Sentiment Analysis in Myanmar Language using Convolutional LSTM Neural Network (original) (raw)
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LSTM Network based Sentiment Analysis for Customer Reviews
Journal of Polytechnic, 2021
Continuously increasing data bring new problems and problems usually reveal new research areas. One of the new areas is Sentiment Analysis. This field has some difficulties. The fact that people have complex sentiments is the main cause of the difficulty, but this has not prevented the progress of the studies in this field. Sentiment analysis is generally used to obtain information about persons by collecting their texts or expressions. Sentiment analysis can sometimes bring serious benefits. In this study, with singular tag-plural class approach, a binary classification was performed. An LSTM network and several machine learning models were tested. The dataset collected in Turkish, and Stanford Large Movie Reviews datasets were used in this study. Due to the noise in the dataset, the Zemberek NLP Library for Turkic Languages and Regular Expression techniques were used to normalize and clean texts, later, the data were transformed into vector sequences. The preprocessing process mad...
Customer Reviews’ Sentiments Analysis using Deep Learning
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2020
In this era of digitalization, Sentiment Analysis(SA) has become a necessity for progress and prosperity in marketing. Sentiment analysis has become a powerful way of knowing the opinions and thoughts of users. The viewpoint of the consumer, such as knowledge sharing would include a lot of useful experience, while one wrong idea will cost too much for the company.SA has many social media data-related problems, such as natural language interpretation, etc. Issue of theory and technique also affect the accuracy of detecting the polarity. There is a problem of text classification such as analysis of sentiments in document level, sentence level, feature based. Document level analysis is done by two approaches: supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Sentence level contains sentences containing opinions. Aspect based analysis have different attributes is performed in customer reviews. Product opinion is taken for knowing the sentiments. Opinions are compared and are extracted as a feature.SA is very important for business purpose because it gives the way for improving their operations and the products they offer. For improving business strategy it plays an important role. It provides many key benefits like impactful decisions, for finding relevant products, improving business strategy, beating competitions, tackling positive or negative issues affecting the product. To overcome such issues, deep learning processes are applied. The work focuses on two main tasks. Firstly, to extract sentiments present in data of social media of customers' reviews and secondly, to use the deeplearning process for the sentiments' extraction for customer reviews.
Comparative Sentiment Analysis on Product Reviews using Deep Learning Techniques
Micro blogging websites are nothing but social media site to which user makes short and frequent posts. Twitter is one of the famous micro blogging services where user can read and post messages which are 148 characters in length. Twitter messages are also called as Tweets. We will use these tweets as raw data. We will use a method that automatically extracts tweets into positive, negative or neutral sentiments. By using the sentiment analysis the customer can know the feedback about the product or services before making a purchase. The company can use sentiment analysis to know the opinion of customers about their products, so that they can analyze customer satisfaction and according to that they can improve their product. Now-a-days social networking sites are at the boom, so large amount of data is generated. Millions of people are sharing their views daily on micro blogging sites, since it contains short and simple expressions. In this paper, we will discuss about a paradigm to extract the sentiment from a famous micro blogging service, Twitter, where users post their opinions for everything. We can use the deep learning algorithm to classify the twitters which includes Convolutional Neural Networks. The experimental result is presented to illustrate the use and effectiveness of the proposed system.
Sentiment Analysis Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Review
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
The World Wide Web such as social networks, forums, review sites and blogs generate enormous heaps of data in the form of users views, emotions, opinions and arguments about different social events, products, brands, and politics. Sentiments of users that are expressed on the web has great influence on the readers, product vendors and politicians. The unstructured form of data from the social media is needed to be analyzed and well-structured and for this purpose, sentiment analysis has recognized significant attention. Sentiment analysis is referred as text organization that is used to classify the expressed mind-set or feelings in different manners such as negative, positive, favorable, unfavorable, thumbs up, thumbs down, etc. The challenge for sentiment analysis is lack of sufficient labeled data in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). And to solve this issue, the sentiment analysis and deep learning techniques have been merged because deep learning models are effective due to their automatic learning capability. This Review Paper highlights latest studies regarding the implementation of deep learning models such as deep neural networks, convolutional neural networks and many more for solving different problems of sentiment analysis such as sentiment classification, cross lingual problems, textual and visual analysis and product review analysis, etc.
IJERT-Text based Sentiment Analysis using LSTM
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2020 Analyzing the big textual information manually is tougher and time-consuming. Sentiment analysis is a automated process that uses computing (AI) to spot positive and negative opinions from the text. Sentiment analysis is widely used for getting insights from social media comments, survey responses, and merchandise reviews to create data-driven decisions. Sentiment analysis systems are accustomed to add up to the unstructured text by automating business processes and saving hours of manual processing. In recent years, Deep Learning (DL) has garnered increasing attention within the industry and academic world for its high performance in various domains. Today, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) are the foremost popular types of DL architectures used. We do sentiment analysis on text reviews by using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Recently, thanks to their ability to handle large amounts of knowledge, neural networks have achieved a good success on sentiment classification. Especially long STM networks.
Opinion mining on book review using convolutional neural network algorithm - Long short term memory
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, 2018
The quality of a product can be determined by consumer reviews of the product because consumer opinion is in general honest and sentimental to the product. The process of opinion extraction is called opinion mining. This process is done to determine the tendency of the reviewer to the reviewed object. Deep Learning is a recently developed opinion extraction model. This model is widely used for achieving performance in Natural Language Processing. This work classifies the book review on into positive reviews or negative reviews using a combination of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) algorithms. Simulation results show that the performance of this algorithm is approximately 65.03% for testing data and 99.55% for training data.
Many emerging social sites, famous forums, review sites, and many bloggers generate huge amount of data in the form of user sentimental reviews, emotions, opinions, arguments, viewpoints etc. about different social events, products, brands, and politics, movies etc. Sentiments expressed by the users has great effect on readers, political images, online vendors. So the data present in scattered and unstructured manner needs to be managed properly and in this context sentiment analysis has got attention at very large level. Sentiment analysis can be defined as organization of the text which is used to understand the mindsets or feelings expressed in the form of different manners such as negative, positive, neutral, not satisfactory etc. This paper explains the implementation and accuracy of sentiment analysis using Tensor flow and python with any kind of text data. It works on embedding, LSTM and Sigmoid layers and finds the accuracy of data in iterative manner for better result.
Abstract. Nowadays social media plays a significant role in all sorts of our activities ranging from analysing the attitude of a person for the job, getting opinions towards buying a product, acting as a forum for exchanging thoughts about the current events of various domains, creating awareness to the public about the natural calamities, educating the public about the fraudulent news spread by the fakers, initiating the young aspirant to protest against any societal issues, etc. Grasping the opinions shared by the experienced people towards a product, film, event, news, or politics like any subject of matter is one among the worth noting applications for a common man. It extends its application to making decisions about our day-to-day activities. The text reviews consist of enormous, sparse, non-uniform distribution of words represented as features. Text mining is the backend process for those applications. It includes techniques such as feature representation, sentiment classification, feature optimization, etc. Analysing the opinions suggested by the experienced people as positive and negative reviews is a challenging process and it is the baseline of our work. This paper contributes to the related processes involved in analysing the sentiments from the text reviews and accurately classifying them based on their polarity. In the proposed work, we particularly focus on feature representation techniques that have a major effect on enhancing the performance of sentiment classification. We explore different feature representation models such as TF-IDF vectorizer, word2vec vectorizer, and glove vectorizer as these word embedding models are interpreting the words and their syntactic and semantic relationships differently from the corpus. Also, we employ machine learning algorithms and a deep convolution neural network to perform comparative studies in classifying the sentiments. The word2vec in combination with Deep Convolution Neural Network provides the accuracy of 85.7%, precision of 84.4%, recall of 87%, and F- measure of 85.7% compared to other models.
LSTM-DGWO-Based Sentiment Analysis Framework for Analyzing Online Customer Reviews
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2023
Sentiment analysis furnishes consumer concerns regarding products, enabling product enhancement development. Existing sentiment analysis using machine learning techniques is computationally intensive and less reliable. Deep learning in sentiment analysis approaches such as long short term memory has adequately evolved, and the selection of optimal hyperparameters is a signifcant issue. Tis study combines the LSTM with diferential grey wolf optimization (LSTM-DGWO) deep learning model. Te app review dataset is processed using the bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) framework for efcient word embeddings. Ten, review features are extracted by the genetic algorithm (GA), and the optimal review feature set is extracted using the frefy algorithm (FA). Finally, the LSTM-DGWO model categorizes app reviews, and the DGWO algorithm optimizes the hyperparameters of the LSTM model. Te proposed model outperformed conventional methods with a greater accuracy of 98.89%. Te fndings demonstrate that sentiment analysis can be practically applied to understand the customer's perception of enhancing products from a business perspective.