Good Practices in the Redesign of Spaces for University Education in the Venezuelan Context of the Sucre Mission (original) (raw)

Apuntes Filosóficos Sobre El Diseño Arquitectónico De Los Edificios Universitarios. El Barrio Universitario De Santiago


Esta comunicacion tiene por objeto establecer un paralelo entre dos modelos de universidad (el modelo “moderno” de la “universidad de la cultura”, asociado al nombre de Wilhelm von Humboldt y la Universidad de Berlin; el modelo “postmoderno” de la “universidad de la excelencia”) y las expresiones arquitectonicas y urbanisticas a las cuales han dado lugar. Se examina particularmente el caso de la Universidad de Chile como ejemplo por excelencia de “universidad de la cultura”, y el del incipiente Barrio Universitario de Santiago que alberga en general universidades surgidas desde la decada de los ’80, y cuyo paradigma es necesariamente el de la “universidad de la excelencia”. La comunicacion parte del supuesto de la “legibilidad” de los objetos arquitectonicos y urbanisticos; concluye que aquello que se da a leer, en los dos casos analizados,, es por una parte, la monumentalidad asociada a la pretension del estado nacion de constituir un ente extra-ordinario, por la otra, la pretens...

The University in the 21st Century

Eugenia Diaz, 2021

The university in Argentina is born and takes as its model the Napoleonic model whose function is to train professionals, therefore, teachers teach and research. With the advent of the knowledge society and the complex and uncertain global framework, the university is forced to open its doors to society to work together with it. Due to the expansion of knowledge, it becomes difficult to govern it, and the way careers are organized must move from the disciplinary to the interdisciplinary. The arrival of the 4th Technological Revolution contributes to transform education, especially in Latin America and Argentina. A new way of governing the university is imposed and to carry out these changes it is necessary to have a good leadership that manages the quality of teaching performance, administrative processes and planning of the areas. Resumen: La universidad en Argentina nace y toma como modelo el Napoleónico cuya función es la formar profesionales, por tanto, los docentes enseñan e investigan. Con el advenimiento de la sociedad del conocimiento y el entramado mundial complejo e incierto la universidad se forzada a abrir sus puertas a la sociedad para trabajar conjuntamente con ella. Debido a la expansión del conocimiento, se hace difícil gobernarla, la forma de organización de las carreras debe pasar de lo disciplinar a lo interdisciplinar. La llegada de la 4° Revolución tecnológica contribuye a transformar la educación en especial en América Latina, y Argentina. Una nueva forma de gobernar la universidad se impone y para llevar a cabo estos cambios es necesario contar con un buen liderazgo que gestione la calidad del desempeño docente, los procesos administrativos y la planificación de las áreas.

The Sustainable University: Identity, Infrastructure, and the Academy./ La universidad sustentable: identidad, infraestructura y la academia.

This paper is an attempt to create comparisons between two types of institutions (prestige seeking and prestigious). The organization of this paper is created around two broad themes: (1) exploring the realities of a research university, and (2) exploring exception-alism in institutions that are already prestigious. The paper asks the reader to imagine the possibility of research and outreach by universities through Thomas Stewart’s (2001) tripartite conceptu-alization of intellectual capital. Stewart defines intellectual capital as being comprised of (1) human capital, (2) structural capital, and (3) customer capital. Given the multiple contexts discussed in this paper, I conclude that universities need to change essential organi-zational behaviors in several important ways: (1) transition to evi-dence-based and data-driven approaches to decision making; (2) increase the transparency with which they serve the needs of the public; and (3) work more intimately with one another in planning strategically for and addressing the state’s public-education needs./ Este artículo intenta crear comparaciones entre dos tipos de univer-sidades (las que tienen prestigio y las que buscan el prestigio). La organización de este artículo esta basado en la relación de dos temas: (1) exploración de las realidades de una universidad prestigiosa, y (2) exploración de la excepcionalidad de universidades prestigiosas. El artículo le pide al lector que imagine la posibilidad de investigación y extensión en las universidades a través de la conceptualización tri-partita del capital intelectual (Thomas Stewart, 2001). Stewart define el capital intelectual como (1) capital humano, (2) capital estructu-ral, y (3) capital social/económico. Teniendo en cuenta los múltiples contextos analizados en este artículo, concluyo que las universidades necesitan cambiar los comportamientos esenciales de su organización en varios aspectos importantes: (1) la transición a decisiones basadas en la evidencia y la investigación/evaluación, (2)aumentar la trans-parencia de cómo se atienden las necesidades de la sociedad, y (3) trabajar más estrechamente entre las universidades para planear estra-tégicamente cómo enfrentar las necesidades de la educación pública.

Universidad y Cooperación al Desarrollo

International Journal for 21st Century Education, 2015

When it comes to human development, justice, and sustainability, universities should play a driving role, given their specific assigned task of providing specialist education and conducting research. They should also educate and promote the values of solidarity and commitment towards a more egalitarian and just society. This involves making a firm commitment to social change, which many Spanish universities have done by cooperating to foster the development of more impoverished countries. To this end, they have developed structures through which they can undertake different actions. The research presented in this paper was conducted as a direct result of the authors’ interest in finding out more about the specific actions carried out by Andalusian universities. The research conducted was qualitative, using in-depth semi-structured interviews with key informants (development cooperation officers and senior policy-makers within each institution) from Andalusia’s ten public universitie...

The Open University of Venezuela: From Concept to Reality


The Universidad Nacional Abierta (UNA), the Open University of Venezuela, was first envisioned in 1977 by the Venezuelan Ministry of Education in an attempt to continue the “educational revolution” that was part of the Fifth National Plan for the economic and social development of the nation. UNA was viewed as a way to assist the development of a sector of students who could not enroll in traditional universities and needed an alternative system of education which did not require in-person attendance at classes. UNA was developed to deliver instruction through alternative means.

The Concept of "Educational Campus" and its Application in Spanish Universities

CELE Exchange, Centre for Effective Learning Environments, 2010

A university campus should reflect a commitment to quality and be dedicated to the intellectual, psychological and social development of its students. The "Educational Campus" is an innovative concept which espouses this concept and is designed to stimulate a process of modernisation in universities and contribute to their excellence. IntrodUCtIon European universities are in the process of adapting to the academic requirements of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), but they need to face a quality shift as regards space (architecture and urbanism). In response to this challenge, the innovative concept of the "Educational Campus" has been conceived, and it will be of potential interest to those responsible for orienting the future development of universities. Its aim is to foster the transformation of mere physical spaces into quality educational spaces, and in this way contribute to the intellectual, affective and social development of the university student within the urban and social context. This concept emerged in 2005 when the University of Salamanca's new Campus of Villamayor was designed; a description of the project was given in an earlier issue of CELE Exchange. This paper explores the ten principles underlying the concept of Educational Campus, as well as their application in several Spanish universities.