Towards a Standard for the Cadastral Domain (original) (raw)
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For many decades researchers and managers of Cadastral systems have been stressing the differences in their systems: deed or title registration, centralized or decentralized, general or fixed boundaries, fiscal or legal cadastre, etc. However, looking at it from a little distance the systems are in principle mainly the same: they are all based on the relationships between subjects (persons) and objects (land, property) via rights. Further, one thing has become clearer everywhere, the Cadastral systems are influenced a lot by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) developments. In this paper the authors propose the development of a standardized core cadastral data model based on the geographic standards from ISO and OpenGIS and to be developed in cooperation with the FIG.
Towards a Standard for the Cadastral Domain: Proposal to establish a Core Cadastral Data Model
For many decades researchers and managers of Cadastral systems have been stressing the differences in their systems: deed or title registration, centralized or decentralized, general or fixed boundaries, fiscal or legal cadastre, etc. However, looking at it from a little distance the systems are in principle mainly the same: they are all based on the relationships between subjects (persons) and objects (land, property) via rights. Further, one thing has become clearer everywhere, the Cadastral systems are influenced a lot by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) developments. In this paper the authors propose the development of a standardized core cadastral data model based on the geographic standards from ISO and OpenGIS and to be developed in cooperation with the FIG.
A New Vision on Cadastral Data Model
SUMMARY Land administration systems are evolving towards an integrated land management paradigm designed to support sustainable development. In this paradigm, land administration delivers four functionalities: land mapping, land registration, land valuation and land development, each with specific data elements, with the cadastral data model at the core. Cadastral data modelling potentially plays a key role in both data and business management in modern land administration systems. However, some modifications to existing data models could potentially improve their capacity to deliver sustainability. Firstly, the existing role of land parcels and properties as core building blocks in land administration systems can be significantly extended to make the cadastral fabric available to assist management of a wider range of rights, restrictions and responsibilities by using the concept of legal property objects: an entity defined by a law or regulation which relates to a physical space on...
Directions in modeling Land Registration and Cadastre Domain
SUMMARY Experiences and lessons from the EULIS Project show that semantic modeling or standardization in land register and cadastral domain is possible to and should be based on real world functions. For carrying this through focus should be shifted more on services representing the real world context, instead of information contents and systems that only reflect the real world. Ontology explication and semantic translators can be used as surrogates to connect the existing systems to the ICT infrastructure related. A roadmap to this with quality assurance by quality labeling has been outlined, detailing the harmonization-standardization process. The structuring process is naturalistic aiming to 'common sense' terms in terminology standardization and by measuring the quality against user needs, and maybe slightly heuristic searching for most likely choices of the information community. As for cadastre, it may be stated that the legal aspects make up the 5 th dimension in the information system domain. Another initiative for cadastral domain, and EULIS, is mapping the trustworthiness and matching the criteria for quality certification labels as detailed. RESUMÉ Les expériences du projet d'EULIS prouvent que modeler sémantique ou étalonnage le domaine cadastral est possible à et devrait être basé sur de vraies fonctions du monde. Pour accomplir ceci le foyer devrait être décalé plus aux services représentant le vrai contexte du monde, au lieu du contenu de l'information et des systèmes seulement reflétant le vrai monde. L'interprétation d'Ontology ou les traducteurs sémantiques peuvent être utilisés comme surrogats pour connecté les systèmes existants à l'infrastructure d'ICT reliée. Une carte routière avec la garantie de la qualité par marquer de qualité a été décrite, détaillant le procédé d'harmonisation-standardisation. Le processus structurant et naturalistique, peut être légèrement heuristique, recherchant des choix le plus évidents de la communauté de l'information et modifiés avec des enquêtes complètes d'utilisateur. Quant au cadastre, on peut affirmer que les aspects légaux forment la 5ème dimension dans le domaine de système d'information. Une autre initiative pour le domaine cadastral, et EULIS, trace le trustworthiness et assortit les critères pour des étiquettes de certification de qualité comme détaillé.
Research concerning the classification and modelling of rights, restrictions, and responsibilities related to real property based on a systems approach within the domain of land registration and cadastre commenced with the Core Cadastral Domain Model (CCDM) initiative in 2002. That model has been renamed the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), having at its core a conceptual model of the relationship of persons (natural, nonnatural or group) to registered objects through rights, restrictions, and responsibilities. This basic relationship is assumed to be applicable to land registration and cadastral systems throughout the world. In fact, LADM has gathered support from such international organizations as OGC, ISO/TC211, UN-Habitat and EU-Inspire. 1 It is being discussed within the International Standards Organization (ISO) as Working Draft 19152 with a view to issuing a new international standard. 2 The research leading to the original CCDM has been published through a series of papers concerning different modelling aspects, cumulating in two articles. One generic 3 and one on the proposed implementation of the Portuguese Cadastre. 4 This first implementation exercise, as well as a current (operational) implementation to the Icelandic Cadastre, 5 both focused specially on the cadastral component (specifically, geometry and spatial topology of surveying and mapping objects, especially parcels).
The Ghana Surveyor Vol 5. No 1, 2013, 2014
Due to persisting challenges, the land market has become more sophisticated globally in the last two decades. This new realisation has sparked extensive awareness for the registration of land rights and responsibilities. Though, this could also be attributable largely to tenure insecurity in many parts of the world, land registration significantly contributes to economic development and investment. Various land registration systems have been designed in various countries to handle required data efficiently. The Core Cadastre Domain Model (CCDM) is been developed as an enhancement of Cadastre 2014 to increase data-sharing and authenticity beyond a cadastre. Though some antagonists argue that the CCDM may require huge financial investment, it is worth the investment to increase efficiency in land data management. CCDM will change information infrastructure positively – model is simple, flexible and extendable. It will improve information interoperability, organisational cooperation, cost recovery and stimulate investment in the long run. All stakeholders – governments, academicians, financial institutions, tax agencies, real estate firms and vibrant private sector – must put all hands on deck to realise the dreams of the CCDM. Keywords: Cadastre, Cadastre 2014, Core Cadastre Domain Module (CCDM), Information Infrastructure, Spatial Data Infrastructure
A modular standard for the cadastral domain: Application to the Portuguese Cadastre
Following recent worldwide developments and initiatives by FIG and UN, an object oriented, conceptual model for the Cadastral Domain, adapted to Portuguese Cadastre and related Real Estate Register is presented, based on a previously proposed standard. After a brief description of present Cadastral and Land Registration situation in Portugal, UML (Unified Modeling Language) literate modeling was used to describe the top level classes by using a structured mix of UML Class Diagrams and natural text. Important contributions of this paper are the evaluation of the FIG core cadastral model by applying it to Portugal. It turns out that a limited number of the classes of the core model are currently not needed (but some of them might be used in the future) and that other classes were added specifically for the situation in Portugal. This is anticipated use of the core model and in case similar patterns occurs in several countries, the new version of the core model should be adapted accordingly within the FIG. In addition to these static model aspects, Activity Diagrams were used to model dynamic behavior concerning a number of chosen Cadastral Update tasks. Currently, the dynamic aspects are not yet present in the FIG core cadastral model, but in case similar dynamic patterns occurs in several countries, then this should be added to the core model. (Notation: In this article, all class names appearing in the text are written in Italics, while the names of class methods are written in Bold Italics and names of attributes are in the in default text style.
Technologies and spatial data for modern land governance. Tools to support the cadastral reform
Territorio Italia, 2013
This article outlines the methods and activities, in the field of mapping, in support of the important process of renewal of the entire cadastral system. It describes the technology and spatial data currently available that can assist in setting up complex issues of reforming appraisal system and, more generally, in the processes against tax evasion in real estate.
This paper describes a Swedish approach construction a model of the cadastral domain. The National Land Survey of Sweden (Lantmäteriet) has developed an UML-based, objectorientated information model describing real property information stored in the Swedish Real Property Register. The register is part of the Swedish Land Data Bank System. The work has been initiated due to a general need for an object-orientated and application independent description of real property information. The project is part of a greater task describing all information handled by Lantmäteriet in an object-orientated way, not focussing on the technical storage of the information, but the information itself. A non-technical modelling approach is the foundation for more cost-efficient development of new software and routines managing and processing cadastral information in the future.