fails at the end points of the open string and can be restored by introducing Maxwell field A μ. We show that the same conclusion valid for space-time equations of motion, because they are conditions for conformal invariance of the world-sheet action. This is example how the symmetries of space-time theory can be investigated using properties of σ-model energy-momentum tensor. We also show that the reducible part of the closed string symmetry transformation, with Λ μ = ∂ μ λ, turns to irreducible part of the open string one. As well as Maxwell field A μ , the parameter λ is nontrivial only on the string endpoints. We show that after quantization the symmetry transformations of the background fields B μν and A μ turn to the modified symmetries defined in terms of Moyal star product. The modified Λ μ-transformation related different regularizations as well as Seiberg-Witten map.