Anxiety, depression, and work engagement in Primary Health Care nursing professionals (original) (raw)
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[Work psychosocial aspects and psychological distress among nurses]
Revista de saúde pública, 2003
To evaluate the association between psychological demand and job control and demand with psychological distress among nurses. A cross-sectional study included 502 female nurses working in a public hospital at the city of Salvador, state of Bahia, Brazil. The Demand-Control Model proposed by Karasek to evaluate the association between job control-demand and psychological distress was adopted. The SRQ-20 was used to measure psychological distress. The prevalence of psychological distress was 33.3%, ranging from 20.0% among lady nurses to 36.4%, among nurse assistants. Strong dose-response gradients were observed between demand and psychological distress and the negative association between job control and psychological distress. Prevalence of psychological distress was higher (PR=2.6; 95% CI: 1.81-3.75) among professionals in high-strain jobs (high demand, low control) when compared to professionals in low-strain jobs (low demand, high control), after adjustment by potential confounde...
[Burnout in nursing residents]
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P, 2011
Nursing residents may experience physical and emotional exhaustion from the daily life of attending the Program. The aim of this study was to determine the Burnout incidence among Nursing Residents. An investigative, descriptive, analytical, longitudinal-prospective study was conducted with 16 Residents over two years. The Maslach Burnout Inventory was used, translated and validated for Brazil, as well as a sociodemographic/occupational data tool. Of all residents, 17.2% showed high rates in Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization; 18.8% showed impaired commitment in Personal Accomplishment, 75% of which belonged to specialty areas, such as Emergency Nursing, Adult and Pediatric Intensive Care. Age and specialty area were positively correlated with Personal Accomplishment. One of the Residents was identified with changes in three subscales of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, thus characterized as a Burnout Syndrome patient. Nursing Residents have profiles of disease. Knowing these ...
[Reflections on stress and burnout and their relationship with nursing]
Revista latino-americana de enfermagem
This bibliographic review aimed to differentiate between stress and Burnout and to establish their relationship with nursing work to support the understanding of psychical suffering at work. The study was based on the analysis and interpretation of articles, thesis and dissertations produced between 1990 and 2001. Although there is a consensus among the individuals on the existence of stress and burnout, there are several controversies surrounding these terms. These theories were created in the context of capitalist production increase. Stress refers to a personal tiring that interferes in the life of the person but not necessarily in his/her relationship with the work. Burnout is a syndrome involving negative attitudes and behaviors towards users, clients, organization and work. It is a gradual process of subjective experiences that result in practical and emotional problems to workers and organizations. Nursing work facilitates stress and burnout and causes suffering and illness a...
Occupational factors related to Burnout syndrome components among nursing personnel
Texto e Contexto Enfermagem
RESUMO: O objetivo é identificar os fatores ocupacionais associados com os três componentes da Síndrome de Burnout em trabalhadores de enfermagem que atuam em assistência hospitalar. É um estudo transversal, realizado em um hospital da Serra Gaúcha. A amostra é de 164 trabalhadores de enfermagem. Para análise utilizou-se a estatística analítica. Os resultados apontam que os componentes da Síndrome de Burnout apresentaram associações estatísticas significativas (p<0,05) com as seguintes características ocupacionais: sobrecarga de trabalho, falta de motivação para o trabalho, conflito de valores pessoais com institucionais, falta de possibilidades de recompensas, ter a mesma função em instituições diferentes, e dificuldade em conciliar os empregos. Conclui-se que a manutenção de condições adversas ao trabalho gera estresse, obrigando o trabalhador a desenvolver mecanismos adaptativos que, por vezes, não são eficazes, e que acabam por conduzi-lo ao desenvolvimento da Síndrome de Bur...
Reflexions about the nursing working process in mental health
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp, 2000
Tra ta-se de u m e n sai o so bre o pro ce sso de trabal ho da e nf e rmage m e m saú de me n tal. Di v e rsas co n cep çõe s tê m f undamen tado a assistência p siquiátrica, assim como as propostas de reorien tação dessas p ráticas; a enf ermagem tem suas práti cas ref eridas a esse processo. É a visão de mundo dos prof issionais que determina a escol ha de uma determinada tendência e o entendimento do processo saúde-doença. A necessidade de rever o seu obje to de trabal ho, assim como sua práti ca f ren te às transf ormações na assi stênci a em saúde mental , te m apon tado para novas posturas profissionais f rente ao sujeito com transtornos psíquicos, assim como para a aquisição de conhecimento para além dos adquiridos nos cursos de graduação.
[Depression: viewpoints and knowledge of the nurses in th basic health network]
Revista latino-americana de enfermagem
This study aimed at identifying the viewpoints and the knowledge on depression of nurses working in the basic health network. The 73 participants who answered two self-applicable questionnaires were distributed in 28 health units. The general results concerning their viewpoints and knowledge are, in most answers, in accordance with what was expected and showed average knowledge related to depression. However, the individual analysis of such answers indicate that these professionals are not in direct contact with and do not know how to identify depressed patients. They do not observe these indicators in the patients that they assist or do not understand that it is their task to do so. Reflections appeared concerning the possible relationship between mental health actions and their professional education. In this way, undergraduate and continuing education become more important in the development of nursing actions for mental health.
Personality, anxiety and vulnerability to burnout among nurses: a comparative study Portugal/Spain
Revista Rol de Enfermería, 43, 2020
Introduction: Nowadays nurses execute their tasks in demanding and stressful contexts, where the stress accumulates and can trigger burnout. This one seems to be the result from the combination of organizational factors with individual vulnerability, in particular predisposition for anxiety and personality traits such as neuroticism. Objectives: This study aims, by comparing nurses from Portugal/Spain, to identify burnout levels and to analyse if personality and anxiety predict burnout. Methodology: This is a quantitative, exploratory, descriptive and transversal study, using a demographic/professional characterization questionnaire, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and Maslach Burnout Inventory. After institutional authorizations, participated anonymously and volunteer, 337 Portuguese nurses and 309 Spanish nurses. Results: We found 55% of nurses without burnout, 35% with moderate burnout and 11% with high burnout, without differences between countries. However, the Portuguese nurses present significantly more exhaustion and less depersonalization, less anxiety trait, and more extroversion and Social Desirability, all with a moderate level. In Portugal, the age and professional experience correlate negatively with burnout, and anxiety predicts 32% of burnout. In Spain, anxiety explains 36% of burnout and personality traits only 2%. Discussion: These findings are consistent with studies in which anxiety is a vulnerability factor for burnout, but contradicted the influence of other personality traits, reinforcing the influence of organizational factors. Conclusion: The results are useful, in the field of occupational health, to develop organizational strategies that enhance individual characteristics of stress management, which, lately, have been applied using Mindfulness among nurses and nursing students.