Pelayanan Pastoral: Perspektif Para Reformator (original) (raw)
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Hadir Tanpa Pamrih: Arah Pastoral Gereja di Era Pandemi
Jurnal Abdiel: Khazanah Pemikiran Teologi, Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Musik Gereja
Pandemi COVID-19 tidak hanya menimbulkan masalah kesehatan dan kematian jasmaniah, tetapi juga melahirkan masalah-masalah yang sifatnya spiritual. Kehadiran gereja melalui karya pastoralnya di tengah jemaat amatlah diperlukan. Akan tetapi, norma physical distancing yang diberlakukan di mana-mana selama masa pandemi COVID-19 membuat pihak gereja amat terhalang untuk dapat hadir secara fisik dalam melakukan karya pastoralnya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membaca profil situasi tersebut dengan data akurat yang diperoleh berdasarkan suatu penelitian kuantitatif (survey) dan diteguhkan melalui penelitian kualitatif (in depth interview) terhadap salah satu gereja di kota metropolitan, yaitu Gereja Kristen Jawa Joglo Jakarta. Hasil penelitian tersebut adalah ditemukan bahwa kehadiran gereja yang tanpa pamrih melalui para pelayan pastoral dalam kegiatan-kegiatan yang diselenggarakan secara on-site dan online di tengah kehidupan jemaat merupakan wujud konkret karya pastoral yang menyejahterak...
Pelayanan Pastoral yang Efektif dan Efisien (Refleksi dari Perspektif Pelayanan Publik)
Pastoral service is a shepherding activity performed in Catholic Church for obtaining eschatological salvation. The eschatological salvation begins in this world and will be completed in when we face to face meet God. To gain such a salvation, an effective and efficient pastoral service is needed. An effective pastoral service is characterized by ability of facilitating the people of God to have a real, concrete and measured salvation in the world and will be completed. An efficient pastoral service, however, is a rationality of input resource of the salvation reached in pastoral activities. The rationality of such a service is measured by valuating gained profit as a standard of effective service. To reach this end, pastoral service of the Church as an institution, at least, should improve some principles such as productivity, service quality, responsivity, responsibility, accountability, effectivity, efficiency, reallybility, trustworthy and justice. In addition, pastoral service needs a shift of paradigm to be more "listening" than "telling", "serving" rather than "controlling" in order to avoid the "comfort zone". This also requires management principles, among others: catalytic pastoral, ecclesiastical pastoral, competitive pastoral, mission-zeal pastoral, results-oriented pastoral, faith-oriented (Church), producing-*Penulis adalah pengajar ilmu sosial dan pendidikan kewarganegaraan di Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Santo Sirilus Ruteng. Pendidikan terakhir adalah Magister Administrasi Publik/Negara.
Pelayanan Gereja di Indonesia Pada Era Reformasi
Derasnya arus perubahan sejak masa pasca-runtuhnya rezim Orde Baru (baik perubahan dalam bidang politik, ekonomi, maupun sosial budaya lainnya) maka mau tidak mau gereja (sebagai bagian dari bangsa) dituntut untuk memberi respon atau jawab atas perubahan-...
Signifikansi Pelayanan Pastoral Terhadap Jemaat Usia Lanjut
Jurnal Teologi Praktika, 2020
Based on the research entitled Significance of Pastoral Services to Elderly People, it is found that there is a significance of pastoral care to elderly people on the grounds that old age is vulnerable to suffering (physical & mental), old age is vulnerable to problems (emotionally unstable, senile) so that through pastoral care pastors are expected to be able to answer the needs of elderly church members. Through pastoral care, pastors can get to know situations and conditions of old age more closely, entertain, give hope, and guide. Pastoral care performed by Pastors can have an impact / influence on old age, including: there is joy, comfort, hope, and can be more calm and ready to face physical death. Pastors need to implement pastoral care strategies that are relevant to old age by: personal visits to elderly homes, joint visits (BPJ / Assembly Team), guidance counseling, and social services. The method used in this research is to use quantitative and library research. Quantitative method is done by collecting data from pastors, church leaders in the congregation, and elderly members of the congregation as samples through a questionnaire distributed to the research object. Library research is carried out by exploring the basic theories put forward by experts in the fields related to this research as supporters. Based on the theory, it was found that the pastoral care of the elderly is significant.
Strategi Pelayanan Pastoral di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Menuju Pertumbuhan Gereja yang Sehat
PNEUMATIKOS: Jurnal Teologi Kependetaan, 2021
Pastoral ministry strategies during the covid-19 pandemic are urgently needed for god's servants today. The challenges that occur on both the part of god's servants and the church stimulate for each scholar to find a way for the church to grow in the current situation. This research presents a variety of relevant pastoral ministry strategies to be used as a medium of growth of the faith of the church. Not only spiritually, but also spiritually and visibly. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explain the pastoral ministry strategy during the covid-19 pandemic towards healthy church growth. The research method used in this research is qualitative research method. Looking at the current situation that changes and develops according to what is recorded in the field, therefore qualitative methods are appropriate for use in data collection and processing. Thus, the design used in this research is flexible and open.
Spiritualitas Pelayanan dalam Model Kepemimpinan Pastoral Romo Janssen, CM
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama Katolik
Spiritualitas menyangkut dua hal yakni apa yang dilakukan dan apa yang diyakini oleh orang lain untuk dilakukan. Bagian pertama berkaitan dengan objek dari tindakan pelayanan dan kedua berkaitan dengan subjek pelayanan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan spiritualitas pelayanan dalam model kepemimpinan pastoral Rm. Janssen, CM. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan ialah kualitatif, sedangkan metode pengumpulan datanya ialah melalui focus group discussion (FGD), wawancara, dan studi dokumenter. FGD dipandang sebagai metode yang tepat karena diskursus dan ‘shared opinion’ akan membuat validitas hasil penelitian ini lebih terjamin. FGD dan shared opinion memanfaatkan persepsi, pengalaman, dan kedalaman relasi antara para narasumber dan Rm. Janssen, CM. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap lima informan kunci. Ada pun, studi dokumenter berkaitan dengan dokumen dokumen yang mendukung data wawancara. Analisis data yang dipakai ialah memanfaatkan metode koding yang dikembangkan Saldaña. Data trans...
Refleksi Mazmur 23:1-6 Terhadap Pelayanan Pastoral Yang Holistik DI Masa Panedemi
Apostolos: Journal of Theology and Christian Education
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Teologi Pastoral Dalam Keunikan Konteks Indonesia
POIMEN Jurnal Pastoral Konseling
The notion that pastoral theology is less intellectual than biblical, systematic and historical theology is also considered only as applied theology makes theology often overlooked. Efforts to make pastoral theology a branch of theology parallel to each other, require a long struggle by European and American pastoral theologians. The long struggle that produced positive results also felt its impact in the development of pastoral theology in Indonesia. However, the concept of pastoral theology developed in the Western world and then brought to Indonesia influenced the concept of Indonesian pastoral theology. The style and color of Western pastoral theology is still very thick, because it needs to be contextualized according to the conditions of Indonesian society. Western pastoral theology is thick with its individualism, while the Indonesian context is very diverse. For Indonesia with the context of its plural society with all its unique contexts and problems, pastoral theology is a...