Efectos de diferentes relaciones energía/proteína sobre el comportamiento productivo de pollos parrilleros machos (original) (raw)
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Probióticos en pollos parrilleros: una estrategia para los modelos productivos intensivos
Revista Argentina de Microbiología, 2015
Resumen La industria avícola se ha convertido en una importante actividad económica en Argentina. En nuestro país, el consumo de carne aviar ha experimentado un aumento sustancial en los últimos años debido al incremento y a la diversificación de la oferta de productos. Gracias a los avances tecnológicos experimentados en los últimos años (mejoras genéticas, automatizaciones, planes sanitarios, etc.), el pollo parrillero alcanza en solo 50 días el peso requerido para la faena, con 2,7 kg y una conversión alimentaria de alrededor de 1,6 kg de alimento/kg de carne. Para satisfacer la demanda actual y continuar en la búsqueda de mercados internacionales, los pollos parrilleros son sometidos a sistemas de crianza intensivos en confinamiento. En esos sistemas, los pollos parrilleros están expuestos diariamente a diversos factores de estrés. La suplementación con antibióticos fue ampliamente utilizada en las últimas décadas para estabilizar la microbiota intestinal, mejorar los parámetros productivos y prevenir las enfermedades aviares. Sin embargo, la utilidad de esta estrategia ha sido cuestionada debido a la aparición y propagación de bacterias resistentes a los antibióticos en la carne. Por lo tanto, hay un renovado interés en la búsqueda de alternativas viables a los antibióticos; es así que la suplementación de las dietas con probióticos se plantea como una opción interesante. Esta revisión proporciona un resumen actual sobre el empleo de probióticos en pollos parrilleros, haciendo énfasis en el papel de estos como una terapia alternativa que podría reemplazar a los antibióticos utilizados en producción y sanidad animal.
The present study was conducted to evaluate the impact different dietary nutrient densities on the performance and energy metabolism of broiler chickens. One hundred a day old male Cobb® chickens were used. A completely randomized block design was used and treatments were replicated four times with five chicks each. Starter and grower diets were formulated to meet NRC (1994) requirements, with levels of (2900, 3000, 3100, 3200, 3300 Kcal ME / kg) maintaining the calorie-aminoacid ratio. Live weight and weight gain were increased and feed intake and feed conversion were decreased by nutrient density in the starter and grower stage. Nutrient density levels to achieve the biological and economic maximum showed differences between them in starter and grower phase. Energy retained as fat showed an upward trend as nutrient density levels of the diet were increased. Energy retained as protein did not show a significant variation with the levels of nutrient density. On the other hand, total...
The following is a description of the results obtained from broilers in a farm in the capital of the Province of Corrientes, Argentina. These broilers were given organic chelates (QMD) in the drinking water. Nine hundred broilers from the same origin (3 lots of 300 birds each) were divided at random at the beginning of the cycle into 2 Groups (A and B). Group A continuously received the supplement (QMDbase) in a dose of 1.36 mg/kg weight per day, whereas Group B acted as the control one. Body weight, feeding and death percentage were weekly registered. In order to evaluate results on weight differences, and the change of feeding procedures between treatments, the randomized block variance analysis was employed to test the significance of the results, contrasting the hypothesis with a 5% alpha. Corresponding average marks in body weight were 2380, 2419.5 and 2343 g in the broilers' treated group, and 2290, 2396 and 2267.5 g in the control one. No statistical differences were found regarding death percentage. There was an average difference of 79.33 g in the live weight groups, and a meaningful improvement of 0.09 in the feeding conversion rate in the treated broilers. Based on the statistical analysis, it is inferred that birds treated with QMD-base presented improvement in weight gains and feeding conversion, compared with non treated birds under the described experiment conditions. Weight gains were of 56,25 to 102,41g, and feeding conversion improvements of 0.015 to 0.165, respectively.
Efecto de raza y niveles de energía en la nalización de novillos en pastoreo
Agronomía Mesoamericana, 2016
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del componente racial y la suplementación energética en novillos en etapa de nalización en pastoreo sobre la ganancia de peso, la calidad de la canal y la fuerza de corte (kg). El periodo de evaluación del estudio fue de 144 días, durante el año 2014. Este se realizó en la nca “La Vega” ubicada en el cantón de San Carlos, Alajuela, Costa Rica. Se utilizaron veintiséis animales distribuidos en dos grupos raciales y tres niveles de suplementación para un total de seis tratamientos experimentales: E-T0 (3,2 Mcal), C-T0 (3,2 Mcal), E-T1 (3,4 Mcal), C-T1 (3,4 Mcal), E-T2 (3,67 Mcal) y C-T2 (3,67 Mcal). Se evaluaron: ganancia diaria de peso (GDP) y peso vivo y de la canal, marmoleo, desarrollo muscular, grasa dorsal, rendimiento en canal, espesor de grasa dorsal (EGD), peso de grasa perirenal, área del ojo del lomo (AOL) y nalmente la fuerza de corte (FC) como parámetro de calidad de carne. No se encontraron diferencias debido al efec...
Revista científica de veterinaria
The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the effect exerted by the diet on semen quality in Brahman bulls and serum total protein, glucose, cholesterol and blood urea nitrogen, and to determine and its relationship with the microscopic characteristics of the semen. Twelve bulls older than 36 months were selected, with a previous period of adaptation. The bulls were di- vided into three groups, the first group received a diet of pasture (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria humidicola) and concentrate (36.9% total digestible nutrients -TDN, 7.08% crude protein and 1.5 Mcal of metabolizble energy -EM), the second (feedlot) fed with concentrate and hay (57.8% TDN, 12.5% of crude protein and 2.1 Mcal of EM), the last group (grazing) based pas- tures (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria humidicola) (38.3%TDN, 6% of crude protein and 1.3 Mcal of EM). Three samplings were conducted at intervals of 20 days. Samples were taken from semen and blood. The highest percentage of rapid progressi...