Online educative activities for solar ultraviolet radiation based on measurements of cloud amount and solar exposures (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Research in Education and Science, 2015
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.
Photodermatology Photoimmunology & Photomedicine, 2001
Background/Aims: Primary schoolchildren in their everyday school life are exposed to solar ultraviolet radiation. This may be through time spent outdoors whilst having meal breaks, physical education classes and other class orientated outdoor activities. Methods: This research investigates the UV exposure of primary schoolchildren and the effect real-time UV irradiances data and an associated software package, UVGUIDE, have on UV exposure. This software utilises scientifically collected data, such as facial distribution of UV, as well as accessing real-time on-line UV irradiances data to estimate the UV distribution 130 to the head region. The students can also enter other parameters such as hat usage and hat type to show the effect of using such a UV protective device on their facial UV distribution.
Comparison of measured and modelled uv indices for the assessment of health risks
Meteorological Applications, 2001
The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) have jointly recommended that the UV Index (UVI) should be used to inform the public about possible health risks due to overexposure to solar radiation, especially skin damage. To test the current operational status of measuring and modelling techniques used in providing the public with UVI information, this article compares cloudless sky UVIs (measured using five instruments at four locations with different latitudes and climate) with the results of 13 models used in UVI forecasting schemes. For the models, only location, total ozone and solar zenith angle were provided as input parameters. In many cases the agreement is acceptable, i.e. less than 0.5 UVI. Larger differences may originate from instrumental errors and shortcomings in the models and their input parameters. A possible explanation for the differences between models is the treatment of the unknown input parameters, especially aerosols. Copyright © 2001 Royal Meteorological Society
Effect of Cloud on UVA and Exposure to Humans¶
Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2001
The daily autumn and winter ultraviolet-A (320-400 nm) (UVA) exposures and 6 min UVA irradiance data for a southern hemisphere subtropical site (Toowoomba, Australia, 27.6؇S, 151.9؇E) are presented. This data is used to quantify the effect of cloud on UVA using an integrated sky camera and radiation system. Additionally, an estimate of the effect of enhanced UVA exposure on humans is made. The measurement system consisted of broad-band visible-infrared and UVA sensors together with a sun tracking, wide-angle video camera. The mean daily June exposure was found to be 409 kJ m Ϫ2 . Under the constraints of the uncertainty of both the UVA measurement system and clear-sky model, one case of enhanced UVA irradiance was found. Three cases of cloud enhancement of daily UVA exposure, approaching clearsky levels, were also determined using a calculated clearsky envelope. It was also determined that for a fulltime outdoor worker the additional UVA exposure could approach approximately that of one third of a full winter's day. For indoor workers with an outside lunch break of 12:00-1:00 P.M. the additional UVA exposure was on an average 6.9 kJ m Ϫ2 over three cloud-enhanced days. To the authors' knowledge this is the first paper to present some evidence of cloud-enhanced UVA human exposure.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2000
Assessment of the effects of ozone depletion on biologically effective solar UV at ground level has been greatly advanced through the use of remote sensing data. Satellite data on atmospheric properties allow the construction of geographically distributed surface UV radiation maps based on radiative transfer calculations. In this respect, clouds play a dominant but rather complex role. We compared the reduction of daily UV doses due to clouds, as derived from satellite cloud data, with the reduction derived from routine ground-based measurements of global solar radiation (i.e., broadband total solar irradiances with wavelengths between 0.3 and 2.8 m). An empirical relationship is used to link the reduction due to clouds of global solar radiation and UV radiation. The abundance of global solar radiation measurements (data from over 125 stations in 30 satellite grid cells) for the European region ensured a sound basis for the data analysis for the period considered (May, June, and July of 1990, 1991. Approximately 6500 daily UV-reduction factors, defined as the ratio of daily UV doses calculated with and without clouds, were thus obtained applying both methods. The daily UV-reduction factors (and 10-day averaged UV reduction factors) from the two independent sources correlated well, with r 2 ϭ 0.83 (r 2 ϭ 0.89), and had a standard deviation of 0.06 (0.03). Over 90% of the satellite-derived results agreed within a range of Ϯ0.14 (Ϯ0.07) with the ground-based measurement-derived results. We evaluated sources of uncertainty related to spatial and temporal resolution, and optical properties, and estimated their consequences and range. Among these different sources the largest uncertainties are caused by the sampling error, i.e., grid-cell average versus station average, which is on average 0.10 for daily UV-reduction factors. Information on the atmospheric optical properties during the measurements may reduce the stated range of uncertainty from Ϯ0.14 to Ϯ0.07. The variation of the measurements from station to station is then the limiting factor. We concluded that the reduction of daily UV based on satellite-derived cloud cover and cloud optical thickness relates well with the UV reduction due to clouds derived from ground-based global solar radiation measurements.
Variation of the enhanced biologically damaging solar UV due to clouds
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2004
The variation of the biologically damaging solar UV (UVBE) enhanced by clouds above that of clear sky UVBE has been investigated. This was undertaken for summer through to winter for SZA of 5 to 60 o employing an integrated automatic cloud and spectral UV measurement system that recorded the solar UV spectra and the sky images at five minute intervals. The UVBE calculated with action spectra with higher relative effectiveness in the UVA produced the lower percentage of cloud enhanced cases. The DNA UVBE provided the highest percentage of cloud enhanced cases compared to the total number of UV scans with 2.2% cloud enhanced cases. As a comparison, the plant and fish melanoma UVBE provided the lowest percentage of cloud enhanced cases with 0.6% to 0.8% cloud enhanced cases. For the cases of cloud enhanced UVBE, the average ratio of the measured UVBE to calculated cloud free UVBE for the photokeratitis, cataracts, plant, generalized plant damage and fish melanoma action spectra was 1.21 to 1.25. In comparison, the highest value of 1.4 was for the DNA action spectrum.
Validity of satellite measurements used for the monitoring of UV radiation risk on health
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2011
In order to test the validity of ultraviolet index (UVI) satellite products and UVI model simulations for general public information, intercomparison involving three satellite instruments (SCIAMACHY, OMI and GOME-2), the Chemistry and Transport Model, Modélisation de la Chimie Atmosphérique Grande Echelle (MOCAGE), and groundbased instruments was performed in 2008 and 2009. The intercomparison highlighted a systematic high bias of ∼1 UVI in the OMI clear-sky products compared to the SCIA-MACHY and TUV model clear-sky products. The OMI and GOME-2 all-sky products are close to the ground-based observations with a low 6 % positive bias, comparable to the results found during the satellite validation campaigns. This result shows that OMI and GOME-2 all-sky products are well appropriate to evaluate the UV-risk on health. The study has pointed out the difficulty to take into account either in the retrieval algorithms or in the models, the large spatial and temporal cloud modification effect on UV radiation. This factor is crucial to provide good quality UV information. OMI and GOME-2 show a realistic UV variability as a function of the cloud cover. Nevertheless these satellite products do not sufficiently take into account the radiation reflected by clouds. MOCAGE numerical forecasts show good results during periods with low cloud covers, but are actually not adequate for overcast conditions; this is why Météo-France currently uses human-expertised cloudiness (rather than direct outputs from Numerical Prediction Models) together with MOCAGE clear-sky UV indices for its operational forecasts. From now on, the UV monitoring could be done using free satellite products (OMI, GOME-2) and operational forecast for general public by using modelling, as long as cloud forecasts and the parametrisation of the impact of cloudiness on UV radiation are adequate.
Empirical models of UV total radiation and cloud effect study
International Journal of Climatology, 2009
Several empirical models of hourly ultraviolet total radiation (UVT) have been proposed in this study. Measurements of UVT radiation, 290-385 nm, have been recorded at ground level from February 2001 to June 2008 in Valladolid, Spain (latitude 41°40 N, longitude 4°50 W and 840 m a.s.l.). The empirical models have emerged due to the lack of some radiometric variables in measuring stations. Hence, good forecasts of them can be obtained from usual measures in these stations. Therefore, some advantages of the empirical models are that they allow the estimation of past missing data in the database and the forecast of future ultraviolet solar availability. In this study, reported models in the bibliography have been assessed and recalibrated. New expressions have been proposed that allow obtaining hourly values of ultraviolet radiation from global radiation measures and parameters as clearness index and relative optical air mass. The accuracy of these models has been assessed through the following statistical indices: mean bias, mean-absolute bias and root-mean-square errors whose values are close to zero, below 7% and below 10%, respectively. Two new clear sky models have been used to evaluate two new parameters: ultraviolet and global cloud modification factors, which can help to understand the role of the clouds on solar radiation. The ultraviolet cloud modification factor depends on cloudiness in such a way that its value under overcast skies is half of the cloudless skies one. Exponential and potential fits are the best relationships between both cloud factors. Finally, these parameters have been used to build new UV empirical models which show low values of the statistical indices mentioned above.