Interaction between Earthworms and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Plants: A Review (original) (raw)

Impacts of earthworms and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intraradices) on plant performance are not interrelated

Soil Biology and …, 2009

Lumbricus terrestris Soil organism interactions The Jena Experiment a b s t r a c t Earthworms and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) might interactively impact plant productivity; however, previous studies reported inconsistent results. We set up a three-factorial greenhouse experiment to study the effects of earthworms (Aporrectodea caliginosa Savigny and Lumbricus terrestris L.) and AMF (Glomus intraradices N.C. Schenck & G.S. Sm.) on the performance (productivity and shoot nutrient content) of plant species (Lolium perenne L., Trifolium pratense L. and Plantago lanceolata L.) belonging to the three functional groups grasses, legumes and herbs, respectively. Further, we investigated earthworm performance and plant root mycorrhization as affected by the treatments. Our results accentuate the importance of root derived resources for earthworm performance since earthworm weight (A. caliginosa and L. terrestris) and survival (L. terrestris) were significantly lower in microcosms containing P. lanceolata than in those containing T. pratense. However, earthworm performance was not affected by AMF, and plant root mycorrhization was not modified by earthworms. Although AMF effectively competed with T. pratense for soil N (as indicated by d 15 N analysis), AMF enhanced the productivity of T. pratense considerably by improving P availability. Remarkably, we found no evidence for interactive effects of earthworms and AMF on the performance of the plant species studied. This suggests that interactions between earthworms and AMF likely are of minor importance.

Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in earthworm casts and surrounding soil in relation to soil management of a semi-arid tropical Alfisol. Appl Soil Ecol 3: 177-181

Applied Soil Ecology, 1996

Alms ad &opa 4WSd.W E * a d ¶ M the & ol w l onpullsms a d tlwr nlenchons m mUon b: .&Iturd pcdu%Wy. n u b M ~d n q and olh# aul ~wmbbw, tna mamlanncd ol sol slnnum am ful~ut). Ih ample ol h l m n sdMSn wd xex&xw on 801-em M0 b i O N a C i m W &a ol aoll-,nhnbmno m t a alseansa ana wruld.. Such i w m we t h busla of s u a t d d e Ipricul(unl and lor& splema and Ihs lcn$e6&~8~&iioinii&li in bolh t h lerrpsrsla wd t-1 regbns. The m w r d indude t h folbwinp, end pelwmm i s @van b d d e s which are inlerdlrciplinary and intagrate tvn a m e ol theaa &cWin88! Soil-and miwbiai emlogy * Nematdopy. Soil hvms(wate zcdcgy and e m b. Entomoiopy. Rml and rhizWare emlogy. Plant pathdwy .Soil den-* Agronomy and sustainable agricullure. Soil bio(echnol0gl Nutdent cycling. Ecotoxicolopy e Emayatam modelling and fccd webs Ths Wmal publishes wglnal papen, review arlicles, short wmrnunicatlons, letlen to the edltw, editorlala, bwk revlews and annwnmmsnts.

Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in earthworm casts and surrounding soil in relation to soil management of a semi-arid tropical Alfisol

Applied Soil Ecology, 1996

Alms ad &opa 4WSd.W E * a d ¶ M the & ol w l onpullsms a d tlwr nlenchons m mUon b: .&Iturd pcdu%Wy. n u b M ~d n q and olh# aul ~wmbbw, tna mamlanncd ol sol slnnum am ful~ut). Ih ample ol h l m n sdMSn wd xex&xw on 801-em M0 b i O N a C i m W &a ol aoll-,nhnbmno m t a alseansa ana wruld.. Such i w m we t h busla of s u a t d d e Ipricul(unl and lor& splema and Ihs lcn$e6&~8~&iioinii&li in bolh t h lerrpsrsla wd t-1 regbns. The m w r d indude t h folbwinp, end pelwmm i s @van b d d e s which are inlerdlrciplinary and intagrate tvn a m e ol theaa &cWin88! Soil-and miwbiai emlogy * Nematdopy. Soil hvms(wate zcdcgy and e m b. Entomoiopy. Rml and rhizWare emlogy. Plant pathdwy .Soil den-* Agronomy and sustainable agricullure. Soil bio(echnol0gl Nutdent cycling. Ecotoxicolopy e Emayatam modelling and fccd webs Ths Wmal publishes wglnal papen, review arlicles, short wmrnunicatlons, letlen to the edltw, editorlala, bwk revlews and annwnmmsnts.

Roles of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Soil Fertility and Its Importance in Phytoremediation of Polluted Soil


A single paragraph Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) establish symbiotic relationships with many crops. These soil microbiotas improve the soil fertility through the soil physical, chemical and biological properties. extending the root absorbing area. In return, the symbiont receives plant carbohydrates for the completion of its life cycle. AMF also helps plants to cope with biotic and abiotic stresses such as extreme temperature, heavy metal, diseases, and pathogens. For soil physical properties, the mechanisms used by AMF are the production of a glycoprotein, glomalin, which creates a high quality of soil macro-aggregations. These macro-aggregations control soil erosion, nutrients and organic matter losses. For soil chemical properties, AMF produce acids and an enzyme called phosphatase. This enzyme hydrolyzes the inorganic phosphorus and the rock phosphate (RP) hence making P available in the soil for plant uptake. AMF also are involved in soil nitrogen, carbon and trace element...

Contribution of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AM Fungi) and Rhizobium Inoculation on Crop Growth and Chemical Properties of Rhizospheric Soils in High Plants

Soil microorganisms commonly named biofertilizers can be used to decrease input of fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals in Agriculture. Among soil microorganisms, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and Rhizobium spp. can promote plant growth and control plant fungal diseases. However these microorganisms are not yet used in commercial biocontrol products. Integration of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi with Rhizobium sp. thus appears to be a promising approach for sustainable agriculture especially in legume crops where the net influence of this combination is supposed to be very high compare to other types of crop families. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi and root-nodule bacterium Rhizobium are two root symbionts. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increases soil nutrients and water absorption, while root-nodule bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen and produce antibiotics and phytoalexins. These microbes modify the quality and abundance of rhizosphere microflora and alter overall microbial activity of the rhizosphere. They induce changes in the host root exudation pattern. A procedure for successful development of these microorganisms is required by selection and screening of efficient isolates. Knowledge of culture systems that are adapted to their establishment and multiplication is needed. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi provide specific niches for bacteria. Arbuscular mycorrhizal bacteria improve nutrient acquisition in plants and subsequently, growth of the particular crops is advantaged indeed. Arbuscular mycorrhizal bacteria may contribute to ability of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to inhibit pathogens acquire mineral nutrients and modify plant root growth. Combined use of these microorganisms is more beneficial than their use alone. Together, they Influence plant root morphology changes and chemical properties of Rhizospheric soils of high plants with the significant extent. These symbionts also interact with other beneficial microorganisms synergistically and can be exploited for sustainable agriculture. The sound influence of these symbionts on root morphology and growth of the whole crop as well as on soil properties interested many researchers in agriculture domain.

Effect of soil tillage on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and on their role in nutrient uptake by crops


Zusammenfassung Résumé 1. General introduction 2. Literature review 3. Objective, hypotheses and approaches 4. Effect of soil tillage on plant growth, nutrient acquisition and root colonisation by AMF 5. Effect of soil tillage on the community of AMF within maize roots 6. Effects of AMF from differently tilled soils on plant growth and nutrient acquisition in pots with a single compartment 7. Strategies of soil exploration by AMF from genus Glomus 8. Uptake and transport of P and Zn by Glomus intraradices Schenck & Smith growing in symbiosis with maize 9. General discussion and conclusions 10. Future perspectives 11. References 2.1.2. AMF diversity About 130-160 species of AMF have been described based on the morphology of their spores so far (Walker and Trappe 1993, Giovannetti and Gianinazzi-Pearson 1994, Morton and Bentivenga 1994). The other AMF structures (mycelium, arbuscules, and vesicles) are morphologically very conserved and provide very limited number of characters useful for taxonomy (Morton and Bentivenga 1994). Some AMF species might preferentially establish symbiotic relationships with certain plant species (such as Acaulospora sp. preferentially establishing symbiosis with Allium sp. or Glomus sp. with Plantago sp.) (Bever et al. 1996). No clear evidence for absolute (species to species) specificity has been yet recognised (Vanderplank 1978, Smith and Read 1997). However, the processes controlling the recognition between the plant and the AMF partner in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and the factors involved in this interaction are still poorly known (

The Role of Mycorrhizal Relationship in Sustainable Manner Towards Plant Growth and Soil Fertility


Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations, formed between plants and soil fungi that play an essential role in plant growth, plant protection and soil fertility. The AM (Arbuscular Mycorrhizae) fungi expand their filaments in soil and plant roots. These filamentous networks promote bi-directional nutrient movement where soil nutrients and water move to the plant and plant photosynthesis flow to the fungal network. AM fungi are ubiquitous in the soil and can form symbiosis with most terrestrial plants including major crops, cereals, vegetables and horticultural plants. Soil microbial populations are immersed in a framework of interactions known to affect the soil quality. AM fungi induced changes in plant physiology; affect the microbial populations both qualitatively and quantitatively, in rhizosphere or mycorhizosphere. Therefore, the rhizosphere of a mycorrhizal plant has different features than those of a non-mycorrhizal plant. AMF involved in fundamental activities that enhanced th...

Mycorrhizal colonization and nitrogen uptake by maize: combined effect of tropical earthworms and velvetbean mulch

Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2007

Earthworms and mulch can have positive or negative effects on mycorrhizae (fungus-roots) and N uptake by plants. In the present experiment, maize plants were grown under greenhouse conditions with or without tropical earthworms (Balanteodrilus pearsei) and mulch of velvetbean (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis). The formation of vesicles and hyphae of arbuscular-mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in roots and N uptake by maize plants was measured at harvest. The addition of earthworms and velvetbean reduced AM root colonization. Earthworms had no effect on plant root or shoot biomass. In the absence of velvetbean, earthworms reduced AM colonization, but when velvetbean was present, this effect disappeared. The addition of velvetbean mulch, on the other hand, had an effect on plant biomass (above-and belowground) and a positive effect on AM fungal colonization of roots in presence of worms, but a negative effect when worms were absent. When both M. pruriens and B. pearsei were added, shoot and root biomass and N concentrations increased. Vesicle formation was related to velvetbean mulch decomposition as well as the higher N concentration in maize roots. Management of mulch-earthworm interactions may be of value, particularly in low-input and organic agricultural systems, and deserves further investigation.

Possible role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in development of soil structure


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) represent an important group of root symbionts, given the key role they play in the enhancement of plant nutrition, health, and product quality. The services provided by AMF often are facilitated by large and diverse beneficial bacterial communities, closely associated with spores, sporocarps, and extraradical mycelium, showing different functional activities, such as N 2 fixation, nutrient mobilization, and plant hormone, antibiotic, and siderophore production and also mycorrhizal establishment promotion, leading to the enhancement of host plant performance. The potential functional complementarity of AMF and associated microbiota poses a key question as to whether members of AMF-associated bacterial communities can colonize the root system after establishment of mycorrhizas, thereby becoming endophytic. Root endophytic bacterial communities are currently studied for the benefits provided to host plants in the form of growth promotion, stress reduction, inhibition of plant pathogens, and plant hormone release. Their quantitative and qualitative composition is influenced by many factors, such as geographical location, soil type, host genotype, and cultivation practices. Recent data suggest that an additional factor affecting bacterial endophyte recruitment could be AMF and their associated bacteria, even though the mechanisms allowing members of AMF-associated bacterial communities to actually establish in the root system, becoming endophytic, remain to be determined. Given the diverse plant growth-promoting properties shown by AMF-associated bacteria, further studies are needed to understand whether AMF may represent suitable tools to introduce beneficial root endophytes in sustainable and organic agriculture where the functioning of such multipartite association may be crucial for crop production.