An extended phase space for Quantum Mechanics (original) (raw)

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The standard formulation of Quantum Mechanics violates locality of interactions and the action reaction principle. An alternative formulation in an extended phase space could preserve both principles, but Bell’s theorems show that a distribution of probability in a space of local variables can not reproduce the quantum correlations. An extended phase space is defined in an alternative formulation of Quantum Mechanics. Quantum states are represented by a complex valued distribution of amplitude, so that Bell’s theorems do not apply.

Quantum processes on phase space


Quantum theory predicts probabilities for various events as well as relative phases (interference or geometric) between different alternatives of the system. The most general description of the latter is in terms of the Pancharatnam phase. A unified description of both probabilities and phases comes through generalisation of the notion of a density matrix for histories; this object is the decoherence functional introduced by the consistent histories approach. If we take phases as well as probabilities as primitive elements of our theory, we abandon Kolmogorov probability and can describe quantum theory in terms of fundamental commutative observables, without being obstructed by Bell's and related theorems.

Quantum Mechanics in Phase Space: An Overview with Selected Papers (World Scientific)

Wigner's quasi-probability distribution function in phase space is a special (Weyl-Wigner) representation of the density matrix. It has been useful in describing transport in quantum optics; nuclear physics; and quantum computing, decoherence, and chaos. It is also of importance in signal processing and the mathematics of algebraic deformation. A remarkable aspect of its internal logic, pioneered by Groenewold and Moyal, has only emerged in the last quarter century: It furnishes a third, alternative formulation of quantum mechanics, independent of the conventional Hilbert space or path integral formulations. In this logically complete and self-standing formulation, one need not choose sides between coordinate and momentum space. It works in full phase-space while accommodating the uncertainty principle, and it offers unique insights into the classical limit of quantum theory. The variables (observables) in this formulation are c-number functions in phase space instead of operators, with the same interpretation as their classical counterparts, but which compose together in novel algebraic ways. This volume is a selection of 23 classic and/or useful papers about the phase-space formulation, with an introductory overview that provides a trail-map to these papers, and with an extensive bibliography. The overview collects often-used formulas and simple illustrations, suitable for applications to a broad range of physics problems, as well as teaching. It thereby provides supplementary material that may be used for a beginning graduate course in quantum mechanics.

A Local Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

Foundations of Physics, 2015

It is shown that Quantum Mechanics is ambiguous when predicting relative frequencies for an entangled system if the measurements of both subsystems are performed in spatially separated events. This ambiguity gives way to unphysical consequences: the projection rule could be applied in one or the other temporal(?) order of measurements (being non local in any case), but symmetry of the roles of both subsystems would be broken. An alternative theory is presented in which this ambiguity does not exist. Observable relative frequencies differ from those of orthodox Quantum Mechanics, and a gendaken experiment is proposed to falsify one or the other theory. In the alternative theory, each subsystem has an individual state in its own Hilbert space, and the total system state is direct product (rank one) of both, so there is no entanglement. Correlation between subsystems appears through a hidden label that prescribes the output of arbitrary hypothetical measurements. Measurement is treated as a usual reversible interaction, and this postulate allows to determine relative frequencies when the value of a magnitude is known without in any way perturbing the system, by measurement of the correlated companion. It is predicted the existence of an accompanying system, the de Broglie wave, introduced in order to preserve the action reaction principle in indirect measurements, when there is no interaction of detector and particle. Some action on the detector, different from the one cause by a particle, should be observable.

Quantum Mechanics in Phase Space

Ever since Werner Heisenberg’s 1927 paper on uncer- tainty, there has been considerable hesitancy in simultaneously considering positions and momenta in quantum contexts, since these are incompatible observables. But this persistent discomfort with addressing positions and momenta jointly in the quantum world is not really warranted, as was first fully appreciated by Hilbrand Groenewold and Jose ́ Moyal in the 1940s. While the formalism for quantum mechanics in phase space was wholly cast at that time, it was not completely understood nor widely known — much less generally accepted — until the late 20th century.

Quantum Mechanics in a New Light

Foundations of Science, 2016

Although the present paper looks upon the formal apparatus of quantum mechanics as a calculus of correlations, it goes beyond a purely operationalist interpretation. Having established the consistency of the correlations with the existence of their correlata (measurement outcomes), and having justified the distinction between a domain in which outcome-indicating events occur and a domain whose properties only exist if their existence is indicated by such events, it explains the difference between the two domains as essentially the difference between the manifested world and its manifestation. A single, intrinsically undifferentiated Being manifests the macroworld by entering into reflexive spatial relations. This atemporal process implies a new kind of causality and sheds new light on the mysterious nonlocality of quantum mechanics. Unlike other realist interpretations, which proceed from an evolving-states formulation, the present interpretation proceeds from Feynman's formulation of the theory, and it introduces a new interpretive principle, replacing the collapse postulate and the eigenvalueeigenstate link of evolving-states formulations. Applied to alternatives involving distinctions between regions of space, this principle implies that the spatiotemporal differentiation of the physical world is incomplete. Applied to alternatives involving distinctions between things, it warrants the claim that, intrinsically, all fundamental particles are identical in the strong sense of numerical identical. They are the aforementioned intrinsically undifferentiated Being, which manifests the macroworld by entering into reflexive spatial relations.

Quantum theory without Hilbert spaces


Quantum theory does not only predict probabilities, but also relative phases for any experiment, that involves measurements of an ensemble of systems at different moments of time. We argue, that any operational formulation of quantum theory needs an algebra of observables and an object that incorporates the information about relative phases and probabilities. The latter is the (de)coherence functional, introduced by the consistent histories approach to quantum theory. The acceptance of relative phases as a primitive ingredient of any quantum theory, liberates us from the need to use a Hilbert space and non-commutative observables. It is shown, that quantum phenomena are adequately described by a theory of relative phases and non-additive probabilities on the classical phase space. The only difference lies on the type of observables that correspond to sharp measurements. This class of theories does not suffer from the consequences of Bell's theorem (it is not a theory of Kolmogorov probabilities) and Kochen-Specker's theorem (it has distributive "logic"). We discuss its predictability properties, the meaning of the classical limit and attempt to see if it can be experimentally distinguished from standard quantum theory. Our construction is operational and statistical, in the spirit of Kopenhagen, but makes plausible the existence of a realist, geometric theory for individual quantum systems.

In defence of the phase space picture

Synthese, 1999

While the Phase Space formulation of quantum mechanics has received considerable attention it has seldom been defended as a viable interpretation. In this paper I expound the Phase Space Picture, use it to provide a quasi-classical 'hidden variables' ...

A quantum mechanical representation in phase space

The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1993

A quantum mechanical representation suitable for studying the time evolution of quantum densities in phase space is proposed and examined in detail. This representation on 2'2 (2) phase space is based on definitions of the operators P and Q in phase space that satisfy various correspondences for the Liouville equation in classical and quantum phase space, as well as quantum position and momentum 2'2 (1) spaces. The definitions presented here, P=p/2-ifti)/aq and Q=q/2+ifza/ap, are related to definitions that have been recently proposed [J. Chern. Phys. 93, 8862 (1990)]. The resulting quantum phase space representation shares many of the mathematical properties of usual representations in coordinate and momentum spaces. Within this representation, time evolution equations for complex-valued functions (wave functions) and their square magnitudes (distribution functions) are derived, and it is shown that the coordinate and momentum space time evolution equations can be recovered by a simple Fourier projection. The phase space quantum probability conservation equation obtained is a good illustration of the quantization rule that requires one to replace the classical Poisson bracket between the Hamiltonian and the probability density with the quantum commutator between the corresponding operators. The possible classical analogs to quantum probabilities densities are also considered and some of the present results are illustrated for the dynamics of the coherent state. Tr(pp') =0 and then considering the integrand in Eq.

A local interpretation of QM

arXiv: Quantum Physics, 2014

A local interpretation of quantum mechanics is presented. Its main ingredients are: first, a label attached to one of the virtual paths in the path integral formalism, determining the output for measurement of position or momentum; second, a mathematical model for spin states, equivalent to the path integral formalism for point particles in space time, with the corresponding label. The mathematical machinery of orthodox quantum mechanics is maintained, in particular amplitudes of probability and Born's rule; therefore, Bell's type inequalities theorems do not apply. It is shown that statistical correlations for pairs of particles with entangled spins have a description completely equivalent to the two slit experiment, that is, interference (wave like behaviour) instead of non locality gives account of the process. The interpretation is grounded in the experimental evidence of a point like character of electrons, and in the hypothetical existence of a wave like, the de Brogli...