Guerrieri di pietra e dischi di bronzo (original) (raw)

I libri di pietra

Lo scorso anno lo scrivente presentò uno studio sui tagliatori di pietra e le loro marche, una spiegazione sulla storia, la costituzione, i tipi di segni e le relative matrici oltre ad alcune ricerche eseguite nel Nord Italia. Continuando su questa linea, verrà presentato uno studio su di un tema che potremmo denominare, adottando un termine mediévale notorio, i "libri di pietra", ossia la classificazione e l'interpretazione di tracce, graffiti, contrassegni di passaggio, suppliche lasciate sulle mura esterne, le pareti interne, le colonne di certi luoghi come templi, cattedrali, monasteri, abbazie medievali; ossia la lettura di codesti messaggi lasciati su questo elemento perenne: la pietra. Questi segni sono frutto della volontà di trasmettere un pensiero, una testimonianza, un messaggio o un insegnamento che si rivolga ai suoi coevi e posteri. Si cercherà, inoltre, di affrontare gli argomenti correlati a queste rappresentazioni misteriose, fantastiche, a volte demoniache, appartenute all'arte romanica e gotica e che hanno caratterizzato in particolar modo il nostro periodo medievale. Spesso non sembrano avere un rapporto logico con il luogo o il contesto stesso. Nel linguaggio iconografico medievale esistono degli elementi visivi che designano degli stati d'animo differenti, delle posizioni sociali diverse, dei comportamenti morali dissimili oppure dei livelli distinti come la superiorità, l'inferiorità in senso lato oltre a dei riferimenti relativi.

Eloro e la sua pietra

Cronache di Archeologia, 38, 2019

Concerning to researches on the quarries of Eloro, on the eastern coastland of Sicily, it has also been considered the methods of stone trasport, its possible destination and the ownership of the lithic resource, through the investigation of work connections in the buildings of the ancient city. Waiting for future petrographic investigations, not only the analogy (visual) but above all the metrological affinities between the stone quarried and the one in the buildings seem to confirm that the main user was just Eloro. This hypotesis, once confirmed, could provide some element for quarring dating. It also could clarify some question about the planning and the stone supplying of the greek town.

Pesciolini di guerra

“Pesciolini di guerra”. Amministrazione e scandali nelle Terre Liberate e Redente tra guerra, dopoguerra e ricostruzione (1915-1922), in AA.VV., «Le “disfatte” di Caporetto. Soldati, civili, territori 1917-1919, 2019

Proprietà letteraria riservata. I diritti di traduzione, memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale e parziale di questa pubblicazione, con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm, le fotocopie e altro) sono riservati per tutti i paesi. Impaginazione Verena Papagno ISBN 978-88-5511-060-0 (print) ISBN978-88-5511-061-7 (online)

Progetti sulla pietra


Projects on the stone Studies on the subject, considering the scale archaeological embedded in the theme, revealed as the focus of the layouts found by archaeologists on artefacts during excavations, abundantly documented in specific texts , focused primarily on " traces of processing "and" guidelines or of faith, "especially in Greek and Roman times, providing a thorough sampling of what is now unanimously recognized as a standard practice of the construction process. Through extensive bibliography can find a classification summarized as follows: - Traces of machining tools such as chisels, chisel, pencil lead-colored; - Traces on the surfaces of discharge and on the faces of contact, such as anathyrosis, (special processing of the contact faces, which presents itself as a band and finished contornante adjust one or more margins of an element, with the central part which remains retracted ); - Traces of guidelines for the installation of construction elements: stone blocks and drums of columns, or for installation of decorative elements, such as triglyphs, metopes, geison; - Tracks for the connection of these elements: holes of the lever, casting, receipts for polos and empolion (particular connection system consists of an element fitted with a pin and another equipped with built-in); - Traces to assemble and identification: brands of masons, contractors, initials, letters and symbols. The ultimate goal of this classification lies in the attempt to trace a clear date of the article studied through the identification of repetitive elements, certain well-recognized and then chronologically. The arguments just given, supported by a detailed bibliography, now formed a body of work very good and well established, thanks to the efforts by archaeologists in a field of almost absolute dominance. Unlike the traces of drawings engraved in stone elements on site, construction parts and decorative, whose interpretation is not yet unanimous, is a field under development, which meet in a sort of doctrine to its strong multidisciplinary archaeological experiences and architectural expertise. For some scholars they represent real projects of architectural details, the true scale, for others, would be objective representations of the parts made, for others still graphical models, scale, used to control the phases of implementation . From what has been said and the introduction of what would later be discussed more thoroughly, it is noted that in some historical periods and in some geographical areas the use of the tracks had become common practice in the conduct of a construction site, is identified in the case of engravings numerous archaeological sites in Greece, archaic, Hellenistic, Roman monuments in the main, especially in the Imperial age, and major French Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals. To confirm this, and how most obvious example is enough to mention the numerous recordings tracked at the main architectural works of the Roman Empire, built or restored during the first and second century. A.D. under the reign of the Flavian and Antonine dynasties in Italian cities such as showing the path of an arch with concrete amphitheater SMCapua Vetere, the two gables with capital on the pavement entrance of the Mausoleum of Augustus Rome, executed for the portico of the Pantheon, the incisions for the realization of the grooves of the Temple of Hadrian and Pantheon, the capital of the Baths of Agrippa Laconicon have been reported on the Schedule which the main lines for sizing, the guidelines carved on the entablature of the Temple of Vespasian at Rome, and the same in Brescia, or the tracings in certain cities of the provinces as a foreign Sabratha in Libya, Baalbek and Jerash Lebanon. The proposed classification follows two major addresses, the first identified as "Paths Project", with a sense of architecture, which has the main topics "Paths to work site", ie those paths, large substance, found in the circumstances or, some cases, on the same articles, the "Paths of detail on architectural elements", ie those of lesser magnitude, identified on the details for their realization, and finally the "Nomograms", those paths, ie, comparable to geometric diagrams or otherwise signs are part of graphics operations used to trace, set the measurements of a known element, in other, unknown factors. In "Paths to work site" are, in some cases, also including tracks, which by their nature should be categorized as "assembly", but given their size and nature of "meta" is more suited to this second class is the case of some extended compound paths simultaneously guidelines, level lines and axes of symmetry, those, namely, that Ruiz de La Rosa calls "de Dibujos replanteo" identifying the procedure used more than once he saw the "replanting "principal elements constituting an architectural work, the sketch of the designer, often out of scale, directly on the strong, a true to scale. This procedure allowed to check the validity of the alignments of the axes and then make any changes. The second, identified as "Paths of assembly", with archaeological sense, has, however, as the field of implementing the "Guidelines" that is, those incisions performed "in situ" by the juxtaposition of structural elements and control the placement of architectural elements as columns, walls and perimeter marked, and detail elements as metopes, triglyphs, capitals, etc.., and the "marks" that all that body of signs, symbols, letters and numbers that were used by the count of working hours of workers, identification of the blocks in the quarries, the previous numbering assembly of architectural structures composed of multiple elements, simple signs superstitious. The handling of that issue, the apparent strangeness of the tracks with the theme, assumes an important affinity with it, if interpreted as a complement to the design procedure. The trademarks, in fact, in all its different types, they fit perfectly in design methodology defined by the engravings and the paths of the yard, providing a series of explanations and clarifications otherwise not feasible, like annotation metrics, morphological and technical Nowadays we use in preparing the graphics design. Through this reading, which significantly reduces the time lag with modern methods, it will clear the construction process of an artifact in the ancient world, starting from its concept phase, to the preparative, to that, finally, embodiment. The classification as defined, also can not ignore the historical-chronological approach, with the aim of controlling the development over the following centuries, so that any tramandazioni, as well as periods when the use of these procedures was very healthy and consistent. I think, ultimately, be stated that the work is not aimed solely at identifying these construction procedures, it has even less claim to catalog all existing examples, but wants to be, above all, the attempt to identify, through a "process "historical-chronological, a baseline for future studies on the origin of the architectural design today is understood as the Executive.

Guerrieri in parata

Archeo n. 393, 2017

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