Typology of the French regional development: revealing therefugeeversusSchumpetereffects in new-firm start-ups (original) (raw)
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The Annals of Regional Science, 2014
This paper investigates the determinants of business start-ups in the 22 French regions, considering four different sectors (industry, real estate, trade and services) over 1995-2004. The main innovation of the paper was to analyze regional differences in the decision to start a new business on a sector basis. Using spatial statistics and dynamic panel data methods, we estimate spatial regimes models. First, we show that regional factors determining new firm start-ups differ between sectors. Second, the estimation results are consistent with the existence of spatial heterogeneity. Finally, we observe persistence in start-up rates. JEL Classification J21 • M13 • O18 M.-E. Binet (B) CREM,
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2014
We study the relationships between unemployment rate and new-firm startups rate in France using a quarterly data basis over the 1993-2011 period. At the national level we identify that the refugee effect explains the dynamics of entrepreneurship in France over the period 2000-2011. New French firms are mostly set up for necessity motives. At the regional level data analysis methods allow to obtain different classes of regions that represent different type of developments. For each of these classes we are able to identify the existence of refugee/Schumpeter effects both in the short-run and in the long-run.
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in a regional context: historical roots, recent developments and future challenges, Regional Studies. This paper reviews research on regional new business formation published in four special issues of Regional Studies over a period of 30 years. It is observed that over those decades there has been a heightened recognition of the role of both formal institutions and 'soft' factors such as social capital and a culture of entrepreneurship. However, the core challenge is to explain why, in several high-income countries, despite these claimed cultural changes, the relative position of regions with regard to new business formation exhibits little or no variation over long periods of time.
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Entrepreneurship and regional development
... "Entrepreneurship, Development, and the Spatial Context Retrospect ... This information is provided to you by IDEAS at the Department of Economics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Connecticut using RePEc data on a server sponsored by the Society for ...
Major economic transitions, even when they are disruptive, do not occur instantaneously but rather occur over time, as regions within a country change at different rates. Accordingly, these dynamics may be reflected in a geographic lifecycle with different regions characterized by different phases analogous to the industry lifecycle model. In accordance with this argument, this paper tests the hypothesis that regions can be characterized as evolving over a predictable and well-defined lifecycle: (1) an initial entrepreneurial phases where Jacobs externalities and inter-industry startups prevail: (2) a routinized phase where innovation takes place within topperforming incumbents: (3) a second entrepreneurial phase characterized by Marshall-Arrow-Romer externalities, leading to intra-industry startups in niches: and (4) a second phase of routinization, in which no further innovation takes place, but is instead a phase of structural change. Using data on 74 West German planning regions, we find compelling evidence of a spatial lifecycle.
How does new business formation affect regional development? Introduction to the special issue
Small Business Economics, 2007
This paper gives an overview of the empirical research on the effects of new business formation on regional development and introduces the contributions to this special issue. The effects of new businesses on regional development emerge over a longer time-period of up to ten years. A main focus of the contributions to this special issue is on the distribution of these effects over time and on the magnitude of the overall effect. While the basic pattern found for the different countries and regions is quite similar, the magnitude of the overall effect can be different and may even be negative. There are strong indications, that the type of entrants plays an important role in this respect.
Financial constraints on new firms: looking for regional disparities
Financial constraints affecting new firms are some of the factors most cited for impeding entrepreneurial dynamics from flourishing. This article introduces the problem of regional patterns of financial constraints. The research is conducted with regard to the French regions and the new French firms being tracked at the firm level. It refers to entrepreneurial projects that are concretized in new firms. General entrepreneurial intentions in the French population that are aborted due to financial constraints are not reported. The point is of importance as the firm financing conditions are considered. First, an assessment of the regional banking activity leads to the conclusion of a relatively homogeneous situation, the activity in the core-region Île-de-France appearing however more contrasted. Second, the financial constraints affecting new firms are distinguished according to a four-case typology of credit rationing. It appears, inter alia, that a majority of firms is not facing credit rationing, but also that a non-negligible share is "self-constrained". The classification is, third and finally, differentiated according to the regions. Despite the relatively homogeneous banking supply, some differences may still be at work. The explanations are hypothetical at this stage but evidence suggests that the regional dimension should definitely deserve further attention. Résumé: Les contraintes financières pesant sur les nouvelles firmes sont fréquemment citées parmi les facteurs faisant obstacle aux dynamiques entrepreneuriales. Cet article introduit la problématique de patterns régionaux eu égard à ces contraintes. La recherche est menée en référence aux régions françaises et aux projets entrepreneuriaux qui aboutissent à la création de firmes. Les intentions entrepreneuriales générales dans la population qui ne trouvent pas de concrétisation, notamment à la suite de contraintes financières, ne sont pas étudiées ici. Le point a son importance dès lors que les conditions de financement sont identifiées. Primo, une évaluation de l'activité bancaire régionale aboutit à la conclusion d'une situation relativement homogène, l'activité en l'Île-de-France apparaissant néanmoins plus contrastée. Secundo, les contraintes financières affectant les nouvelles firmes font l'objet d'un examen typologique. Il ressort qu'une majorité de firmes n'est pas confrontée au rationnement du crédit mais aussi qu'une part non négligeable est « autocontrainte ». Tertio, la classification proposée est différenciée selon les régions. Malgré une offre bancaire relativement homogène, des différences peuvent encore être à l'oeuvre. Les explications sont hypothétiques à ce stade mais l'évidence suggère que la dimension régionale mérite un examen plus approfondi.