Öğrenme Nesnesi Ambarlarının Kullanışlılık Değerlendirmesi: egitim.gov.tr Sitesi Örneği / Usability Assessment of Learning Object Repositories: The Case of egitim.gov.tr (original) (raw)
The purpose of this research is to examine usability of the web site www.egitim.gov.tr, which is the official learning object repository of Turkish Ministry of Education (MEB). Case study is used in the research as a qualitative research pattern. The study group consists of 5 teachers from different branches, working at Istanbul Atasehir, Public Secondary School and selected through purposeful sampling. Factors of effectiveness and efficiency were ascertained by having regard to achievement ratios of tasks, the period of time spent to perform the task given, the number of errors, and the number of references used for help; whereas, the satisfaction factor was measured by means of interviews, observations and satisfaction surveys. As a result of pre-interviews, all of the teachers in the study group were seen to have used computers and the internet in their courses, and most of them did not use any object repository. It was found out that the effectiveness and efficiency of the web s...