Globalization and folk culture of North-East India -An analytical review (original) (raw)



WHERE do the local communities of Northeast India stand in the Globalized world? What is their status and position in it? Is the tribal world of this remote corner of the Indian sub-continent aware of the fast changing global economic and technological scene and consequent socio cultural tensions and crises today? Are the people themselves aware of the processes and impacts of globalization? If they are, are they willing to take part in the process? These and myriad other questions come to our mind when we ponder over the issue of globalization in the context of Northeast India. By globalization we simply mean that the world has become more and more easily accessible and open to any one of us. This process has made the modern nations and communities increasingly more interdependent, susceptible to the market forces and flexible to the inroads of globalization . These issues are being addressed here in the context of the communities of Northeast India changing currents. Almost every one of us is aware that there is no escape however strong our resistance might be, from the all too powerful clutch of globalization

Assessing Impact of Globalisation on Indian Culture

Third Concept , 2022

India is a land of different religions, communities and languages. Though each has its own tradition and culture, they co-exist. ‘Unity in diversity’ is the greatness of Indian culture. The impact of globalization on the world and more particularly on India is notable and tremendous. Covering a wide range of distinct political, economic, and cultural trends, the term “globalization” has become one of the most fashionable buzzwords of contemporary political and academic debate

Globalization with Respect to its Impact on Indian Culture

ABSTRACT It has been experienced that every step of movement towards economic, political and cultural modernization, taken by the state in India, is responded to by the people with an enhanced sense of self-consciousness and awareness of identity. Cultural modernization, sponsored by the forces of globalization, is resented if it encroaches upon or does not promote the core cultural values of society, its language, social practices and styles of life. The vigour of the renewed sense of self-awareness generated among the members of the local cultures and communities is such as to succeed in making adaptive reconciliation with the forces of globalization. The linkages both visible and invisible, defining the cultural interdependence among communities and regions in India which have existed historically, reinforce instead of threatening the national identity. These bonds seem to become stronger as India encounters the forces of modernization and globalization. Key Words: Globalization, Culture, Modernization, etc.

Cultural Changes and Challenges in the Era of Globalisation - The Case of India

Contemporary globalization has produced many changes in our economy, society, culture, and politics. To many, the quality of resilience that Indian culture had shown earlier is slowly diminishing now. But, this article argues that globalization is not a unidirectional process and there are several contrary trajectories, which have generated opposite reactions. Hence, along with homogenization of certain aspects of Indian culture, globalization has also helped in accelerating the growth of self-consciousness and cultural identities. The growing disparities among different segments of Indian population and the resultant unevenness in the spread of a global culture also proliferates diversity. As a corollary, several aspects of our custom and tradition continue to exist side by side as there is both adoption and rejection. The process of globalization is, therefore, much broader, complex, and multifaceted. The challenge today for us is to recognize and respect plurality and multiplicity as a better model of globalized social life.

Globalisation and Indian Indigenous Community (A Case study on Toto, Rajji and Lodha Tribes


The globalisation of economies, civilizations, and cultures has had a major influence on indigenous populations worldwide. This paper is going to discusses the varied advantages and drawbacks of globalisation on indigenous Indian community focusing on Rajji , Toto and Lodha tribes Globalisation affects indigenous people economically, culturally and socially. First, Globalisation has opened up new ideas, technology, and markets for indigenous groups, presenting chances for economic growth and cultural interaction. India has several indigenous community with their own ritual, dialects and lifestyle. Globalisation's economic impact on Indian Indigenous community is mixed. Due to globalisation's resource demand 25% of tribal lands have been deforested in previous five years. This paper is trying to investigate in a fresh way, the need for equitable policies that benefit from globalisation while protecting India's indigenous populations rights and culture. The conclusion emphasises the need of the research and policy in tackling globalisation's concerns for indigenous communities.

Globalization and Its Impact on Indian Culture & Social Values

isara solutions, 2019

Globalization has a wide role to play worldwide. It has left back its footprints at every sphere of life. Not only in India, but the interchange of world views and ideas has resulted in a major transformation of the lifestyle and living standard of people globally. Indian culture is no bar to this transformation process. Our deep rooted traditions and customs have loosened up their hold with the emergence of globalization. India has a rich cultural background and pride of its culture is famous throughout the world. Globalization has not only inculcated the westernization in India, but conversely the Indian culture has also spread its impact globally. Culture and traditions of any geographic region hold a special significance with respect to its uniqueness and that is the differentiating factor for a population within a geographic boundary from the other. This uniqueness has been disturbed to the varying degrees in lieu of globalization. Such an impact is very much pronounced when they hit a developing country like India.

Cultural Globalisation in Contemporary India: From Homogeneity To Plurality’

Contemporary globalisation differs from its earlier varieties in economic, political, technological, organisational and cultural terms. Hence the current phase of ‘accelerated globalism’ has far reaching potential to induce change in our values, culture and other aspects of social life today. Is globalisation a threat to local culture? Or, dose greater connectivity magnify the differences among societies? This paper tries to explore some of these possibilities so as to analyse their repercussions theoretically. The paper argues that globalisation is not a unidirectional process and it is much broader, complex, transformative and multifaceted process. ‘Cultural globalisation’ does not refer to the possibility of a single global culture; it rather signifies the spread of plural cultural elements across the globe. The challenge today for us is to recognise and respect plurality and multiplicity as a better model of globalised social life.

A Study on Globalisation and Ethnic Women of North-East India

Globalisation is the process of widening, deepening and speeding up worldwide interconnectedness. It makes the world borderless and it brings changes all over the world. India is also not free from it as the impacts of globalisation are found all over India including NorthEast India. The life styles of ethnic women are very different, their food habits, working styles are also different. Globalisation influences every aspect of our lives. Earlier people doesn't know about others culture, lifestyles, they live with their own. But they come to know about others culture because of globalisation. Traditional skill and knowledge of ethnic women is the acquired knowledge of them through time and pace. Globalisation is creating a market for fresh ideas and voices, but again it creates threat for the women of their confidentiality of most private and sacred knowledge. With globalisation, a global cultural system is emerged in our society. Globalisation not always play negative role rather sometimes this culture is beneficial in upholding diverse traditional skill and knowledge of the ethnic women of NorthEast. This system has both positive and negative implications over it. Therefore it is important to study its impacts on the traditional skill and knowledge of Ethnic women.

Impact of Globalization on Socio-cultural aspects of India

Globalization is the process which expands and accelerates the movement of people, ideas and exchange of commodities across vast distances. The whole world is now one big common place. Globalization affects people with respect to their way of life, culture, values, taste, fashion, preferences, etc. We live in an intensely interdependent world in which all the earth's people with immense differences of culture and historical experiences are compressed together. There has been both positive and negative impact of globalization on social and cultural values in India. However, there is no denying of the fact that globalization has brought cheers to people's life in a developing country like ours. The impact of globalization on local culture and the changing role of the nation can be examined by observing the particularities of the social and cultural patterns and their local, national and transnational manifestations in India. Today, culture is defined as an intellectual or moral discipline and training, a state of intellectual and artistic development or a historically transmitted pattern of meanings. The socio-cultural environment of a nation plays an important role in molding the future generations.