Travel of studies: cities of João Pessoa, Maceio, Natal and Recife: a look on the urban space and brazilian architectural production (original) (raw)
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This paper is a brief discussion of a recent research on how Brazilian cities have been shaped from the late 1980s to the early 2000s through several case studies in different cities.1 After the disruption of the modernist paradigm, the de-mythification of Brasilia, and the redemocratization of the country in the 1980´s, architecture and urbanism in Brazil were eager for new models with which to face urban development. On one side globalization and market forces dragged society towards an “entrepreneurial ” and fragmented city of shopping centers, gated communities, private enclaves, and trendy and irrelevant architectural imagery. On the other side academia, intellectuals, community and social movements, and consciencious political leaders pushed toward another social order and to solutions that are more appropriate to the Brazilian social and cultural heritage. This duality is cleary reflected in urban landscapes throughout the country and reflects a constant tension between oppos...
Beyond Brasilia-Contemporary Urban Design in Brazil
… of the 41st ISOCARP Congress: Bilbao, …, 2005
This paper is a brief discussion of a recent research on how Brazilian cities have been shaped from the late 1980s to the early 2000s through several case studies in different cities. 1 After the disruption of the modernist paradigm, the de-mythification of Brasilia, and the redemocratization of the country in the 1980´s, architecture and urbanism in Brazil were eager for new models with which to face urban development. On one side globalization and market forces dragged society towards an "entrepreneurial" and fragmented city of shopping centers, gated communities, private enclaves, and trendy and irrelevant architectural imagery. On the other side academia, intellectuals, community and social movements, and consciencious political leaders pushed toward another social order and to solutions that are more appropriate to the Brazilian social and cultural heritage. This duality is cleary reflected in urban landscapes throughout the country and reflects a constant tension between opposite realms: global-local, private-public, individual-collective, and so on. Urban design reflects this duality and the tensions that it generates in Brazilian cities, and it always results from public actions, either directly-through programs and projects by institutional agencies-or indirectly-through legislation, incentives, and other instruments set to control the market. Even illegal settlements and substandard housing result from political, economic, and social options at the governmental sphere, or simply from the lack of satisfactory institutional actions at national, regional, and local levels. Urban design shapes the public realm, ensures its quality, and sets the stage for cultural, social and economic development. Findings of my research show how urban design can be regarded as a fundamental tool towards a pluralist and democratic city in Brazil, where three major trends in its practice were identified: a) late-modernism, b) re-utilization of the built environment, and c) social inclusion. This paper will briefly discuss some of the research findings in the hopes that it will be relevant to a better understanding of the role of urban design from an international perspective.
Today, December 15th, the Day of the Architect and Urban Planner of Brazil is celebrated, which is also the birthday of one of the most renowned architects and urban planners in the world, the Brazilian Oscar Niemeyer. On this date, I pay my respects to all the architects and urban planners in Brazil who contributed with their intelligence and creativity in the realization of great works for the benefit of Brazilian society, especially to the architects and urban planners Claudia Alcoforado (my daughter), Esperança Leria (mother of my granddaughter Sofia), Ernesto Carvalho (my nephew), Karla Andrade, Loris Brantes, Marcos Lopes, Paulo Ormindo de Azevedo, Eduardo Henrique Teixeira, Guivaldo D´Alexandria Baptista, Javier Alfaya and also to my late brother architect and urban planner Luiz Carlos Alcoforado. Architects and urban planners deserve our tributes because they have distinguished themselves from antiquity to the contemporary era, not only in the elaboration of building projects, many of which are true works of art, but also in urban planning whose objective is to improve the quality of life of cities through political, environmental and social actions, among others. Architecture and Urbanism has been responsible, since antiquity, for creating public and private spaces capable of uniting, at the same time, functionality, aesthetics and comfort. Nowadays, Architecture can be defined as the relationship between man and space, or rather, the way it interferes with the environment, creating favorable aesthetic and functional conditions for housing, use and organization of space. The exercise of planning cities comes from much older civilizations. The objective of urban planning is to respond to the problems faced by the gathering of many people in cities, which became more complex after the 1st Industrial Revolution in the 18th century in England. From the beginning of the 20th century to the contemporary era, there has been an accelerated urban growth that has led to serious problems that negatively affect the quality of life of people who live, mainly, in big cities. Architects and urban planners have worked closely with engineers, economists, sociologists and other professionals in planning and implementing solutions to urban problems.
The Modernization of Brazilian Urban Space as a Political Symbol of the Republic
The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, 1995
Celina Borges Lemos is his article examines the creation and planning process of two Brazilian cities, taking place during the second half of the nineteenth century and professor of theory and history the first half of the twentieth. For this analysis we chose Belo Horizonte and Goiinia, capital cities of the states of Minas Gerais and Goias respecof architecture and urbanism at tively, along with the urban region of Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, developed the Federal University of Minas in 1942. As the push toward modernization after the proclamation of the republic in 1889 is central to the genesis of these events, we also focus on how the state Gerais, as well as consultant participated in this process. on urban and cultural affairs The question of planned cities in Brazil is at the very least a curious one. If processes of architectonic and urbanistic preservation in Europe sought for the city of Belo Horizonte. to maintain structures and urban patrimony, in Brazil these processes were She is author and coauthor of frequently absent or interrupted. In this sense many cities possessed absolutely n o urban infrastructure. Large cities were supplied with only partially publications on contemporary adequate urban infrastructure. Often plans for architectonic o r urbanistic renewal were not enacted completely. At other times projects and plans architecture and Brazilian were not put into operation, "forgotten" by the responsible authorities. urban anthropology. Throughout this century, architectonic scenarios, as well as urban landscapes of Brazilian capitals, underwent a rapid evolutionary cycle. Considering the fragile conditions of these patrimonies, the absence of actions designed to preserve them led them to age prematurely. As the French anthropologist Levi-Strauss aptly observed, while the passage of centuries represented enhancement for European cities, for those in the so-called New World, like South America, the mere passing of the years represented a decay.'
Experiências urbanísticas no Brasil contemporâneo: planejamento e projeto em diferentes escalas
EDUSP, 2023
Experiências Urbanísticas no Brasil Contemporâneo é resultado de trabalho coletivo da rede de pesquisadoras e pesquisadores Laboratório de Experiências Urbanísticas (LEU) e tem por objetivo discutir a experimentação técnica, política e reflexiva de planos e projetos. No livro, são apresentadas nove experiências desenvolvidas por oito universidades públicas em doze municípios distribuídos em todas as cinco macrorregiões do país. O conteúdo está organizado em três seções de modo a proporcionar leituras independentes de cada uma delas. Na Seção 1, o leitor poderá conhecer detalhes de cada uma das nove experiências por meio de fichas técnicas; na Seção 2, são apresentados seis capítulos que problematizam os principais temas comuns a cada uma das experiências; e na Seção 3, encontram-se diálogos críticos com pensadores, pesquisadores, gestores e acadêmicos que trazem importantes dados e conclusões sobre políticas públicas urbanas e regionais, nacionais e internacionais. A finalidade é proporcionar uma leitura cujo percurso seja definido pelos próprios interesses do leitor, dada a diversidade de assuntos decorrente da dimensão continental brasileira. Essas nove experiências vinculam-se a estudos históricos urbano-regionais; projetos de extensão; exercícios acadêmicos na área de ensino de urbanismo; assessorias e consultorias a órgãos públicos e entidades privadas; e processos participativos em conselhos municipais e com assentamentos precários. Elas ocorreram em regiões metropolitanas, aglomerações urbanas, microrregiões, zona de fronteira, cidades de portes pequeno, médio e grande, capitais estaduais, centros regionais, polos e metrópoles. Caracterizam-se por estudos sobre a expansão de infraestrutura urbana e regional, pelos conflitos fundiários e ambientais, pela precariedade habitacional, pela vulnerabilidade social e pelas contradições da gestão pública.
The present, duplicated by the alternative reality of the Internet and all kinds of indirect reception, builds a picture filled with myths. More than 50 years ago, one of the largest urban and architectural projects of the 20th century, which was the construction of the capital of Brazil, was completed. However, do the buildings erected on a characteristic plan testify to the avant-garde of this project, or do they create a myth and an illusory image of “a dream of power”? The article presents an analysis of selected elements in the field of architecture and urban planning, trying to provide an answer to the question asked – to resolve the dissonance contained in the title. Współczesność, powielona przez alternatywną rzeczywistość Internetu i wszelakich form pośredniego odbioru, buduje obraz wypełniony mitami. Ponad 50 lat temu zrealizowano jedno z największych przedsięwzięć urbanistyczno-architektonicznych XX w. jakim była realizacja stolicy Brazylii. Czy jednak budowle wzniesione na charakterystycznym planie zaświadczają o awangardzie tego projektu, czy też tworzą mit i złudny obraz „snu o potędze”? W artykule przedstawiono analizę wybranych elementów architektury i urbanistyki, próbując przedstawić odpowiedź na zadane pytanie – rozstrzygnąć zawarty w tytule dysonans.
In Brazil (apart from urban experiences of the modern period, such as Brasilia and the spatial qualities of Portuguese heritage), most of the large cities, still not have consolidated, an urban design able to guarantee the minimum living conditions for all segments of our population. In this way, we discuss here some points about the process of occupation of important areas of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The most powerful cities of the country in terms of development, but also related to the delay that we are still having in Brazil, considering pros and cons of current urbanism in specific urban areas. These two cities separated no more than three hundred miles situated in southeastern area of the country, which is the most industrialized region of Brazil, connected by highways concentrating the most important national revenue. Since the fifties, improved by agriculture, the geography and economic peculiarities, São Paulo has been emerging as the industrial and business capital of the country, while Rio de Janeiro, regarding the natural beauty has become the most important touristic destiny in Brazil. In this sense, we discuss some points of urban renovation that are happening nowadays in southwest sector of São Paulo – near the financial district of Pinheiros River – and some architectural projects for Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games 2016.
This work is about the architectural Protomodernism in the town of Pelotas-Brazil, more precisely, of a sample of buildings designed and constructed within a period between the decades of the thirties and the fourthies of the Twentieth Century; between the Historic Ecletism and the brazilian Modernism, close to the International Style. The term Protomodernism (a regionalism) is often apllied to those buildings, influenced mainly by the Art Déco. Accordingly to previous surveys, traces of Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism and De Stjil can also be sensed by an educated eye in the whole historical center of the town. Protomodernist buildings are numerous and lack conservation, too. The present research links three main issues which may contribute with proposal of criteria for proper preservation: 1 – reinvention of the aesthetic value of the Protomodernist architecture; 2 – interpretation (reconstruction of the sense) of stylistics in the architectural practice in that period; 3 – effec...
Projetos urbanos e turismo em grandes cidades: o caso de São Paulo
This present work analyses the relation between urban projects and touristic development in contemporaneity, having as scenario the city of São Paulo. The initial step has required a discussion on the concept of urban tourism and its unfolding in large cities, focused on relation between tourist and resident as its target audience. A second aspect presents the wide range of activities offered by cities of such dimension which does not require big urban projects for the effectiveness of tourism development, something quite different from what has been observed in other cities and countries. To that effect, discussions on meanings and practices of tourism in contemporaneity have been presented, besides an extended bibliographical reading on urban projects, complemented by a research on tourist attractions in São Paulo, aspects of visitation and location in relation to urban interventions similar to urban projects in São Paulo – such as Operações Urbanas Consorciadas (Combined Urban Operations). The contributions to work relativize the concept of tourist in its relation to the resident and clarify the discussion on the importance of urban projects to urban tourism in large cities as São Paulo Key-words: contemporary urbanization, urban tourism, urban projects, São Paulo (Brasil). .