A parametric synthesizer of audio signals on FPGA (original) (raw)
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Design Methodology for Real-Time FPGA-Based Sound Synthesis
Explicit finite difference (FD) schemes can realize highly realistic physical models of musical instruments but are computationally complex. A design methodology is presented for the creation of field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based micro-architectures for FD schemes which can be applied to a range of applications with varying computational requirements, excitation and output patterns and boundary conditions. It has been applied to membrane and plate-based sound producing models, resulting in faster than real-time performance on a Xilinx XC2VP50 device which is 10 to 35 times faster than general purpose and digital signal processors. The models have developed in such a way to allow a wide range of interaction (by a musician) thereby leading to the possibility of creating a highly realistic digital musical instrument.
Parametric Audio Based Decoder and Music Synthesizer for Mobile Applications
Archives of Acoustics, 2000
This paper reviews parametric audio coders and discusses novel technologies introduced in a low-complexity, low-power consumption audio decoder and music synthesizer platform developed by the authors. The decoder uses parametric coding scheme based on the MPEG-4 Parametric Audio standard. In order to keep the complexity low, most of the processing is performed in the parametric domain. This parametric processing includes pitch and tempo shifting, volume adjustment, selection of psychoacoustically relevant components for synthesis and stereo image creation. The decoder allows for good quality 44.1 kHz stereo audio streaming at 24 kbps. The synthesizer matches the audio quality of industry-standard samplebased synthesizers while using a twenty times smaller memory footprint soundbank. The presented decoder/synthesizer is designed for low-power mobile platforms and supports music streaming, ringtone synthesis, gaming and remixing applications.
FPGA Implementation of a Parameterized Fourier Synthesizer
Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) offers advantages for many applications, particularly where missions are complex and time performance is critical. For small-production digital acoustic synthesizers, FPGA can achieve the abovementioned tighter system requirements with low total system costs on single chip. In this manuscript, a real-time acoustic synthesizer is implemented using Fourier series algorithm on Altera's Cyclone II FPGA chip. This work emphasizes systematic designs and parallel computations. The proposed system includes a flexible processor and a parallel parameterized acoustic module. On one hand, the Nios II embedded processor, which is relatively low-speed component, is used to generate commands and configure high-speed acoustic module parameters. On the other hand, acoustic module which should require high-speed components contains 4 parallel architectures to gain high-speed simultaneous calculus of 4 independent digital timbres. Every timbre is equivalent to 16 parallel high-precision harmonic channels with 0.3 % frequency error. Experimental results corroborate the fact that a single FPGA chip can achieve complex missions and attain real-time performances.
Implementation of Audio Effect Generator in FPGA
Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 2015
This paper describes the theory and implementation of audio effects such as echo, distortion and pitch-shift in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). At first the mathematical formulation for generation of such effects is explained and then the algorithm is described for its implementation in FPGA using Very high speed integrated circuit hardware descriptive language (VHDL). The digital system being designed, which is synthesizable and reconfigurable, offers a great flexibility and scalability in designing and prototyping in FPGAs. The system is divided into three HDL blocks, each for echo, distortion, and pitch-shift effect generation, which are multiplexed in order to share the common ADC and DAC. The audio effect generator designed in this paper was successfully implemented in Spartan-3E FPGA utilizing the resources available effectively. There has been tremendous research being carried out in the field of IP core. Efficient IP cores designed to carry out digital signal processing are implemented in every modern device using configurable logics. This trend hasn't yet been realized in Nepal. Through the design and implementation of audio effect generator, this paper also aims at bringing the field of IP core development to limelight among scholars of Nepal.
Real-Time Generation of Sound from Parameters of Additive Synthesis
We describe a system for generating sounds in real-time. The input t o the system is a flow of parameter values. These values control t he frequency and amplitude of a bank of oscillators. The time between two sets of parameter values in the flow is much larger than the time between two samples of the resulting sound. The sound generation system must compute the instantaneous value of each oscillator and then sum the results. The main problem is then to get sufficient performance out of the computation of each instantaneous oscillator value. Sine tables were ruled o ut because they either r equire interpolation (which is slow) or massive amounts of memory (essentially one table for each frequency). A w ell-known formula e xists for incrementally computing the samples of an oscillator, g iven any frequency and any amplitude, with only one floating-point multiplication and one floating-point addition per sample. This formula has two major problems. The first is that the parameters are...
Audio signal driven sound synthesis
… of the 2005 International Computer Music …, 2005
A new approach to computer music instruments is described. Rather than sense control parameters from acoustic instruments (or non-acoustic instrument controllers), the sound of an acoustic instrument is used directly by a synthesis algorithm, usually replacing an oscillator. Parameters such as amplitude and pitch can control other aspects of the synthesis. This approach gives the player more control over details of the sound due to the use of the rich acoustic signal. Latency in sensing parameters, particularly pitch, is less of a problem because pitch information is carried directly by the acoustically generated signal. Several examples are described and the results of a subjective evaluation by musicians are presented.
Design of a Programmable Microsystem for Digital Audio Effects Using Fpgas
This paper describes the design of a programmable microsystem for processing digital audio effects implemented in an FPGA. The microsystem is designed using an application-specific reconfigurable processor, a bank of RAMs, and a graphical user interface based on an LCD touch panel. The processor is designed using 15 audio effects based on delays and dynamic domain and frequency domain processing. The effects are designed using Megafunctions and the Quartus II FIR compiler , simulated in Simulink using DSP Builder, and configured using a user graphic interface. The programmable microsystem is implemented on the DE2-70 development board, and its operation is verified using an MP3 player and a speaker. Additionally, the microsystem allows the generation of effects with high fidelity using a maximum sample rate of 195.62 MSPS and can be embedded into a SoC.
Toward physically-informed parametric synthesis of sound effects
Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics. WASPAA'99 (Cat. No.99TH8452), 1999
This paper presents motivations and methods for expressive paramctric synthesis of real-world sounds. Prior research on musical instrument modeling is used and extcnded to soundproducing objects which are not specifically designed as musical instruments. Humanlohject interactions (gestures) and physical sound production mechanisms form the bases for determining suitablc synlhesis models for various objects. Modal models for the synthesis of impulsively excited resonant objects, random particle sound production models, and hybrid waveguidclmodal models for resonant bowedlruhbed objects are presentcd.
This article introduces the use of the Intel Galileo development board as a platform for sound synthesis and processing, in conjunction with the Csound sound and music computing system. The board includes an Arduino-compatible electronics interface, and runs an embedded systems version of the Linux operating system. The paper describes the relevant hardware and software environment. It introduces a port of Csound, which includes custom frontends that take some advantage of the board capabilities. As a case study, a MIDI synthesizer is explored as one of the many potential applications of the system. Further possibilities of the technology for Ubiquitous Music are also discussed, which use the various interfacing facilities present on the Galileo.