Leyes y criterios de censura en la España franquista: Traducción y recepción de textos literarios (original) (raw)

Lenguaje y censura literaria y periodística en el Franquismo

Amnis, 2010

Este artículo pretende analizar la importancia y las características de la censura literaria y periodística durante el franquismo así como la importancia del lenguaje que se gestó durante los años de la dictadura. Durante ese período, la Censura cumplió un cometido claro de control lingüístico, periodístico y político en una España sometida a los designios del dictador y aupó a una generación de escritores-Ridruejo, Laín, Rosalesen detrimento de otra y consiguió el control ideológico de una sociedad que vivía en un régimen si libertades.

TFG - Álvaro Soler Sancho - La censura en las traducciones durante la época franquista

La censura en las traducciones durante la época franquista, 1996

This final grade project will deal with the figure of the translator and the censorship during the francoist regime, dealing with a content that will expose the national and international historical context, the situation and the advances in translation of the time, and the repercussion of censorship on the figure of the translator. Within the historical context, we will discuss in detail the two press laws that marked the before and after in the publications of all the country's media, the press law of 1938 and the press law of 1966 (also known as the Fraga press law), which marked the beginning of autarchy and the beginning of media liberalisation, respectively.In addition, we will discuss how literature was censored. The figure of the censor will be also commented, detailing how he obtained the position in the press services of the National Delegation of Propaganda of the Ministry of Interior or the punishments or penalties that were imposed on the authors depending on his verdict. We will also take interest in the figure of the translator, as well as that of the author, and we will deal in as much detail as possible with the subject of literature in exile, since there were many authors who were forced to leave their homes and their country to seek a better life and better conditions, both in terms of work and freedom of expression, with which they could express what they really thought in their work. An approach to what the "school of manipulation" iswill be made, and how rewriting and translation change the message positively or negatively, to make the interpretation that the writer or translator wants. The person who changes the message from the source text to the target text could expose just what he considers the text to be expressing, sometimes without distorting the message and being faithful to the original, since it is not so common to find this popular figure of the translator-traitor. Finally, after having the necessary notions of the meaning and importance of manipulating texts, we will look at examples of censored translations, analyse them in depth and study the mechanisms used, whether it be suppression, alteration of meaning or change of context. Finally the conclusion will be presented, with which we will try to synthesize what we have learned and present the hypotheses that we have established, in order to continue studying them later and make a useful work for those who consult it in the future.

Traducción, recepción y censura de Kurt Vonnegut en la España franquista

En primer lugar quiero agradecer a mi tutor, José Enrique García González, por apoyar el proyecto desde el principio, ayudarme a organizar el trabajo, orientarme en la investigación y animarme en todo el proceso; por aportar información y consejos esenciales para la realización del trabajo; por estar siempre pendiente, preparado y dispuesto a ayudar; por todas las correcciones y sugerencias; por todos los correos, escaneos y fotocopias; por su talante y diligencia; por su apoyo. Sin él, me habría sido imposible.

La venganza de Jefferson Hope como castigo: el sistema de censura franquista en la traducción de "A Study in Scarlet" (Arthur Conan Doyle), por Amando Lázaro Ros

Hikma: revista de traducción, 2019

El primer volumen de las "Obras completas" de Arthur Conan Doyle fue publicado en España en 1953 por la Editorial Aguilar. Amando Lázaro Ros, uno de los traductores principales de la compañía, realizó la traducción. La primera novela del canon holmesiano es "A Study in Scarlet". La historia narra el asesinato de dos hombres a manos de Jefferson Hope, quien se venga así de la muerte de su futuro suegro y su prometida. Sin embargo, en esta traducción encontramos que el motivo del asesinato es el castigo en lugar de la venganza. La razón de este cambio se encuentra en la denegación de la publicación por parte del sistema de censura franquista. El objetivo de este artículo es doble. En primer lugar, queremos revisar la intervención del sistema de censura en la traducción de "A Study in Scarlet" por Amando Lázaro Ros. En segundo lugar, mostraremos cómo esta traducción es publicada en la actualidad con los mismos cambios propuestos durante la dictadura.

Centenary Paper: Sobre la traducción y censura de Walter Scott en la España decimonónica y durante la dictadura franquista

Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 2024

Sir Walter Scott is regarded as the father of the historical novel, and many of his novels were translated into Spanish during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with adaptations for young readers particularly standing out in the later period. This paper focuses on the reception of this Protestant novelist by nineteenth-century government censorship, especially during the absolute monarchy of Ferdinand VII, and by the Franco regime (1939–1975). To this end, after providing an overview of the functioning of the censorship system and its legislation in the periods under consideration, the effects of this control mechanism on Scott’s works are discussed and some specific, significant cases analysed. In this sense, while some target texts were denied printing permission or granted authorization with cuts, in other cases translators/ publishers self-censored their versions and rewrote harmless and acceptable texts, especially in moral and religious terms.