An insight on the polyphase thermal history of the Ghomarides and Upper Sebtides in the Internal Rif (North Morocco) by means of Raman spectroscopy on organic matter (original) (raw)
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Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2021
In this paper, the aspects of studying micron-sized carbon material substances using Raman spectroscopy with laser excitation were discussed. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the positions of diagnostic lines in the Raman spectra of carbon materials are significantly affected as the analyzed sample region is heated during the process of spectra recording, thereby resulting in a shift of the diagnostic lines and bands, up to the burnout of the analyzed particle region or to the complete combustion of the sample. To assess the influence of the laser radiation power on the position of diagnostic lines in the Raman spectra of carbon materials, we studied the position of the lines depending on the laser power and sample size of both natural and man-made carbon phases of various structures: highly crystalline graphite, glassy carbon, cubic monocrystalline diamond, hexagonal monocrystalline diamond (lonsdaleite), and ultrananocrystalline diamond. The study was performed by Raman spectroscopy with the use of a high-resolution LabRam HR800 microspectrometer (Horiba, Jobin Yvon). For mono-, nano-, and ultrananocrystalline diamonds, a number of examples were provided to demonstrate that the exciting laser power during Raman spectroscopy measurements of carbon materials must be especially carefully monitored in particles of 10 μm or less in size. For highly crystalline graphite particles, the laser power must be controlled in samples smaller than 4 μm in size. When the Raman spectra were registered during the controlled laser heating, it was found that the samples of a black carbon variety between coal and diamond (described as togorite by V.A. Yezersky V.A. (1986)) had intergrowths of diamond and glassy carbon, a diamond core with a glass-like carbon shell. The results obtained show that the controlled use of the thermal effect of laser radiation can be helpful in identification of the detailed spectroscopic characteristics that occur during the intensive heating of samples, as well as in recovering mineral individuals from aggregates.
Radiocarbon Dates of the Tartas-1 Neolithic Complex (Early Neolithic in Baraba)
Vestnik NSU. Series: History and Philology
В последнее десятилетие в Барабинской лесостепи выявлены памятники неолита с комплексами плоскодонной посуды. Первооткрыватели отнесли материалы памятника Автодрома-2/2 к боборыкинской культуре. На многослойном памятнике Тартас-1 изучен неолитический комплекс, состоящий из двух конструкций (жилищ?) и системы ям для хранения рыбы (и мяса птицы) с аналогичной керамикой. Подобные изделия зафиксированы и на памятнике Венгерово-2. Серия радиоуглеродных дат получена из объектов памятника Тартас-1 и одна дата-из Венгерово-2. Все датировки образцов укладываются в пределы VII тыс. до н. э., включая рубежи VI и VIII тыс. до н. э. На основе их анализа можно говорить о существовании в Барабе и в лесостепном правобережном Прииртышье не известного ранее периода неолита-раннего неолита. Его колорит проявляется в наличии оригинальной плоскодонной керамической посуды, орнаментации и технологии. Отнесение тартасских комплексов с плоскодонной керамикой к периоду раннего неолита не позволяет связывать их с боборыкинской культурой. Постулируется автохтонное происхождение тартасских комплексов. Ключевые слова: Барабинская лесостепь, ранний неолит, плоскодонная посуда, радиоуглеродное датирование.
The Early Neolithic Complex on the Tartas-1 Site: Results of the AMS Radiocarbon Dating
Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia (Russian-language)., 2019
The Early Neolithic Complex on the Tartas-1 Site: Results of the AMS Radiocarbon Dating AMS radiocarbon dating was applied to seven samples from Tartas-1, an Early Neolithic site in the Baraba forest-steppe, southwestern Siberia: four from pit 938, one from pit 990, and two from structure 6. Pits had been destined for fermenting fi sh, and contained offerings, such as corpses of animals (fox, hare, wolverine, dog), stone and bone artifacts, and fl at-bottomed clay vessels. On the basis of these fi nds, the Baraba culture was described. The results of the AMS radiocarbon analysis support the previous conclusion regarding the date of the complex-7th millennium BC. A series of dates generated at the Curt Engelhorn Center for Archaeometry in Mannheim, Germany, for the Neolithic materials from Tartas-1 mostly fall within the 7th millennium, and the same applies to the dates relating to the Neolithic site of Vengerovo-2. The dates for structure 6 from Tartas-1 were generated at the Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS in Novosibirsk as well, agreeing with those from the Mannheim Center (for two samples, the results being virtually identical). In sum, the data obtained confi rm the correctness of dating the Early Neolithic complex from Tartas-1 to the 7th millennium BC. The Baraba culture is also dated to this time.
Geodynamics & Tectonophysics
Here we present the results from an in situ Raman thermal spectroscopy study on specific features of the lattice dynamics of scheelite-type compounds (natural and synthetic scheelite, synthetic CaMoO 4 and SrMoO 4) in the temperature range of 83-873 K. Spectroscopic data processing has been carried out based on both classical "peak fitting" and statistical approaches. It has been suggested that an increase in temperature causes nonuniformity of MoO 4 and WO 4 tetrahedra transformation. It has been assumed that dynamics in thermal expansion of unit cells of Ca-containing compounds is slower than that in thermal expansion of WO 4 (MoO 4) polyhedral. This diffence is mainly due to the fact that thermal expansion is mainly defined by the expansion of CaO 8 (SrO 8) polyhedra.
Введение Органические соединения, содержащиеся в природных средах, в последнее время вызывают у исследователей повышенный интерес. Благодаря развитию аналитических методов, в частности хроматографии в сочетании с масс-спектрометри-ей, стало возможным определение индивидуаль-ных органических микропримесей в объектах окружающей среды. Прежде всего, это связано с вопросами региональной экологии. Исследование органических соединений в термальных водах, кроме изучения степени их загрязненности, на-правленно также на определение генезиса нефти, решение вопроса происхождения жизни на Земле и оценку влияния растворенного органического вещества на здоровье человека (последнее напра-вление наименее изучено, хотя очень актуально, поскольку термальные источники часто использу-ются в целях бальнеологии). В основном органиче-ские соединения изучаются в гидротермальных системах на дне океанов. Такие работы проводятся также в водах наземных термальных полей и в ла-бораториях, моделирующих гидротерм...
The article uses a metamodern method of research with scientific and artistic techniques, which serves as a basis for the connection between science and fine arts. The results of the study of literature on the subject and newly discovered documentary sources are used to recreate the famine in Bessarabia in 1946–1947 in picturesque historical paintings. Visual images reveal the influence of the tragic consequences of the famine and support the understanding of the socio-cultural and moral-psychological state of the Bessarabian Bulgarians. The emotional artistic expression in the paintings is a means of deep penetration into the atmosphere of abuse of human dignity in Bessarabia, through purposefully provoked hunger. Publishing House: Institute for Historical Studies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Published: 17 November 2020) Historical Review 76 (2020) 3, 113-161. Print ISSN 0323-9748
Вестник Тверского государственного университета. Серия: Химия, 2021
В статье обобщены полученные результаты лабораторных исследований и расчета значений термодинамических функций процесса сернокислотного разложения фосфоритного концентрата месторождения Риват. Установлен минералогический состав концентрата рентгенофазовым анализом. Показано, что основной составной частью концентрата является карбонат-фторапатит. В ходе исследования показано, что повышение температуры неблагополучно влияет на сернокислотное разложение концентрата и оно протекает самопроизвольно при комнатной температуре. The article summarizes the results of laboratory studies and calculation of the values of thermodynamic functions of the process of sulfuric acid decomposition of phosphorite concentrate from the Rivat deposit. The mineralogical composition of the concentrate was determined by X-ray phase analysis. It is shown that the main constituent of the concentrate is carbonate - fluorapatite. In the course of the study, it was shown that an increase in temperature adversely af...
Analysis of the material culture and new radiocarbon dating of the Early Neolithic site of Amnya I
Samara Journal of Science, 2019
The ancient fortified settlement of Amnya I is a unique Early Neolithic site in the northern taiga zone of Western Siberia (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Amnya river). It is located on a promontory and has three lines of defense and ten dwelling depressions. The structures of the excavated dwellings are very similar, though the artifact assemblage appears rather heterogeneous. We carried out a technical and technological analysis of ceramics, which showed no correlation between the texture, on the one hand, and the morphology and ornamentation of pots on the other one. Planiographic analysis of ceramics showed that vessels with comb and incising patterns are found in different dwellings, although there are objects in which both groups lie together. Various categories of stone implements (bladelets and polished arrowheads) also appear on different parts of the settlement. Most likely, the observed differences in the artefact complexes of objects are associated with the stages of...
The article is based on the studies of "thick" magazines of various political views at the end of the 1850s and 1860s. The author analyses the content of public discussions dedicated to women's education in the Russian empire, which was a subject of significant modernization during that period. Traditional schooling establishments (girls' colleges of Empress Maria's establishment, religious schools, boarding colleges etc) were being transformed, and a new type of school was created. A short period of time-not much longer than ten years-included significant changes both in the life of the country in general, and in the position of women. The "thick" literary and socio-political magazines played an important role in helping the society to understand those changes.