静穏な海岸背後にあるストーム性段丘(storm swash terrace)上の礫の分布 ―ストームと津波による分布特性の相違- (original) (raw)

Development of Electronic Learning Methods Using the Project-Based Learning Method


With the rapid development of science at this time and the criteria for recruitment of workers who need soft skills, the Teaching and Learning Process (PBM) applying the Teacher Center Learning (TCL) method is no longer appropriate. The application of the Student Center Learning (SCL), which emphasizes on the ProjectBased Learning (PjBL) method is needed. The assessment is not only on hard skills (such as Tasks, Examinations, Exams, Exercises, Quizzes, group presentations, and Major Tasks) but also on soft skills. Using the SCL-PjBL method in PBM will be able to increase the maximum absorption of knowledge to students. Besides, the students must be prepared in terms of lecture material, which will be presented by more challenged lectures to be better prepared because the SCL-PjBL method makes more lecturers as facilitators. The results of the assessment of Electronics courses with the application of the SCL-PjBL method for 131 students in the 2018/2019 school year obtained an averag...

Implementation of the Project Based Learning Method in the Digital System Course Based on IlearnUnand

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021

The rapid development of science today requires the application and innovation of online technology in the teaching and learning process.UnandIlearn is used as a data center and activities both online and offline for digital systems courses.By applying the Project Based Learning (PjBL) method in these courses, it can improve the assessment of students' hard skills and soft skills.PjBL is focused on creating a simple digital system application circuit working principle in addition to a comprehensive PjBL report on a personal blog.By using the PjBL-ilearnUnand method, it will be able to increase the maximum absorption of knowledge to students so that student grades can also increase.This results in students having to be ready in terms of course material to be presented while lecturers are more challenged because lecturers are more likely to act as facilitators.The score of 138 students for the 2019/2020 school year in the digital system course with the application of PjBL-ilearn Unand is good with an average student score of 68.38 (B +) on a scale of 100.

Development of Project-Based Electronics Practicum Module with Virtual Lab to Increase Students’ Creativity

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

One alternative source of learning physics can be a project-based practicum module with a virtual laboratory, especially for increasing student creativity. The purpose of this research is to develop a valid, practical, and effective project-based electronics practicum module with a virtual lab. The validity of the module is obtained from the validation results by three validators, namely content experts, learning experts, and media experts. The practicality of the module is obtained by giving response questionnaires to one lecturer in an electronics course and 12 students in semester 5A of the Physics Education study program. The effectiveness of the module is obtained by giving a project that can increase students’ creativity. The developed module is very valid with an average validity of 3.70. The developed module is very practical with average practicality of 3.76. The effectiveness of the module is in the moderate category with a normalized average gain score of 0.51. The result...

A project-based learning approach to design electronic systems curricula

IEEE Transactions on Education, 2006

This paper presents an approach to design Electronic Systems Curricula for making electronics more appealing to students. Since electronics is an important grounding for other disciplines (computer science, signal processing, and communications), this approach proposes the development of multidisciplinary projects using the project-based learning (PBL) strategy for increasing the attractiveness of the curriculum. The proposed curriculum structure consists of eight courses: four theoretical courses and four PBL courses (including a compulsory Master's thesis). In PBL courses, the students, working together in groups, develop multidisciplinary systems, which become progressively more complex. To address this complexity, the Department of Electronic Engineering has invested in the last five years in many resources for developing software tools and a common hardware. This curriculum has been evaluated successfully for the last four academic years: the students have increased their interest in electronics and have given the courses an average grade of more than 71% for all PBL course evaluations (data extracted from students surveys). The students have also acquired new skills and obtained very good academic results: the average grade was more than 74% for all PBL courses. An important result is that all students have developed more complex and sophisticated electronic systems, while considering that the results are worth the effort invested.

Teaching digital signal processing through modular-based project oriented learning in electrical engineering

International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 2011

has decided to adopt a modular-based problem/project oriented curriculum in Fall 2002. Current education system consists of two, three, or four week long problem/project-based modules. Different from the conventional approach, in this system traditional courses are taught individually as sequentially covered independent modules. While the first three years consist mainly of problem-based modules, the senior year is purely project oriented. In this study, we present our experiences with modular-based project oriented learning through the example of a senior year module, EE411 digital signal processing. Our experiences suggest that project oriented learning applied in the senior year is an effective method of teaching not only the theoretical or practical aspects of the subject matter but also the necessary qualities for real life experiences of soon-to-be engineers.

Case Study: Improvement of Course Outcome of Elements of Electrical and Electronics Engineering with the Help of Innovative Teaching Methodologies and Changes in Laboratory Experiments

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 2020

Application of innovative methods and industry-oriented curriculum is currently the basic requirement for teaching the engineering graduates. It helps the students to attain the practical and industry specific knowledge in their gradual learning process. Innovative ways of teaching are required from foundation year of engineering curriculum so that the students can co-relate the laboratory experiments with dayto-day life and can be motivated towards research-based thought process. This case study discusses about the innovative changes in teaching methodology from theorybased laboratory experiments to next generation application-based laboratory experiments which connects students with day to day life. This research primarily deals with changes in laboratory setup, teaching methodologies and laboratory experiments and its impact on course outcome of engineering students. The feedback of students show encouraging results in improving course out comes with the help of innovative teaching methodologies.

Innovative methodology to improve the quality of electronic engineering formation through teaching industrial computer engineering

IEEE Transactions on Education, 2004

An innovative educational methodology adapted to the requirements of a new era with new societal and industrial challenges for electronic engineers is proposed in this paper. This active methodology, known as the Educational Innovation Project (EIP), is being studied in the Electronic Engineering (EE) degree of the Higher Technical School of Design Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. The main objective of the EIP methodology is to improve the process of teaching and learning in order to increase student success.

Project Based Learning to Enhance Teaching Digital Signal Processing

International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE), 2013

Engineering education is constantly challenged to bridge the gap between classroom and real world problems. This paper reports on the experience at PSUT to complement the teaching of digital signal processing through project-based learning. A low cost digital stethoscope is utilized by students to record heartbeat sounds and apply DSP concepts to extract vital information from the signal. The ability to apply concepts learned in the classroom to a real world problem was an important element that motivated students. The feedback from students reinforced the effectiveness of these techniques in teaching concepts of digital signal processing

Teaching introductory electrical engineering: Project-based learning experience


This paper presents an integration of a loosely defined design project in an introductory electrical engineering course. The proposed project aims to introduce first-year engineering students to the world of electrical engineering and develop their general engineering skills. Because of its innovative and unconventional nature, a Rube Goldberg machine has been used as the project vehicle. In the project, students have been asked to design the machine with electrical sensors and actuators. Connected learning and assessment activities have been designed to engage students in deep understanding. Students thought the project was challenging, and could develop their technical skills and creativity.