Necrosectomia pancreática (original) (raw)

Necrosectomía laparoscópica en pancreatitis aguda

Revista chilena de cirugía, 2010

Laparoscopic necrosectomy in severe pancreatitis. Retrospective analysis of 11 patients Background: Laparoscopic surgery can be used in the treatment of severe acute pancreatitis. Aim: To report the experience with laparoscopic necrosectomy and abscess drainage in severe acute pancreatitis. Material and Methods: Retrospective analysis of medical records of 11 patients aged 13 to 78 years (10 males), with severe pancreatitis, subjected to laparoscopic necrosectomy or abscess drainage between 2006 and 2009. Results: Operative time ranged from 110 to 205 min. In all cases, a satisfactory necrosectomy and collection drainage were performed. No complications were recorded and no patient required to be converted to open surgery. Five patients were reoperated. In three of these, the laparoscopic approach was used again. Conclusions: Laparoscopic necrosectomy is safe and useful for patients with severe pancreatitis.

Necrosectomía endoscópica asistida por laparoscopia: un enfoque efectivo en la necrosis pancreática infectada

Revista Gastroenterología Latinoamericana, 2020

Acute pancreatitis is a disease characterized by intense inflammation caused by the degradation of the parenchyma and adjacent tissue, through activation and consequent protease output. Approximately 15% of patients with the disease progress to necrotizing form and subsequent infection of this necrotic tissue is a complex process and associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Interventional treatment is mandatory in the management of infected necrosis and open surgery has perpetuated for decades as a first-line treatment to remove infected necrotic tissue. In recent years, with the improvement in laparoscopy and other techniques, new approaches for the management of this condition have been advocated to the detriment of open surgery, in particular, the advent of the Step-up approach. This new approach allowed the management of infected necrosis in a gradual way. Percutaneous drainage is the first step, and is effective by itself in up to 35% of cases, then, if there is no ...

Pancreatoduodenectomía laparoscópica

Cirugía y Cirujanos, 2020

Antecedentes: La pancreatoduodenectomía o cirugía de Whipple es el procedimiento de elección en el tratamiento de las enfermedades periampulares. A través de los años se ha realizado de manera abierta, y actualmente, gracias a la mejora de los recursos humanos y tecnológicos, se realiza este procedimiento por mínima invasión con buenos resultados.

Manejo endoscópico del pseudoquiste pancreático


Los pseudoquistes pancreáticos son colecciones de fluido localizadas, rodeadas por una pared no epitelial, que habitualmente aparecen tras la rotura u obstrucción de un conducto pancreático, secundario a un episodio de pancreatitis o a un traumatismo. Los síntomas independientemente de su origen son: dolor, náusea, fiebre y pérdida de peso. Es frecuente encontrar al examen una masa palpable, generalmente epigástrica y menos frecuentemente ictericia. En relación a su tratamiento este depende tanto del tamaño del pseudoquiste, el tiempo de evolución y el estado en que se encuentra el paciente, pues no es inhabitual que pseudoquistes pequeños, en pacientes estables tengan una resolución espontánea. Sin embargo, cuando esto no ocurre está indicado el drenaje quirúrgico del pseudoquiste, que puede ir desde un drenaje externo, hasta técnicas mimamente invasivas, ya sean laparóscopicas o endoscópicas, que en los últimos años han tenido un fuerte desarrollo. En relación a esto, presentamos un caso de drenaje endoscópico interno realizado en el Hospital Base Valdivia, de un pseudoquiste pancreatico, en un paciente de 36 años secundario a pancreatitis aguda grave. (Palabras claves/Key words: Pseudoquiste/pseudocyst, pancreatitis/ pancreatitis, colecciones pancreáticas/pancreatic colections, drenaje interno/internal drainage).

Trauma de Pancreas

Panamerican Journal of Trauma, Critical Care & Emergency Surgery, 2012

Analizar de forma retrospectiva una serie de casos de lesiones pancreáticas en el contexto de trauma abdominal penetrante asistidos en el Hospital Maciel en el año 2010, y realizar una revisión actualizada de los puntos más controversiales en trauma pancreático centrándonos en el diagnóstico y manejo terapéutico.

Tratamiento miniinvasivo de la necrosis pancreática infectada. Revisión simple

The diagnosis and management of pan- creatic necrosis infected has evolved rapidly in recent years. Changes in therapeutic al- gorithms have identified effects of the disease that were previously unknown. On the oth- er hand, the search for reliable identification of NPI that offer an alternative to fine-nee- dle aspiration biochemical parameters. Finally, innovations guided percuta- neous techniques, endoscopy and minimal- ly invasive surgery have promoted changes in traditional treatment options. the sur- geon must now be accompanied by other specialists to train experts multidisciplinary teams in the management of this pathology. The objective of this paper is to review literature of complications of acute pancre- atitis with special emphasis on the infected pancreatic necrosis and perform an update with respect to minimally invasive treat- ment of it.