On the Use of Original and Bias-Corrected Climate Simulations in Regional-Scale Hydrological Scenarios in the Mediterranean Basin (original) (raw)

2019, Atmosphere

The response of Mediterranean small catchments hydrology to climate change is still relatively unexplored. Regional Climate Models (RCMs) are an established tool for evaluating the expected climate change impact on hydrology. Due to the relatively low resolution and systematic errors, RCM outputs are routinely and statistically post-processed before being used in impact studies. Nevertheless, these techniques can impact the original simulated trends and then impact model results. In this work, we characterize future changes of a small Apennines (Central Italy) catchment hydrology, according to two radiative forcing scenarios (Representative Concentration Pathways, RCPs, 4.5 and 8.5). We also investigate the impact of a widely used bias correction technique, the empirical Quantile Mapping (QM) on the original Climate Change Signal (CCS), and the subsequent alteration of the original Hydrological Change Signal (HCS). Original and bias-corrected simulations of five RCMs from Euro-CORDE...


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