Settling Statistics of Hard Sphere Particles (original) (raw)

Non-Poisson statistics of settling spheres

Physics of Fluids, 2009

Direct tracking of the particle positions in a sedimenting suspension indicates that the particles are not simply randomly distributed. The initial mixing of the suspension leads to a microstructure which consists of regions devoid of particles surrounded by regions where particles have an excess of close neighbors and which is maintained during sedimentation.

Particle velocity distributions and velocity fluctuations of non-Brownian settling particles by particle-resolved direct numerical simulation

Physical Review E, 2018

Settling dynamics of non-Brownian particles is investigated using particle-resolved direct numerical simulations. There are two aims of this paper: first is to study the variation of particle velocity fluctuations with solid volume for a wide range of settling Reynolds number; second is to investigate the effects of solid volume fraction and settling Reynolds number on the distribution of particle velocity fluctuations after reaching the steady state. Simulations are performed in the periodic domain and the settling Reynolds number and solid volume fraction are varied from 0.5 to 400 and 0.01 to 0.2, respectively. It is observed that particle velocity fluctuations increase with increase in solid volume fraction for settling Reynolds number less than 100. Further increase in the settling Reynolds number alters the behavior of settling particles, making the particle velocity fluctuations either remain nearly constant or even decrease with the increase in solid volume fraction. For dense suspensions, it is observed by simulations that the distribution of particle velocities has Gaussian form during settling. However, for dilute and moderately dense suspensions, particle velocity distribution becomes non-Gaussian for the studied range of settling Reynolds number. At the end of paper, the physics behind the scaling of particle velocity fluctuations with solid volume fraction and the distribution of particle velocity fluctuations during settling is explained.

Structure, density, and velocity fluctuations in quasi-two-dimensional non-Brownian suspensions of spheres

Physics of Fluids, 2000

Non-Brownian sedimenting suspensions exhibit density and velocity fluctuations. We have performed experiments on a quasi-two-dimensional counter-flow stabilized suspension of 2000 spherical particles, namely a liquid-solid fluidized bed in a Hele-Shaw cell. This two-dimensional suspension displays a uniform concentration but the particle radial distribution function and the fluctuations of the particle number in a subvolume of the suspension suggest that the microstructure is far from being random. We have also measured the velocity fluctuations of a test particle and the fluctuations of the mean particle velocity in a subvolume. It happens that the relation between velocity and concentration fluctuations in a subvolume can be deduced from a balance between buoyancy and parietal friction forces.

Size segregation and particle velocity fluctuations in settling concentrated suspensions

Rheologica Acta, 2009

We investigate the sedimentation of concentrated suspensions at low Reynolds numbers to study collective particle effects on local particle velocity fluctuations and size segregation effects. Experiments are carried out with polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA) spheres of two different mean diameters (190 and 25 μm) suspended in a hydrophobic index-matched fluid. Spatial repartitions of both small and large spheres and velocity fluctuations of particles are measured using fluorescently labelled PMMA spheres and a particle image velocimetry method. We also report measurements of the interstitial fluid pressure during settling. Experiments show that size segregation effects can occur during the sedimentation of concentrated suspensions of either quasi-monodisperse or bidisperse spheres. Size segregation is correlated to the organisation of the sedimentation velocity field into vortex-like structures of finite size. A loss of size segregation together with a significant decrease of the fluid pressure gradient in the bulk suspension is observed when the size of vortex-like structures gets on the order of the container size. However, the emergence of channels through the settling zone prevents a complete loss of size segregation in very concentrated suspensions.

Measuring the size of individual particles from three-dimensional imaging experiments


Often experimentalists study colloidal suspensions that are nominally monodisperse. In reality these samples have a polydispersity of 4-10%. At the level of an individual particle, the consequences of this polydispersity are unknown as it is difficult to measure an individual particle size from microscopy. We propose a general method to estimate individual particle radii within a moderately concentrated colloidal suspension observed with confocal microscopy. We confirm the validity of our method by numerical simulations of four major systems: random close packing, colloidal gels, nominally monodisperse dense samples, and nominally binary dense samples. We then apply our method to experimental data, and demonstrate the utility of this method with results from four case studies. In the first, we demonstrate that we can recover the full particle size distribution in situ. In the second, we show that accounting for particle size leads to more accurate structural information in a random close packed sample. In the third, we show that crystal nucleation occurs in locally monodisperse regions. In the fourth, we show that particle mobility in a dense sample is correlated to the local volume fraction.

Structure and dynamics of hydrodynamically interacting finite-size Brownian particles in a spherical cavity: Spheres and cylinders

The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020

The structure and dynamics of confined suspensions of particles of arbitrary shape is of interest in multiple disciplines, from biology to engineering. Theoretical studies are often limited by the complexity of long-range particle-particle and particle-wall forces, including many-body fluctuating hydrodynamic interactions. Here, we report a computational study on the diffusion of spherical and cylindrical particles confined in a spherical cavity. We rely on an Immersed-Boundary General geometry Ewald-like method to capture lubrication and long-range hydrodynamics, and include appropriate non-slip conditions at the confining walls. A Chebyshev polynomial approximation is used to satisfy the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for the Brownian suspension. We explore how lubrication, long-range hydrodynamics, particle volume fraction and shape affect the equilibrium structure and the diffusion of the particles. It is found that once the particle volume fraction is greater than 10%, the particles start to form layered aggregates that greatly influence particle dynamics. Hydrodynamic interactions strongly influence the particle diffusion by inducing spatially dependent short-time diffusion coefficients, stronger wall effects on the particle diffusion towards the walls, and a sub-diffusive regime-caused by crowding-in the long-time particle mobility. The level of asymmetry of the cylindrical particles considered here is enough to induce an orientational order in the layered structure, decreasing the diffusion rate and facilitating a transition to the crowded mobility regime at low particle concentrations. Our results offer fundamental insights into the diffusion and distribution of globular and fibrillar proteins inside cells.

Experimental study of random-close-packed colloidal particles


A collection of spherical particles can be packed tightly together into an amorphous packing known as "random close packing" (RCP). This structure is of interest as a model for the arrangement of molecules in simple liquids and glasses, as well as the arrangement of particles in sand piles. We use confocal microscopy to study the arrangement of colloidal particles in an experimentally realized RCP state. We image a large volume containing more than 450,000 particles with a resolution of each particle position to better than 0.02 particle diameters. While the arrangement of the particles satisfies multiple criteria for being random, we also observe a small fraction (less than 3%) of tiny crystallites (4 particles or fewer). These regions pack slightly better and are thus associated with locally higher densities. The structure factor of our sample at long length scales is non-zero, S(0) = 0.049 ± 0.008, suggesting that there are long wavelength density fluctuations in our sample. These may be due to polydispersity or tiny crystallites. Our results suggest that experimentally realizable RCP systems may be different from simulated RCP systems, in particular, with the presence of these long wavelength density fluctuations.

Dynamics in dense hard-sphere colloidal suspensions

Physical Review E, 2012

The dynamic behavior of a hard-sphere colloidal suspension was studied by X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy and Small Angle X-ray Scattering over a wide range of particle volume fractions. The short-time mobility of the particles was found to be smaller than that of free particles even at relatively low concentrations, showing the importance of indirect hydrodynamic interactions. Hydrodynamic functions were derived from the data and for moderate particle volume fractions (Φ ≤ 0.40) there is a good agreement with earlier many-body theory calculations by Beenakker and Mazur [C.W.J. Beenakker and P. Mazur, Physica A 120, 349 ]. Important discrepancies appear at higher concentrations, above Φ ≈ 0.40, where the hydrodynamic effects are overestimated by the Beenakker-Mazur theory, but predicted accurately by an accelerated Stokesian dynamics algorithm developed by Banchio and Brady [A.J. Banchio and J. F. Brady, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 10323 (2003)]. For the relaxation rates, good agreement was also found between the experimental data and a scaling form predicted by Mode Coupling Theory. In the high concentration range, with the fluid suspensions approaching the glass transition, the long-time diffusion coefficient was compared with the short-time collective diffusion coefficient to verify a scaling relation previously proposed by Segrè and Pusey [P.N. Segrè and P.N. Pusey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 771 (1996)]. We discuss our results in view of previous experimental attempts to validate this scaling law [L. Lurio et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 785 (2000)].

Flow Scales of Influence on the Settling Velocities of Particles with Varying Characteristics

PLOS ONE, 2016

The settling velocities of natural, synthetic, and industrial particles were measured in a grid turbulence facility using optical measurement techniques. Particle image velocimetry and 2D particle tracking were used to measure the instantaneous velocities of the flow and the particles' trajectories simultaneously. We find that for particles examined in this study (Re p = 0.4-123), settling velocity is either enhanced or unchanged relative to stagnant flow for the range of investigated turbulence conditions. The smallest particles' normalized settling velocities exhibited the most consistent trends when plotted versus the Kolmogorov-based Stokes numbers suggesting that the dissipative scales influence their dynamics. In contrast, the mid-sized particles were better characterized with a Stokes number based on the integral time scale. The largest particles were largely unaffected by the flow conditions. Using proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), the flow pattern scales are compared to particle trajectory curvature to complement results obtained through dimensional analysis using Stokes numbers. The smallest particles are found to have trajectories with curvatures of similar scale as the small flow scales (higher POD modes) whilst mid-sized particle trajectories had curvatures that were similar to the larger flow patterns (lower POD modes). The curvature trajectories of the largest particles did not correspond to any particular flow pattern scale suggesting that their trajectories were more random. These results provide experimental evidence of the "fast tracking" theory of settling velocity enhancement in turbulence and demonstrate that particles align themselves with flow scales in proportion to their size.

First in Situ Determination of Confined Brownian Tracer Motion in Dense Random Sphere Packings

Langmuir, 1999

The long-time self-diffusion of fluorescent molecular and colloidal tracers in a dense random packing of large (nondiffusing) spheres has been studied for the first time in situ, using fluorescense recovery after photobleaching. The long-time tracer diffusion coefficient depends uniquely on the ratio of the tracer size to the packing sphere size. This dependence is much stronger than that predicted by theories which neglect hydrodynamic interactions, emphasizing the importance of hydrodynamics on confined diffusion of finitesized tracers. Hydrodynamic friction can be described qualitatively by a mapping model of the pore space, which reproduces experimental diffusivities fairly well.