Modeling a Pilot Fixed-Bed Hydrocracking Reactor via a Kinetic Base and Neuro-Fuzzy Method (original) (raw)

Kinetic Study on a Commercial Amorphous Hydrocracking Catalyst by Weighted Lumping Strategy

Hydrocracking is an important upgrading process in the petroleum refinery, and it is generally used to process feedstocks ranging from vacuum gas oil (VGO) to vacuum residue. In this work, hydrocracking of VGO using a dual functional amorphous catalyst was carried out at a pilot scale unit under the following reaction conditions: liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) from 1 to 1.5 hr −1 and reaction temperatures of 360-440 • C at the constant pressure and hydrogen to oil, 156 bar and 1780 Nm 3 /m 3 , respectively. The effluent of the reactor was characterized to dry gas, naphtha, kerosene, diesel and unconverted VGO or residue. The pilot tests demonstrated that performing experiments beyond the temperature, recommended by catalyst vendor, lead the process to unstable hydrocracking. To describe the yield of hydrocracking products a five-lump discrete lumping approach with ten reactions was proposed. At first, the kinetic model contained twenty kinetic constants which were estimated by using the conventional objective function. The estimated parameters showed that the tendency of the catalyst to convert VGO to gas and naphtha was negligible whilst rate constants for hydrocracking of VGO to middle distillates were considerably high which was compatible with the nature of amorphous hydrocracking catalysts. After evaluating the magnitude of reaction rates and eliminating the ignorable constants, the network was reduced to six reactions in which only nine parameters were needed. The predictions indicated that the latter network could fit the yield of products more acceptable as if the average absolute deviation between experimental and calculated yields was descended from 16.25% to 12.6%. Then, to have a better prediction, a weighted objective function was used in which weight factors were calculated by a proposed weighted least square expression. The results confirmed that this approach could reduce average absolute deviation of model to 10.75%, and it created a fairly even distribution of deviation between hydrocracking products.

Optimizing the vacuum gas oil hydrocracking process temperature in the presence of Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3-SiO2 catalyst


A suitable model for predicting the product quality of vacuum gas oil (VGO) catalytic hydrocracking is developed. Data were obtained using an experimental catalytic hydrocracking reactor loaded with the Ni-Mo/Al2O3-SiO2 catalyst. A set of experimental runs was conducted under various operating temperatures from 380 to 450 ℃. Three distribution models were used to develop the predictive model. By the discrete lumping model, distillation curves of the cracked products (naphtha, kerosene, diesel, and gas) were obtained using the simulated distillation test. Model validation results showed that the proposed models are capable of predicting the distillation curves of the hydrocracked products accurately. Accuracy and simplicity of the developed model make it suitable to estimate the conversion and also the product distribution of hydrocracking units in refineries.

Prediction of product quality for catalytic hydrocracking of vacuum gas oil

Fuel, 2011

The main objective of this work is to develop a predictive model for predicting the product quality of vacuum gas oil (VGO) hydrocracking process. Experimental data were obtained using a pilot plant hydrocracking catalytic reactor loaded with the same catalyst type used in a local refinery. Two sets of experimental runs were conducted under various operating conditions. The first one consisted of 18 runs and was used for parameter estimation, while the second set consisted of 29 runs and was used for model validation. Distillation curves of the cracked products were obtained using the simulated distillation (SimDist) test. A distribution model based on probability density function was used to develop the predictive model. The distribution model presents the boiling point as a function of the distilled weight fraction. Model parameters were estimated and related to the specific gravity of the cracked product. Model validation results showed that the proposed model is capable of predicting the distillation curves of the hydrocracked products accurately, especially at high operating severity. Simplicity and accuracy of the developed model makes it suitable for online analysis, to estimate the conversion as well as the product distribution of hydrocracking units in refineries.

6-Lump Kinetic Model for a Commercial Vacuum Gas Oil Hydrocracker

A 6-lump kinetic model, including a catalyst decay function for hydrocracking of vacuum gas oil in a commercial plant, is proposed. The model considers vacuum gas oil (VGO) and unconverted oil, having boiling point higher than 380-• C (380+ • C) as one lump. Other lumps are diesel (260-380-• C), kerosene (150-260-• C), heavy naphtha (90-150-• C), light naphtha (40-90-• C) and gases (40-• C) as products. Initially, a kinetic network with thirty coefficients is considered, but following an evaluation using measured data and order of magnitude analysis, mainly the route passes of converting middle distillates to naphtha lumps are omitted; thus the number of kinetic coefficients is reduced to eighteen. This result is consistent with the reported characteristics of amorphous catalyst, which has the tendency to produce more distillates than naphtha. By using catalyst decay function in the kinetic model and replacing days on stream with a noble term, called accumulated feed, the prediction of the final approach during 1.5 years is in good agreement with the actual commercial data. The average absolute deviation (AAD%) of the model is less than 5% for all main products. If the residue or unconverted VGO is considered, the error only increases to 6.94% which is still acceptable for a commercial model. The results also confirm that the hydrocracking of VGO to upgraded products is represented better by a second order reaction.

Studying of Catalyst Deactivation in a Commercial Hydrocracking Process (Isomax)


Catalyst deactivation is usually indispensable, although the rate at which it occurs varies greatly. $W�?UVW��WKLVDUWLFOHGLVFXVVHV� WKHFDXVH VRIGHD FWLYDWLRQLQDFRPP HUFLDOK\GURFU DFNLQJXQLW� called Isomax. Then, a 5-lump kinetic model including catalyst decay function for hydrocrack- ing of vacuum gas oil in a commercial plant is proposed. The model considers vacuum gas oil (VGO) having boiling point higher than 380 o C (380 + °C), diesel (260­380°C), kerosene (150­ 260°C), naphtha (IBP:150°C), and gas as products. By using selective catalyst decay function in the kinetic model, the effect of the catalyst deactivation on the yield of products over time is studied. The prediction of the model during 1.5 years is in good agreement with the actual commercial data. The average absolute deviation (AAD%) of the model for the strategic products like naphtha, kerosene and diesel are about 1.784%, 1.983% and 1.971%, respectively. Also it is observed that the estimated parameters are consiste...

Modeling of a Catalytic Cracking in the Gasoline Production Installation with a Fuzzy Environment


The article offers a systematic approach to the method of developing mathematical models of a chemical-technological system (CTS) in conditions of deficit and fuzziness of initial information using available data of various types. Based on the results of research and processing of the collected quantitative and qualitative information, mathematical models of the reactor are constructed. Formalized and obtained mathematical statements of the control problem for choosing effective modes of operation of technological systems are based on mathematical modeling. Based on the obtained expert information, linguistic variables were described and a database of rules describing the operation of the input parameters of the reactor unit of the catalytic cracking unit was obtained.

4-Lump kinetic model for vacuum gas oil hydrocracker involving hydrogen consumption

A 4-lump kinetic model including hydrogen consumption for hydrocracking of vacuum gas oil in a pilot scale reactor is proposed. The advantage of this work over the previous ones is consideration of hydrogen consumption, imposed by converting vacuum gas oil to light products, which is implemented in the kinetic model by a quadratic expression as similar as response surface modeling. This approach considers vacuum gas oil (VGO) and unconverted oil as one lump whilst others are distillate, naphtha and gas. The pilot reactor bed is divided into hydrotreating and hydrocracking sections which are loaded with different types of catalysts. The aim of this paper is modeling the hydrocracking section, but the effect of hydrotreating is considered on the boundary condition of the hydrocracking part. The hydrocracking bed is considered as a plug flow reactor and it is modeled by the cellular network approach. Initially, a kinetic network with twelve coefficients and six paths is considered. But following evaluation using measured data and order of magnitude analysis, the three route passes and one activation energy coefficient are omitted; thus the number of coefficients is reduced to five. This approach improves the average absolute deviation of prediction from 7.2% to 5.92%. Furthermore, the model can predict the hydrogen consumption for hydrocracking with average absolute deviation about 8.59% in comparison to those calculated from experimental data.


Pilot plant hydrocracking of vacuum gas oil at 180 bar and LHSV of 1.1 h -1 was carried out in a fixed bed reactor containing 40 cm 3 volume of Ni/Mo/zeolite catalyst. Yields of light naphtha, heavy naphtha, kerosene and diesel were monitored over a temperature range of 380-400 o C. The hydrocracking reactions were modeled using a network consisting of eleven pseudocomponents kinetics. Effects of basic and non-basic nitrogenous compounds on the HCR and HDS reactions were also taken into account. The three phase trickle bed reactor model incorporating all reactions was solved using a 4 th order Runge-Kutta scheme and the results were compared with experimental pilot data.

Fuzzy Modeling and Control of the Catalytic Cracking Unit on Various Types of Information


In this paper, based on available information of various types, including fuzzy information, mathematical models of the reactor block installation in the fluidized bed of the catalyst at the Atyrau oil refinery in Kazakhstan are investigated and developed. The plant is designed to convert the residue of atmospheric distillation (AR, fuel oil), heavy gas oil, vacuum gas oil, heavy gas oil from the coking plant, heavy refined oil from the aromatics production complex and heavy aromatic compounds from the same complex into more valuable products, such as liquefied hydrocarbon gas, gasoline and light catalytic cracking gas oil. The version of such system with the help of MALAB was elaborated.