Sexism and Attitude Towards Rape Victims Among College Students (original) (raw)

Attitude towards Rape and Its Victim: Voice of Indian Young Adults

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022

Rape is one of the most alarming issues at present in India. The central point of this paper is to obtain different perceptions of rape and rape victims through the lens of gender stereotyping. This empirical study involves in-depth interviews of hundred young adults living in West Bengal, India. This paper deals with the perception and motives of this heinous crime, as measured by young adults. Attitude towards rape victim scale has been used to measure the outlook of young adults towards the victim. Female participants of the studied group have explained the term rape as an imposition of unwanted social stigma whereas, male respondents expressed as the commodification of sex. The contrasting gender ideologies reflect the psychological trauma and objectification of sex. Women have more sympathetic attitudes towards the victim than the men.

A study on attitude towards rape myths and survivors of rape amongst college students in Bangalore

International journal of scientific research, 2015

Rape seems to have taken a common form of violence and attitudes have been of central concern in relation to such violence. The aim of this study was to examine the current state of rape myth acceptance, attitude towards rape survivors among college students and the predictors for formation of attitude towards rape survivors. Findings based on the sample size of 275 college students showed that higher the rejection of rape myths, lower will be the unfavorable attitude towards survivors of rape. Regression analysis indicates that the variables ‘She asked for it’, ‘He didn’t mean to’ and ‘She lied’ inversely predicts unfavourable attitude towards the rape survivor. Chi-square analysis showed that males are less likely to reject rape myths and have high unfavourable attitude towards rape survivors than females.

Comparative analysis of attitudes and perceptions about rape among male and female university students

Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad : JAMC

Rape and other forms of violence against women have been reported to be common in Pakistan, and police is often reluctant to register a rape complaint. We assessed and compared the attitudes and perceptions of male and female university students towards rape of females by males. A cross-sectional survey with convenience sampling was conducted among the male and female students of Quide-e-Azam University, Islamabad. A structured, self-administered, anonymous and pre-tested questionnaire was used with close-ended questions. Students were asked about their attitudes and beliefs regarding characteristics of the female rape victims, male perpetrators and contexts in which this type of violence is more or less likely. Interviewers approached conveniently-selected participants and explained the objectives of the survey, while emphasising voluntary participation in this study. Data was analysed for frequencies and counts, while Chi-square test was used to for pairwise comparisons between ma...

Ambivalent Sexism towards Women and Acceptance of Rape Myths among University Students

Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Victims of rape sometimes suffer from being blamed for their assault. The present study aimed to investigate whether hostile sexism, benevolent sexism influence acceptance of rape myths. The sample comprised of 240 university students recruited from Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan. Demographic information sheet, Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (IRMA) [24], Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI) [13] and scales were used for assessment. Results from Bivariate Correlation analysis showed that, Hostile sexism and subscales of benevolent sexist beliefs are positively correlated with rape myths. Subscales of Ambivalent Sexism (Hostile sexism, Paternalism, Heterosexuality and Gender differentiation) positively predicted subscales of Rape myths acceptance (she asked for it, it wasn't really rape, he didn't mean to and she lied). Results further showed that males had higher acceptance with Rape Myths and Ambivalent Sexism. Findings from the present study suggest that there is need to tackle negative stereotypes about rape victims and Interventions should focus more on the education on what rape and sexual assault are and what the health and legal consequences entail.

“It is all her fault”: psychosocial correlates of the negative attitudes towards rape victims among the general population of Pakistan

Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences

Background Rape myths are marked for being false beliefs about sexual assault. With the problem being quite prevalent around the world, research has shown that numerous factors such as rape proclivity and perpetuation of rape myths are critical. The present study assesses the role of rape myths acceptance, rape victim empathy, and causal attributions towards rape victims as significantly predicting attitudes towards rape victims among the general population of Pakistan. Rape myths acceptance and causal attributions would significantly and positively predict negative attitudes towards rape victims. Method A cross-sectional research design was used for the study. The online survey questionnaire was filled by 573 participants including 275 males and 298 females who were selected through purposive sampling from the general population of Pakistan. The sample size was estimated using G*Power analysis with 95% confidence intervals. Data collection was done using Illinois rape myths, attitu...

Attitudes toward rape victims among University of Namibia students


A common misunderstanding about rape is that the perpetrator is driven by a sexual desire motivated by the victim’s seductive dressing or behaviour. The damaging impact of rape on the victim not only affects the victim’s emotional, psychological and physical state, but its ripple effects impact the larger systems of families, friends and life partners. The literature on studies of attitudes toward rape shows that there is an overall negative attitude towards rape victims leading to discrimination, stigma and, consequently, under-reporting of rape. The main focus of the present study was to investigate university students’ attitude toward rape victims. Furthermore, the study sought to explore gender differences in acceptance of rape victims. A convenience sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 131 students between the ages of 19-38 years. The sociodemographic questionnaire and Attitudes Towards Rape Victims Scale (ATRVS) were selfadministered to collect quantitative data and...



Research has reported that rape supportive attitude is a significant precursor of rape among men. Given the high prevalence of rape, it is crucial to understand the factors that significantly predict rape supportive attitude. The objective of this study was to determine if hostile sexism significantly predicts rape supportive attitude. A cross-sectional online survey was used to collect data from 107 men between the age of 18 and 65years. Data were collected using Rape Myth Scale, Ambivalent Sexism Inventory and Demographic questionnaire. The results of the bivariate correlation showed a statistically significant positive relationship between rape supportive attitude and hostile sexism among men (r=.33, p<.01, r 2= .11). The linear regression result showed that hostile sexism significantly predicted rape supportive attitude (β=.33, t=3.29, p<.01). The discussion of the results and the implications for practice were provided.

Ambivalent sexism and sexual objectification of women as predictors of rape myth acceptance among male college students in Greater Jakarta

Current Psychology

Sexual violence against women, particularly in the form of rape, is a serious issue that must be addressed in Indonesia. However, victims of sexual violence are not enveloped by a supportive atmosphere due to the pervasive acceptance of rape myths in society. This study examined the role of ambivalent sexism and sexual objectification of women in predicting the acceptance of rape myths among male college students in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia. A sample of 275 male college students completed the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale-Short Form, Ambivalent Sexism Inventory, and Women Are Sexual Objects subscale from the Attitude Toward Dating and Relationship Measure Revised. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that ambivalent sexism and sexual objectification of women significantly predicted rape myth acceptance, with sexual objectification of women tends to have more contribution. This finding explains that to develop and conduct prevention and treatment, both variables...

Reflections on the society’s reaction towards rape victims in Delhi City

Temida, 2014

In general, most people display stronger beliefs in ?aggravated rape? or ?real rape?; including victims of such rape cases who often identify themselves as ?rape victims? than the victims of ?simple rape?, where none of the aggravating circumstances are present. Despite myths to the contrary these ?simple rape? cases in fact make up the majority of cases. This article considers the implications of ?real rape? and demonstrates how notions about what a ?typical rape? should be, in the form of rape myths, directly impact on societal attitudes towards rape victims and how the media continue to reinforce and perpetuate the notion of real rape through their selective reporting of ?serial rape?, ?stranger rape? or especially ?violent rapes?.