AT-AS zodynas (2019 10 05 13 43 51 UTC) (original) (raw)


In 2018 Lithuania celebrated their centenary of independence. During that period, an important role was played (and is played) by the political elite of Lithuania such as (Presidents, parliamentarians, Ministers, and diplomats) restoring the independence of Lithuania and strengthening of the foundations of statehood. An exceptional role was played by democratically elected Supreme Council-Reconstituent Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (LR SC-RS) in 1990-1992. This authority in March 11, 1990 restored the independence of Lithuania and, within nearly two and a half years of work, adopted important decisions that helped to establish the foundations of statehood for a restored independent Lithuania. Its inhabitants are currently guided by the legal basis created by the LR SC-RS, including the democratic constitution of the country. In 1990-1992 the Supreme Council of Lithuania is reasonably considered by the Reconstituent Seimas, i.e. the first parliament of the independent state of Lithuania. Although, its deputies were elected in a semi-free country 29 September 1989. The majoritarian election system entrenched in the Electoral Law enters into force of the basis of the recognition of mandates, and not on the basis of the mechanism of oath, but this parliament was democratically elected, had the authority of the people, and therefore is reasonably regarded as representative of the people and society. Although, recent professional researchers are increasingly focusing on the 20th and the beginning of 21st century to Lithuania’s political elite, still little has been done. In order to fill this gap, the main goal of this project is to focus on the elite of Lithuanian legislative power - MPs working in the LR SC-RS, examining them as one group. “The Biographical Dictionary of The Members of the Supreme Council’s of The Republic of Lithuania in 1990-1992 is the fourth volume1 of the research project series “The Biographical Dictionary of Lithuanian Parliamentarians “ launched more than 10 years ago (Biographical Dictionary of Members of the Lithuanian Constituent Seym (1920-1922), compiled by Aivas Ragauskas and Mindaugas Tamošaitis in Vilnius: VPU Publishing House, 2006 - 553, [1] p. Biographical Dictionary of Members of the Seym of the Republic of Lithuania I (1922-1923), II (1923-1926), III (1926-1927), IV (1936-1940), compiled by Aivas Ragauskas and Mindaugas in Vilnius: VPU Publishing House, 2007 - 847, [1] p.). It seeks to elaborate more detailed and more precise information about the members of this parliament, their activities, and to present various sections and aspects of the biography of this political group. For a variety of reasons, the publication appears later than planned, but it is highly believed that the publication, as a source of information, will be useful for further developing research on the parliamentary elites of Lithuania, the Baltic States and the European Union, as well as, the representation of the Seimas and the education of the public. It completes the first stage of the project, which was conducted at the Department of Lithuanian History of the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (author of the idea and project manager, prof. dr. Aivas Ragauskas) since 2004. As mentioned above, the purpose of publishing this volume is to provide them with even more detailed and accurate data. As in previous volumes of the dictionary, deputies’ biographies were prepared on the basis of a single questionnaire: I. 1. Name, surname, (photo); 2. Cadency in the Republic of Lithuania SC-RS; 3. Date of birth; 4. Social origin (peasants, workers, servants, etc.); 5. Nationality; 6. Marital status; 7. Date of death (year, month, day) and place of burial; II. 1. Education (school, speciality/profession,year of graduation); 2. Professional activity before being elected to the Republic of Lithuania SC-RS; 3. Creative achievements, awards; III. Public - political activity before becoming a member of the Republic of Lithuania SC-RS; 1. Participation in movements; 2. Participation in political party activities; 3. If was elected as a deputy of the previous LSSR SC or USSR SC; 4. Role in Sąjūdis movement (1988-1990) 5. Belonging to other organizations. IV. Activities at LR SC-RS; 1. Election to LR SC-RS; 2. Obligations; 3. Participation in political groups, commissions,committees, delegations, interparliamentary commissions, government’s work, 4. Statements on key issues: a. proposed or referred laws; b. personal inquiries or interpellations; c. contracts, etc., 5. other political activities. V. Public - political and professional activities after the parliamentary period 1. Whether they were the members of the Government, etc. VI. Resources and literature 1. The sources related to LR SC-RS; 2. Sources about the person; Sources are written according to the chronology. The number of problems arose while developing biographies and analysing their composition, commissions and fractions based on some indicators of the collective biography. Some of them are poor, such as spelling of personal names. Documents, legal acts, biographies and autobiographies are very diverse because of the spelling of doubled surnames and duplicated names of the deputies of Polish and Russian nationalities. In all these cases, we combined handwriting by choosing historically and linguistically based solutions. Many issues were caused by the determination of the social origin of deputies - an indication or definition. In addition to the previous volumes of practice,the list of deputies, the composition of the leadership, standing committees and fractions, as well as their compositions and data of the change of deputies’ commissions and political groups are published in this dictionary. These lists were drawn up on the basis of both, the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania in SC-RS and the documents kept by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania - the Presidium of the Republic of Lithuania and the Standing Committees, etc. Unfortunately, the archives do not systematically accrued the documents of the fractions, therefore only individual manuscripts related to them remained. It is expected that the dictionary will contribute to the writing of a monograph dedicated to this exclusive group of contemporary Lithuanian parliamentarians. As it was mentioned, the absence of it is a significant gap in the history of the new parliamentary history of Lithuania. The list and the composition of various LR SC-RS, elected, composed and appointed temporary committees, working groups and delegations by the presidium can be established and revised in this book. The group of the researchers is planning not only to prepare this collective monograph, but, also, they are going to make one more large volume of the dictionary for the subsequent, for example, after 1992, Members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.