Pencegahan Stunting Pada Anak Di Desa Tamangapa Kec. Ma’rang Kab. Pangkep (original) (raw)
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The prevalence of stunting that occurred in Pinrang Regency was still very high, amounting to 38.2%. This shows that the health cadres do not comprehensively understand stunting and have never been trained in how to measure the length or height of a toddler. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the health cadres' knowledge of stunting comprehensively and to detect toddlers at risk of stunting. The method used in this service is counseling and training. Counseling is done with a lecture accompanied by a guidebook for the detection of children under five years of age with stunting risk. For training, cadres were given knowledge of how to measure length and height using video as a demonstration tool. The impact of counseling and stunting detection training for toddlers with stunting was assessed through a pre-test and post-test using a questionnaire. The results of the activity showed that the health care cadres training resulted in an increase in the numbe...
Background: Inadequate nutritional intake for a long time due to improper feeding that doesn’t have the proper nutritional needs could cause chronic malnutrition or stunting. Intervention by giving out counseling about Interprofessional Collaboration on family strengthening could increase the public’s awareness on stunting.Objectives:This research objective is to see the impact of interventions (counseling and Focus Group Discussion) on the strengthening the families on the Interprofessional Collaboration program. Methods: This research was conducted using quantitative method with pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test design. Samples were taken on this research using 30 respondents. The instrument used was a questionnaire with questions related to the subject, interviews, and the results of the Focus Group Discussion. Results: Based on the univariate data analysis, we obtained the 36,6% of the age distribution group is the ≥40-59 age group, 53,3% of the respo...
Edukasi Pencegahan Stunting Pada Anak di Desa Mekar Sari Kecamatan Delitua Kabupaten Deli Serdang
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bangsa
Stunting merupakan masalah kesehatan yang berdampak pada penurunan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Stunting ditandai dengan tinggi badan lebih pendek dan berat badan rebih rendah dari normal. Salah satu upaya pencegahan stunting adalah memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat terutama para ibu di Desa Mekar Sari Kecamatan Delitua Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Kegiatan pengabdian bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan kepada orang tua terutama Ibu dalam hal mencegah stunting melalui sosialisasi pemberian makanan gizi seimbang, pemberian ASI Ekslusif dan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu 24 Juni 2023 di rumah warga. Hasil kegiatan dihadiri oleh 25 orang ibu yang telah mampu memahami kegiatan pencegahan stunting melalui pemberian makanan bergizi, pemberian ASI Ekslusif dan tindakan sanitasi.
Sosialisasi Pencegahan Stunting di Desa Bandur Picak, Kecamatan Koto Kampar Hulu
BIDIK: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Stunting is a health problem that is often found in developing countries, including Indonesia. The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is the fifth largest in the world. Stunting is a linear growth disorder caused by chronic malnutrition. People who live in the outlying areas receive less attention from the local health office so the stunting sufferers have not received a proper treatment. Currently, Indonesia has entered a new normal era where community activities run as usual, whether it’s the center of government, educational institutions, health agencies and others. This is the background for us to hold a stunting socialization program, especially in Bandur PicakVillage, Koto Kampar Hulu District. This article aims to provide information related to stunting socialization and stunting prevention interventions for pregnant women about nutrition during pregnancy in an effort to prevent stunting. This socialization is quite effective in providing information on how to prevent and re...
Sosialisasi Pencegahan Stunting Untuk Anak Balita DI Desa Bantarjaya
An-Nizam, 2023
Nutritional problems are global problems that have a systemic impact on developing countries, including Indonesia. The problems that occur in malnourished children are not only in body posture, but have an impact on health both now and in the next life. Lack of outreach to parents regarding children's nutritional patterns is still a problem that must be addressed. The purpose of implementing community service related to the socialization of stunting prevention is to increase understanding regarding nutrition and child nutrition so that stunting can be prevented. The service method applies socialization and counseling to the target location of Bantarjay Village. The results of the service show that a positive role is in the form of increasing parental understanding regarding stunting prevention, good and nutritious eating patterns, and increasing in-depth understanding of how nutrition affects growth and development.
Gambaran Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Stunting Di Desa Lebih Kabupaten Gianyar Tahun 2020
Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem experienced by the State of Indonesia that must be addressed. Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in children under five due to chronic malnutrition so that the child is too short for his age. The importance of conducting research on stunting in order to assist the government in carrying out work programs to reduce the incidence of stunting. The purpose of this study is to describe the knowledge of mothers about stunting in the village of Lebih, Gianyar Regency in 2020. The method of implementing this research is descriptive with a cross-sectional design. The sample in this study were 78 mothers of infants and were taken systematically. This research was conducted in Desa Lebih, Gianyar Regency in August 2020. Data processing used univariate analysis. The results showed that most respondents had good knowledge about stunting, as many as 65 people (83.3%). So the conclusion in this study is that the description of maternal knowledge ...
Indonesia Berdaya
Stunting is a condition where a child has a length or height less when compared to his age. Children are said to be in the stunting category if their length or height shows a number below -2 standard deviation (SD). Moreover, if this condition is experienced by a child who is still under the age of 2 years. This health problem is the result of various factors that occurred in the past. These factors include poor nutritional intake, multiple infectious diseases, premature births, and low birth weight (LBW). The condition of not being adequate in the child's nutritional intake usually does not only occur after he is born, but begins when he is still in the womb. A case study proves that about 20% of stunting events already occur when the baby is still in the womb. This is due to the mother's intake during pregnancy which is less nutritious and quality so that the nutrients received by the fetus tend to be few. Finally, growth in the womb begins to be inhibited and continues af...
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bestari
This Community Service Research was motivated by 4 background problems, namely the high prevalence of stunting in Indonesia which reached 27.7%, the high stunting rate in Ponorad Village and Tanjungsari Village, Tlogomulyo District, the need for stunting prevention methods in Ponorad Hamlet and Tanjungsari Village, Tlogomulyo District, Bina The Toddler Family (BKB) is a good stunting prevention method to be applied in Ponoradan Hamlet and Tanjungsari Village, Tlogomulyo District. The results of this study indicate a decrease in stunting rates in Ponorad Hamlet and Tanjungsari Village, Tlogomulyo District through the application of Toddler Family Development (BKB). The continuity of this research is indicated by the formation of BKB cadres in Ponoradan Hamlet, the formation of a BKB cadre structure in Ponoradan Hamlet, the formation of a SK (Decree) for BKB Kasih Bunda in Ponoradan Hamlet, Ponoradan BKB cadres have received basic training, the implementation of BKB in Ponoradan Hamle...