A critical review of language learning strategy research


Since the mid-1970s a great deal of research has explored the language learning strategies (LLSs) that learners deploy to improve their language skills. Such research has studied LLS types and correlations between strategy use and successful language learning, yet very few papers have traced the history and development of LLS research by anchoring it to different approaches to learning language. In the present paper, we will examine developments in three major directions of LLS research and suggests some areas that deserve further investigation in future research.


The present study was conducted to investigate types of intelligences as predictors of self-efficacy (general self-efficacy). The participants were 148 male and female Iranian B.A. students majoring in teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL) and Translation at Takestan Azad University, Zanjan University, Zanjan Azad University, Payame Noor University of Zanjan, Payame Noor University of Abhar, and Shaheed Rajaee Teacher Training University. The instruments included a 100-item Michigan test, Gardner's MI questionnaire, and a 12-item General Self-efficacy scale. Data were analyzed through multiple regression analyses. Results indicated that musical and linguistic intelligences were predictors of general self-efficacy. 132 one's general self-efficacy, respectively. Meanwhile, all the standardized coefficients are statistically significant.

Computer-Based Assessment Vs. Paper/Pencil-Based Assessment: An Investigation into the Performance and Attitude of Iranian EFL Learners' Reading Comprehension

To examine the impact of transitioning traditional reading comprehension assessments to computer-based, 66 male English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners aged 8 to 12 years were assigned to take two different twenty-minutes reading comprehension tests with the same level of difficulties on paper and computer screen using scrolling text to navigate through pages. They also completed an attitude questionnaire to reveal their attitudes towards computerized testing. The findings revealed that there are no significant differences in reading comprehension scores across testing modes. In addition, evaluating the Likert type questionnaire revealed that the majority of students prefer to take the test on computer. The findings also suggest that the amount of reading comprehension among children does not differ considerably while switching from paper/pencil-based assessment into computer-based assessment. Hence, schools with no or limited computers and the Internet facilities should not be concerned about the students' performance and their level of achievement.

The Impact of Organizational Justice on the Ethical Leadership under the Moderating Influence of Perceived Support: A Conceptual Study

While a number of the researchers have conducted several studies on ethical leadership, however, not much is known about the role of organizational fairness in relationship to the ethical leadership behavior. This paper presented the proposed model in order to find out the perception of justice towards ethical leadership by using the two moderators namely perceived organizational support and perceived supervisor support. Thus, the proposition was made with respect to the impact of organizational justice on ethical leadership. It is also proposed that the perceived support such as organizational support and supervisor support could moderate the relationship between organizational justice and ethical leadership. The proposed model has been developed after reviewing the relevant existing studies and two underpinning theories namely social exchange theory and organizational support theory have been used to support the proposed model as well.



ABSTRAK Pendidikan tinggi di Malaysia disifatkan semakin berkembang pesat apabila stastistik menunjukkan pertambahan bilangan Institut Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) sama ada awam mahupun swasta dari tahun ke tahun. Peningkatan ini disifatkan sebagai berpunca daripada sokongan kerajaan serta kepesatan pembangunan ekonomi. Malah, kedua-dua faktor ini sebenarnya memberi kesan terhadap penentuan hala tuju sesebuah IPT (Hamidah Abd. Rahman dkk. 2004). Justeru, penubuhan IPT dilihat lebih bertujuan memenuhi kehendak pasaran dan permintaan daripada sektor pekerjaan. Atas dasar ini juga, para pelajar atau pelanggan IPT memilih tempat pengajian yang difikirkan mampu menjamin kedudukan mereka dalam bidang pekerjaan di masa hadapan. Enrolmen pelajar ke IPT yang semakin meningkat saban tahun mencatatkan bahawa jurusan yang dipilih lebih memihak kepada bidang teknologi dan kemahiran terkini. Namun begitu, ia tetap tidak mampu mengatasi kerisauan masyarakat terhadap masalah pengangguran ribuan graduan. (Utusan Malaysia 2010). Ini menunjukkan bahawa para graduan dan mahasiswa kurang mampu meyakinkan masyarakat dalam soal memberi sumbangan kepada negara. Lebih merunsingkan apabila sebahagian besar mereka terdedah dan terlibat secara langsung dengan gejala sosial. Walaupun ramai pelajar melanjutkan pengajian di IPT, masih terdapat diantara mereka terlibat dengan masalah sosial yg merunsingkan. (Zainuddin Abu dkk. 2008). Ini sebenarnya rentetan daripada tujuan utama penubuhan universiti sebagai pusat pendidikan dan pembangunan insan seolah-olahnya dipinggirkan begitu sahaja. Sedangkan Rasulullah s.a.w selaku pengasas universiti pertama dalam dunia Islam menetapkan pembinaan jati diri insan sebagai fokus utama. Hasilnya, lahir generasi madrasah tarbiyyah Rasulullah s.a.w yang bukan sahaja baik akidah dan akhlaknya bahkan cemerlang juga dari sudut kehidupan duniawi mereka. Untuk itu, kertas kerja ini membincangkan kewajaran madrasah Rasulullah s.a.w dijadikan

Lean and the Ecrs Principle: Developing a Framework to Minimise Waste in Healthcare Sectors

International Journal of Public Health and Clinical Sciences, 2020

Background: The healthcare system is characterised by complexities and fragmentation, which sometimes leads to lower quality of care and increased inefficiencies. Therefore, organisations are expected to invest in the improvement of both the quality and efficiency of their healthcare systems. Lean philosophy offers an improvement method encompassing a wide range of stakeholders, including frontline workers, that aims to redesign healthcare systems by eliminating waste. As Lean begins to be adopted within healthcare systems, various elements of Lean philosophy and principles have been specified and adapted. However, despite the wide interest in Lean methodology within healthcare systems, there has been a distinct lack of emphasis on one of its key principles, ECRS (Eliminate, Combine, Rearrange, and Simplify). Materials and Methods: This study aims to develop a framework using Lean and the ECRS principle to minimise waste within healthcare sectors. It researched literature from the f...

Zangoei, A., & Derakhshan, A. (2014). Iranian EFL learners' ILP comprehension and their language learning preferences: The effect of consciousness-raising instruction. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World, 5(2), 211-232.

Taking into account the significance of consciousness-raising in arousing learners' interlanguage pragmatic (ILP) competence, on the one hand, and in recognition of their preferred learning styles, on the other hand, the present study aimed at exploring the effectiveness of awarenessraising instruction on Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners' perception of the speech act of apology and of their learning preferences. To conduct the study, from a language institute in a north-eastern city of Iran, thirty two upper-intermediate English learners (15 females and 17 males) were asked to voluntarily take part in a 14-session instructional period during which listening materials enriched by consciousness-raising tasks were utilized as the input to teach the speech act of apology and to boost the participant learners' comprehension of this illocutionary act. Based on the analysis of a multiple choice discourse completion task (MDCT), which was adopted as a pre-test and post-test, the effectiveness of explicit teaching of apology through input and consciousness-raising activities was verified. Moreover, the results from a questionnaire (used as both pre-test and post-test) yielded no significant difference, except for 'the expression of satisfaction in English progress', in the learners' language learning preferences before and after the treatment. The findings may provide implications for curriculum writers and teachers.


Islamic inheritance or Faraid is one of the most important branches of knowledge in Islam. However, this knowledge has been steadily eroded as sources to learn it has become more limited. This study was designed to examine the source or method of acquiring knowledge of Faraid among the Muslim community in Pulau Duyong, Kuala Terengganu. This study used field survey method with a quantitative approach. Questionnaires were distributed to 345 respondents in Pulau Duyong, Kuala Terengganu. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis methods which are mean, standard deviation, percentage and mean scores using the software Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The results showed that the source of knowledge Faraid among the Muslim community in Pulau Duyong, Kuala Terengganu is through informal learning methods such as through studies in mosques, discussions with religious teachers and reading. The study concluded that the Muslim community in Pulau Duyong, Kuala Terengganu are still bound by traditional methods for acquiring knowledge about laws on Islamic inheritance in particular and Islamic studies in general. Therefore efforts should be enhanced to deliver knowledge on Islamic inheritance through a more systematic method to avoid this knowledge being ignored by society. This is because knowledge on Islamic inheritance jurisprudence is the backbone for the efficient management of the inheritance of the deceased in the Muslim community. Keywords : sources of knowledge, Islamic inheritance (Faraid), Muslim community, and Pulau Duyong


Writing is an important experience through which we are able to share ideas, arouse feelings, persuade and convince other people (white & Arndt, 1991). It is important to view writing not solely as the product of an individual, but as a cognitive, social and cultural act. Writing is an act that takes place within a context, that accomplishes a particular purpose and that is appropriately shaped for its intended audience (Hamplyones & Condon, 1989).The present research considered the significance effects of two important independent variables self-monitoring and peer-monitoring in writing activities on Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. In this research we were supposed to investigate self-monitoring & peer-monitoring effects on 173 male and female learners' writing activities whose age ranged between the 16-27, and they had a composing description writing paragraph as pre & post test in the same conditions. Although many studies have been conducted on the effects of self-monitoring with a variety of students across a variety of settings (Amato-Zech, Hoff, & Doepke, 2006 Cooper et al., 2007, Dunlap, Dunlap, Koegel, & Koegel 1991).This research studied about self-monitoring and peer-monitoring techniques which has been included new findings on learners' written tasks.