Developing Women Entrepreneurship – A challenge (original) (raw)

iJARS/ Vol.I / Issue II /Sept-Nov, 2012/189 Problems Encountered by Women Entrepreneurs in India Authors

This paper tries to investigate the problems sand challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in India. Women Entrepreneur is a person who accepts challenging role to meet her personal needs and become economically independent. Many women have this quality but they never got a platform to showcase their talents and hence they don't know their real abilities. Though the women in India are considered as Shakthi-meaning source of power, but they are also considered weaker sex and always depend on men folk. Even though our constitution speaks of equality between sexes, male chauvinism is still the order of the day. Women in India are taking more responsibilities in bringing up children and maintaining a better home with love and affection. At the family level, the task of coordinating various activities in a much effective manner, without feeling the pinch of inconveniences, is being carried out by the women folk. The study is an exploratory research. The data used in the paper are both the Primary data as well as secondary data. The primary data collection was done with the help of unstructured questionnaire. The secondary data were collected from reports journals magazines and surfing on the Net. Some of the major problems identified are women's family obligations, Gender inequality, Problem of Finance, Low-level risk taking attitude, and the male -female competition .The paper concludes that the problems of women entrepreneurs can be eradicated by appropriate training, incentives, encouragement and motivation, social recognition of their entrepreneurial abilities, and family's moral support.


Women constitute around half of the total world population. They are, therefore regarded as the better half of the society. In traditional societies they were confined to the four walls of houses performing household activities. In modern societies they have come out of the four walls to participate in all sorts of activities. The global evidences buttress that women have been performing exceedingly well in different spheres of activities like academics, politics, administration, social work and so on. Now they have started plunging into industry also and running their enterprises successfully. Therefore while discussing on entrepreneurial development it seems in the fitness of the context to study about the development of women entrepreneurs in the country. Based on the general concept of entrepreneur just discussed in the previous chapter women entrepreneurs may be defined as a women or group of women who initiate organize and run a business enterprise. In terms of Schumpeterian concept of innovative entrepreneurs women who innovate imitate or adopt a business activity are called women entrepreneurs. The government of India has defined women entrepreneurs based on women participate in equity and employment of a business enterprise.

Women Entrepreneurship: A Big Motivation

Business and Economic Research, 2015

Women Entrepreneurship is gaining popularity in India and Entrepreneurship amongst Women has been a recent concern which started only after the 1970's with the introduction of Women in India. Women Entrepreneurship is an important part of social and economic development of country. Women Empowerment is must for a modern developed economy through Women Entrepreneurship. This paper focuses on Women Entrepreneurship-Various Problems encountered by Women while setting up a new venture, To Study the factors which Motivates the Women to start their own venture, To Study the role of Government in the growth of Women Entrepreneurship. This Study also suggested some Supportive Measures for the development of Women while pursuing their business.


Women entrepreneurs contributes to job creation and socioeconomic development of the country. They face problems in starting and running business like lack of managerial skills, inadequate education, less risk taking ability, limited mobility and family obligation. The objective of the research paper is to examine the various problems and challenges faced by women entrepreneurs. The paper is secondary data based. From year 1982 to 2018 literature has been covered. Through literature it is found that women are unaware of government schemes and are over burdened with family responsibilities which adversely affect the performance of business. Government should be liberal in providing financial assistance to women entrepreneurs.


Entrepreneurship is an extraordinary task for women in India. Growth of women entrepreneurship is very low in India in comparison to developed countries. There are number of obstacles faced by women entrepreneurs during start-up stage and running up of their enterprise. These obstacles need to be addressed so that women can make a significant contribution in sustained economic development and social progress of our country. Overcoming the challenges of business world are no doubt more treacherous for women than their male counterparts, therefore they undergo various impediments to achieve their business success. Keywords: Women Entrepreneurs, Bank Finance, Profitability, Prospects, Challenges.


The aim of this study is to discuss the issues regarding women entrepreneurship in India. Women are considered as weaker sex and always made to depend on men folk in their family and outside, throughout their life. The Indian culture made them only subordinates and executors of the decisions made by other male members, in the basic family structure. Further, investing in women is one of the most effective means of increasing equality and promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Women owned businesses are highly increasing in the economies of almost all countries. The hidden entrepreneurial potentials of women have gradually been changing with the growing sensitivity to the role and economic status in the society. Skill, knowledge and adaptability in business are the main reasons for women to emerge into business ventures. "Women Entrepreneur is a person who accepts challenging role to meet her personal " needs and become economically independent

An Exploratory Study on the Support System for Women Entrepreneurship in India

Journal of Development Research

the development of society or country. Business is a state of mind that every woman has in her as an Entrepreneurship has levered the growth of all the additional quality/feature in a recessive form. economies. Given entrepreneurship's potential to Because of the significant changes in the support economic growth, it is the policy goal of many governments to develop a culture of entrepreneurial environment, people are now more likely to play a thinking. It promotes capital formation and creates leading role in women's society. Increased wealth in the country. Entrepreneurship seems to be humanity's propaganda on service sectors has ideal for women seeking participation in the country's created many sustainable opportunities, economic development because of certain factors. The especially for women, where they can understand emergence of entrepreneurship is considered to be their abilities to maintain their lives. This research closely linked to social, cultural, religious and work would explore and explain the possibilities psychological variables and these changes seem to have of participation of women to strengthen become accepted norms in the context of women at work entrepreneurship in India. Essentially, it focuses in the Indian situation today with more and more on "Women Entrepreneurs", with special women participating in the economic development. reference to Indian women that how they could Academics and government appear to be concentrating create opportunities for themselves by availing and encouraging entrepreneurship (especially women the existing infrastructure and schemes provided entrepreneurship) because it symbolises innovation and implemented by various national and and a dynamic economy. Female entrepreneurs have international agencies. been identified as a "major force for innovation and job II. Literature Review creation" and therefore, much research about women Rathore & Chhabra (1991, as cited in Nachimuthu business owners has concentrated on their motivation & Gunatharan, 2012) found that women make the to become entrepreneurs. This paper is an attempt to second largest target audience to identify study various schemes (the support system) offered by potential entrepreneurs, who are nearly 50% of the the government for women entrepreneurship in India. total population. In India, 99.4 million women are This work is based on secondary data. employed at 272.84 million. The majority of K e y w o r d s : E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p , W o m e n women are looking for work, for economic Entrepreneurship, India, Schemes, Banks reasons, but employment cannot be found in a I. Introduction large number. Their proportion of total I n d i a n o t o n l y h a s a n a b u n d a n c e o f unemployment (40%) is higher than their share of e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l p e r s p e c t i v e b u t a l s o the labour market (33%). entrepreneurial challenges. It is a fact that a Neelam (2012) discussed that women chose microwoman leads society and nation. The social and enterprises because it enhanced the quality of their economic development of women is essential for

Problems Encountered by Women Entrepreneurs in India

This paper tries to investigate the problems sand challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in India. Women Entrepreneur is a person who accepts challenging role to meet her personal needs and become economically independent. Many women have this quality but they never got a platform to showcase their talents and hence they don't know their real abilities. Though the women in India are considered as Shakthi-meaning source of power, but they are also considered weaker sex and always depend on men folk. Even though our constitution speaks of equality between sexes, male chauvinism is still the order of the day. Women in India are taking more responsibilities in bringing up children and maintaining a better home with love and affection. At the family level, the task of coordinating various activities in a much effective manner, without feeling the pinch of inconveniences, is being carried out by the women folk. The study is an exploratory research. The data used in the paper are both the Primary data as well as secondary data. The primary data collection was done with the help of unstructured questionnaire. The secondary data were collected from reports journals magazines and surfing on the Net. Some of the major problems identified are women's family obligations, Gender inequality, Problem of Finance, Low-level risk taking attitude, and the male-female competition .The paper concludes that the problems of women entrepreneurs can be eradicated by appropriate training, incentives, encouragement and motivation, social recognition of their entrepreneurial abilities, and family's moral support.


Women Entrepreneur initiates, organize and operate a business enterprise, explore the prospects of starting new enterprise, undertake risks, introduction of new innovations, coordination of administration and control of business and providing an effective leadership in all the aspects of business. The government of India has defined women entrepreneur as an enterprise owned and controlled by women having a minimum financial interest of 51%of the capital and giving at least 51% of employment generated in the enterprise of women. Women as an Entrepreneur are faced with specific obstacles that have to be overcome in order to give them to same opportunities as men. The major deterrent to women entrepreneurs is that they are women-a male dominant social order is the building block to them in their way of success. The financial institutions are skeptical about the entrepreneurial abilities of women. The women entrepreneurs lack access to external funds due to their inability to provide tangible security. Women's family obligations also bar them from becoming successful entrepreneurs. Indian women give more emphasis to family ties and relationships. Another argument is that women entrepreneurs have low -level management skills. The male-female competition is another factor, which develop hurdles to women entrepreneurs in the business management process. Women Entrepreneurship has been largely neglected both in society in general and in the social set up. In spite of all these hurdles, women entrepreneurship has been recognized during the last decade as an important untapped source of economic growth, create new jobs for themselves and others, and by offering different solutions to management, organization and business problems. This research paper is an attempt to focus on the study of challenges faced by women entrepreneurs and opportunities available for them in India. The research work also suggests some useful recommendations to make women entrepreneurship more contributory to the society at large and to recognize their importance at national level.