Diurnal Warming in Shallow Coastal Seas, Zhu, X., Minnett, P.J., Hendee, J.C., Manfrino, C., Berkelmans, R (original) (raw)
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Continental Shelf Research, 2014
A good understanding of diurnal warming in the upper ocean is important for the validation of satellitederived sea surface temperature (SST) against in-situ buoy data and for merging satellite SSTs taken at different times of the same day. For shallow coastal regions, better understanding of diurnal heating could also help improve monitoring and prediction of ecosystem health, such as coral reef bleaching.
1] We investigate how local atmospheric conditions and hydrodynamic forcing contributed to local variations in water temperature within a fringing coral reef-lagoon system during the peak of a marine heat wave in 2010-2011 that caused mass coral bleaching across Western Australia. A three-dimensional circulation model Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) with a built-in air-sea heat flux exchange module Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Experiment (COARE) was coupled with a spectral wave model Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) to resolve the surface heat exchange and wave-driven reef circulation in Coral Bay, Ningaloo Reef. Using realistic oceanic and atmospheric forcing, the model predictions were in good agreement with measured time series of water temperature at various locations in the coral reef system during the bleaching event. Through a series of sensitivity analyses, we found that the difference in temperature between the reef and surrounding offshore waters (DT) was predominantly a function of both the daily mean net heat flux (Q net ) and residence time, whereas diurnal variations in reef water temperature were dependent on the diurnal fluctuation in the net heat flux. We found that reef temperatures were substantially higher than offshore in the inner lagoon under normal weather conditions and over the entire reef domain under more extreme weather conditions (0.7 C-1.5 C). Although these temperature elevations were still less than that caused by the regional ocean warming (2 C-3 C), the arrival of peak seasonal temperatures in the summer of 2010-2011 (when net atmospheric heat fluxes were positive and abnormally high) caused substantially higher thermal stresses than would have otherwise occurred if offshore temperatures had reached their normal seasonal maxima in autumn (when net atmospheric heat fluxes were negative or cooling). Therefore, the degree heating weeks calculated based on offshore temperature substantially underestimated the thermal stresses experienced by the reef in the period leading up to the observed bleaching event (3 versus 11 C-weeks).
Journal of Climate, 2008
A regional-scale estimate of the surface heat budget of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea (10°–26°S, 142°–155°E) has been developed for the period 1995–2005 in the hope of understanding the trends of sea surface temperatures and the surface heat balance. This report describes the methodology to acquire input parameters from satellite observations, the resultant individual components of the surface heat budget, and their validation with existing datasets and surface measurements. The accuracy of individual flux components of the heat budget were analyzed with an array of surface measurements. Derived monthly averaged latent and sensible heat flux estimates show RMS errors of approximately 25.2 and 3.4 W m−2, respectively. Monthly averaged longwave and shortwave radiation flux estimates show RMS errors of approximately 6.7 and 13.3 W m−2, respectively. These improved estimates allow a higher confidence in studies that examine recent sea surface temperature (SST) trends and observed...
Measurements of diurnal temperature variability at the ocean surface have been available primarily from satellite Sea Surface Temperature (SST) retrievals and a small number of shipbased radiometers. Since most areas are sampled from polar orbiting satellites at most twice a day, surface diurnal variability studies relied on theoretical modeling or extrapolation of results from in situ measurements at depth. The ocean surface responds very rapidly to changes in fluxes of heat and momentum, therefore diurnal variability at the ocean surface may be quite different than heating at depth. Measurements from the Marine Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (M-AERI) provide one of the few skin SST data sets augmented by ancillary measurements necessary for investigations into surface diurnal heating and cooling. This unique data set spans all major ocean basins and contains many days with diurnal warming. The timing of the peak in diurnal warming is directly related to the minimum wind speed and varies from 8:00 to 18:00 local-meantime. Fluctuations in wind speed can result in multiple peaks in diurnal heating during a single afternoon. As wind speed increases, diurnal warming decreases (negatively correlated) and as insolation increases, diurnal warming increases (positively correlated). Changes in wind speed affect diurnal warming amplitudes very rapidly, while changes in insolation have a more gradual effect. The maximum correlation of wind speed (insolation) with changes in diurnal warming is at a time lag of 0 (50) min.
We examined the seasonal and spatial variability in the temperatures of nearshore reef waters over 19 months across Coral Bay at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Local deviations in the mean daily temperature of nearshore reef waters from offshore values (DT) were a linear function of the combined effect of net atmospheric heating (Q net ) and offshore wave height and period H s ffiffiffiffi ffi t p p . Whereas intra-annual variation in local heat exchange was driven mainly by seasonal changes in shortwave radiation, intra-annual variation in local cooling was driven mostly by changes in relative humidity (r 2 5 0.60) and wind speed (r 2 5 0.31) that exhibited no apparent seasonality. We demonstrate good agreement between nearshore reef temperatures modeled from offshore sea surface temperatures, offshore wave forcing, and local atmospheric heat fluxes with observed temperatures using a simple linear model (r 2 5 0.31-0.69, root-mean-square error 5 0.4-0.9uC). Using these modeled nearshore reef temperature records, we show that thermal stresses across the reef reached between 16uC weeks and 22uC weeks in the summer of 2011 when a mass coral bleaching event was reported, and between 12uC weeks and 13uC weeks in the following summer of 2012 when no mass bleaching was reported. After compensating for differences between observed and modeled thermal stresses, we found that maximum thermal stresses across the reef likely reached as high as 18-34uC weeks in the summer of 2011. The approach used here could thus improve our ability to predict spatial variation in thermal stress and bleaching across other wavedriven nearshore reef systems.
Journal of Operational Oceanography
Data from real-time sensor networks along the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) over the 2015-2016 austral summer showed that reef water temperatures exceeded empirical coral bleaching thresholds at a number of sites. Temperatures in the southern GBR were within historically normal limits with temperatures below the empirical bleaching threshold. The central GBR just reached the empirical bleaching threshold while, in the north, Lizard Island recorded four consecutive days above the bleaching threshold. Thursday Island in the far northern GBR experienced 10 days above the bleaching threshold. The in situ data predicted only slight bleaching in the southern GBR, moderate bleaching in the central GBR, widespread bleaching in the north and severe bleaching in the far north, which compares well with the initial survey data. Peak temperatures occurred later in the year in the north (mid-March 2016) than in the south (early February 2015) with temperatures remaining above the long-term mean well into the austral autumn. Comparison against satellite sea surface temperature data highlighted issues of cloud cover with data only being available for 30-40% of days over the summer. While the agreement with the in situ data was good, the satellite data missed fine-scale events and underestimated the event at Thursday Island.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2010
Coral reefs are thought to face significant threat from global warming due to increased water temperatures and ocean acidity. However, research into the surface energy balance of coral reefs and their associated micrometeorology is rare. Here we present, through a case study approach, the first direct in situ measurements of the surface energy balance of Heron Reef, a small platform coral reef in the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Surface energy exchanges were measured using the eddy covariance method and show that during winter and spring an estimated 80-98% of net radiation goes into heating of the water overlaying the reef and reef substrate. As a result, cloud cover is considered the dominant control on heating of the reef flat environment. Change in cloud cover may therefore significantly affect the thermal environment of coral reefs and their ecology. Sensible and latent heat fluxes reached their highest values during wintertime advection of dry and cool continental air blowing from mainland Australia. This resulted in a net loss of energy from the reef flat and a decreasing trend in water temperature. Turbulent fluxes otherwise remained small, with sensible heat flux often close to zero. Results indicate that coral reefs may act as heat sinks during winter and as heat sources during spring, thereby affecting local water and atmosphere heat budgets and associated thermodynamics.
Coral Reefs, 2019
Great Barrier Reef (GBR) marine park managers rely on seasonal forecasts of sea surface temperature (SST) to better inform and coordinate their management responses to mass coral bleaching events. The Bureau of Meteorology's new seasonal forecast model ACCESS-S1 is well placed for integration in marine park managers' risk management systems, with model benefits including high ocean resolution and probabilistic forecasts from a 99 member ensemble. The SST forecast skill was assessed for the GBR region against satellite SST observations over the model hindcast period 1990-2012. ACCESS-S1 was most successful in forecasting larger warm anomalies in the GBR associated with climate drivers that persisted over many months (e.g. ENSO events). The model consistently performed better than persistence reference forecasts over the critical summer period. The model was less successful in forecasting short-term events driven by regional weather patterns, with a reduction in skill between pre-monsoon and post-monsoon onset. Forecasts in the northern GBR often exhibited the highest skill. The model was successfully able to predict SST anomalies associated with the peak of the East Australian Current. The ability of the model to discriminate between two dichotomous events (whether or not a threshold is exceeded) ranged from excellent at lead time 0 (first month forecast) to reasonable at lead times 1 and 2. Increasing the ensemble size using time-lagged ensemble members showed improvement in probabilistic skill for warm anomaly events. Model reliability showed good ability in matching the observed frequency for warm anomaly events, although slightly overconfident. The results demonstrate that ACCESS-S1 can provide skilful SST forecasts in support of coral reef management activities on sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales. Seasonal SST forecasts from ACCESS-S1 are currently available at the Bureau of Meteorology's website for the GBR and greater Coral Sea region. Keywords Coral bleaching Á Great Barrier Reef Á Seasonal forecast Á ACCESS-S Á SST Á Coupled ocean-atmosphere model tralian economy (Deloitte Access Economics 2017). In addition to economic value, the GBR is a World Heritage site with extensive indigenous, historic, social, scientific, aesthetic, and natural value (Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 2014a). Key environmental variables generally exhibit relatively little variance over seasonal and diurnal time frames in tropical oceans, making marine organisms sensitive to small changes. Healthy coral reefs survive in a narrow range of environmental conditions and thus are particularly Topic
Analysis of in situ temperature records collected on six coral reefs in the Caribbean, Bahamas, and Florida Keys reveal significant variability across a range of temporal and spatial scales from minutes to seasons, across depths, and among sites. Subsurface variability occurring at daily and faster frequencies is prevalent across the region, likely driven by combinations of diurnal heating and cooling, wind driven advection, and internal waves at tidal and faster frequencies. This high frequency variability is not detected in records of remotely-sensed sea surface temperature alone. Diurnal variability likely caused by diurnal solar heating and cooling and possibly by advection associated with diurnal winds (daily sea breeze) was significant at all sites and showed greatest magnitude of variation at shallowest depths. Temperature fluctuations at tidal and faster frequencies were common at 5 out of the 6 sites. The magnitude of this variability is not well explained by measured vertical temperature stratification combined with oscillations of the water column associated with barotropic surface tides. Rather, the magnitude and nature of the temperature changes point to the presence of internal waves generated at tidal and faster frequencies. Power spectra calculated seasonally show greatest variability within both diurnal and semi-diurnal frequency bands in Spring and Summer at Florida, Bahamas, Jamaica, and St. Croix. Variability within the semi-diurnal frequency band at Belize and Bonaire was greatest in Winter. Warming in Summer estimated as degree-hours per day above 29.0°C increased with increasing latitude and varied significantly among sites and depths in a manner not predictable from remotely sensed SST data alone. Site latitude was directly related to the amplitude of the seasonal thermal variability, but was not tightly related to variability at daily and faster frequencies which was greatest at the highest and lowest latitude sites. The interactions of depth, site, and season across the study region are associated with distinct signals of thermal variability, and have significant implications for the physiology and ecology of corals and other reef organisms.
Sea-surface temperature and thermal stress in the Coral Triangle over the past two decades
Increasing ocean temperature has become one of the major concerns in recent times with reports of various related ecological impacts becoming commonplace. One of the more notable is the increased frequency of mass coral bleaching worldwide. This study focuses on the Coral Triangle region and utilizes the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-Coral Reef Watch (NOAA-CRW) satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) and Degree Heating Weeks (DHW) products to investigate changes in the thermal regime of the Coral Triangle waters between 1985 and 2006. Results show an upward trend in SST during this period with an average rate of 0.2°C/ decade. However, warming within this region is not uniform, and the waters of the northern and eastern parts of the Coral Triangle are warming fastest. Areas in the eastern part have experienced more thermal stress events, and these stress events appear to be more likely during a La Niña.