Пещера Вашанская близ Казначеево (Тульская область) (original) (raw)
Пещера Вашанская близ Казначеево (Тульская область)
2022, Speleology and spelestology
The abandoned underground limestone quarries, situated in the vicinity of Kaznacheyevo village, in the River Vashana basin (the Oka right tributary), have been found and surveyed by our research group since 2017. These quar- ries operated in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. While surveying their underground cavities, two accessible natural caves formed with landslide fault were discovered. The largest one was named the Vashana cave. Its total length is more than 140 meters and its height reaches 13 meters. The cave genesis is associated with deep-seated landslides of the Late Pleistocene. Such large caves, located in plains, are poorly described in scientific literature. The detailed characterization of geological conditions and the local relief along with the cave description, its interior photos and its preliminary map are presented in this paper. According to incision/aggradation rhythms a primary joint system and a karst horizon split by the cave were formed at least since the end of MIS 6 and throughout the Late Pleistocene. We have previously established the main stages of the cave’s evolution based on these data and field materials. Previously we established that the main volume of the Vashana cave resulted from the removal of geostatic pressure and the occurrence of a landslide during the last episode of rapid bedrock channel incision 18–12 thousands of years ago.
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Целью проведенного нами исследования стал поиск ответа на один из важнейших вопросов, стоящие перед учеными, изучающими историю раннесредневекового Крыма. Мы попытались установить время возникновения «пещерных» монастырей. Объектом исследования стал скальный комплекс у Южных ворот Чуфут-Кале. Было установлено, что на его территории находился раннесредневековый монастырь. Нам удалось очертить пределы и установить длительность его существования. Книга рассчитана на специалистов-историков, а также на студентов исторических специальностей, краеведов и всех прочих, интересующихся историей позднеантичного и средневекового Крыма. In this study purpose be setting to get answer on very important question at medieval history of the Crimea. We tried to date the time of origin a “cave” monastery. The object of study became rock complex near South gate of Chufut-Kale. Now we found out that, on this territory was early medieval monastery and we can to identity its outline and period of existence. This book for professional historians, students, regional specialists and all interested of late antiquity and medieval Crimea.
Пещера у с. Скупая Потудань в Воронежской области, 2019
A CAVE NEAR THE VILLAGE SKUPAYA POTUDAN IN THE VORONEZH REGION The article first considers the cave near the village Skupaya Potudan in the Nizhnedevitsky district of the Voronezh region. The total length of the cave is 22.5 m. The height and width of the main passage is on average 0.5 m. Traces of tools are visible on the walls of the cave. This object has a unique character without any direct analogues in the same region. The cave, initially formed as a result of karst processes, was subsequently subjected to anthropogenic impact, the purpose of which is not clear enough. Perhaps the cave builder wanted to reach a large karst cavity. The presence of such cavities is indicated by karst craters located in the vicinity of the cave. On the territory of the Russian Plain, the chalk karst occurs mainly in buried form. Discovery and introduction to science of this cave makes it promising to search for other karst formations available for research in the surrounding landscapes. Keywords: karst caves, chalk karst, Skupaya Potudan village, Voronezh region.
Калачеевская пещера на Среднем Дону: прочтение сакрального топоса в контексте Виа Долороза, 2021
KALACHEEVSKAYA CAVE IN THE MIDDLE DON: INTERPRETATION OF SACRED TOPOS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE VIA DOLOROSA Keywords: Kalacheevskaya cave; Via Dolorosa; Via Crucis; тhe Russian Orthodox Church; pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The aim of this work is to identify the semantic meaning of Kalacheevskaya cave’s sacred space. The sources of research are the underground complex itself, located on the south of Voronezh region, maps and descriptions of places by pilgrims to the Holy Land. There are no written sources left about building of Kalacheevskaya cult cave. However, the object under study is one of the longest caves in European part of Russia, which attaches particular relevance to field studies of the caves. The total length of the cave passes makes today 892 m. So far, the intended purpose of most of them has been unknown. The study suggests and justifies a hypothesis for reflection in the structure of Kalacheevskaya cave of Jerusalem sacred space, where passes of the cave are town streets and its separate premises are buildings, that makes the scientific novelty of the study. The possibility of such problem setting and solving was inspired by the existing precedent in the caves of Divnogorskiy and Ust-Medveditskiy monasteries in the Don region, where the symbols of the labyrinths can be interpreted as Via Dolorosa. Via Dolorosa is a street in Jerusalem where symbolic stops on the last day of Christ’s sufferings are reflected. Its sanctity began to shape in Jerusalem in the 14th century. The embodiment of Jerusalem sacred topos in Russian architecture gets its development in 16-17th centuries. The Kalach city, with a high chalk outlier and the cave in the middle of the town, was founded in the early 18th century by Cossacks of Ostrogozhskiy regiment. Its inhabitants could see the sacred space of Jerusalem during pilgrimage to the Holy Land, trying to repeat it at home within the folk tradition of cave digging. If to compare the plan of Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem with the central and northern parts of cave labyrinths in Kalach, it is possible to see eight stops of the Way of the Cross. Hence, the second stop, “the place of the flagellation and the place where the Savior took his Cross to bear it to Golgotha”, is marked by a cut in chalk column decorated with graffiti. The third stop is marked with a big cross cut on chalk. It is impossible to identify on the plan the location of stops from the tenth to fourteenth owing to their location in Jerusalem prototype inside the Church of the Resurrection and its absence in Kalacheevskaya cave. We can only make an assumption about the location of some of them on the basis of distinct architectural elements. For example, Golgotha can be symbolically identified in the circle up-going and down-going pass in the area of the eighth stop of Via Dolorosa in Kalacheevskaya cave. The method of structural-semantic analysis developed in the article based on comparison of individual elements of the cave with a particularly revered Christian sacred loci, allows to take a fresh look at the numerous religious caves of the Great Russian Plain. Thus, in the case of similar semantics, we can speak about increasing of recreational potential of these objects.
«Пещера» на Яше-ручье: К вопросу об одной аскетической практике в Карелии
«Пещера» на Яше-ручье: К вопросу об одной аскетической практике в Карелии
В Южной Карелии находится небольшой Яшезерский Благовещенский монастырь, основанный в XVI веке преподобным Ионой. Недалеко от него, на берегу Яше-ручья, в 2013 году археологическая экспедиция Национального музея Республики Карелия обследовала неизвестный памятник – «пещеру» в расщелине скалы. Анализ и интерпретация объекта затруднены из-за отсутствия находок. В настоящее время метод лихенометрии (определение возраста субстрата относительно размера таллома лишайника) широко используется в геологических исследованиях и для датировки древних каменных сооружений. На основании изучения роста лишайников на камнях строительство «пещеры» датируется серединой XVIII века или древнее. В историях позднесредневековых православных монастырей Карелии есть данные о существовании общей для православного мира традиции монашеского подвига жизни в кельях-пещерах. Использовали их для молитвы и гонимые сторонники старой веры. Поэтому создателями «пещеры» могут быть монахи-аскеты или местные крестьяне-старообрядцы. Это первый позднесредневековый памятник такого вида в Карелии, изученный комплексной научной экспедицией.
Виа Долороза в пещерах урочища Малые Дивы на Среднем Дону, 2018
VIA DOLOROSA IN THE CAVES OF THE MALYE DIVY AREA IN THE MIDDLE DON. The objective of the research is to reveal the meaning of the cave tunnel architectural elements in the Divnogorsky Assumption Monastery in the Middle Don. The author hypothesizes on a symbolic reflection here of Via Dolorosa (The Way of the Cross), a street in Jerusalem being a symbolic reflection of Jesus Christ’s way to his crucifixion. Herewith the author addresses the following issues: 1) clarification of the monument’s historical background; 2) written sources analysis: pilgrimage to the Holy Land description and application of the findings to the architectural elements of the caves in Divnogorye. The solution of the second task allows opening a new methodological aspect to understand the intended purpose for the numerous underground passages and spaces of ancient cult caves in the Russian Plain. The Divnogorsky Assumption Monastery is located in the area of the Tikhaya Sosna inflow into the Don. It traces its roots to the middle of the 17th century. It was a result of a secular and monastery settlement in the south border of the Moscow State by Orthodox Christians native of Western Ukraine. The monks who came to the new community brought the European tradition of the Via Dolorosa construction. The tradition dates back to the 14th century and in the 17th century it became widespread in European countries. Initially, the Way of the Cross was seven symbolic architectural stations, which reflected significant events of the last day of Jesus Christ’s earthly life. The same principle can be seen in the caves of the Divnogorsky Monastery. The first station is outlined by the chapel, it is Pilate’s court. This very station starts the Way of the Cross in Jerusalem. Stations two to five are outlined by turns of the underground tunnel; they form a cross on the plan emphasizing the plenitude of suffering on the cross. The second station is the place where Christ met His Blessed Mother. The third station is the place where Christ met Simon of Cyrene. The fourth station is the place where Christ spoke to the women of Jerusalem. The fifth station is the place where the soldiers cast lots for Jesus Christ’s garment. The identification of the stations was made in accordance with the early European tradition based on the Gospels. The sixths station is Golgotha. Its symbolism can be easily recognized due to the steps leading up and down in the cave tunnel. Besides, the number of the steps is equal to those in the Church of Resurrection in Jerusalem described by Russianpilgrims Vasiliy Poznyakov and Trifon Korobeynikov in the 16th century. The seventh station is the Edicule of the Holy Sepulture. It is clearly symbolized by its hexagonal shape and sepulture carved out in the chalk rock. The sepulture is positioned in accordancewith the present tradition. The Way of the Cross explained hereby is unique and non-typical for Russia, which is strengthened by itsunderground position. A very important task now is its preservation and further study due to its earlier dating.
Пещера в горе Аулие тау: проблема искусственного и естественного: предварительное сообщение
The paper introduces into scientific use the data on the new painting sites in Saryarka discovered in Aulie Mountain – the cave Aulie and the niche next to it. The authors present certain analogies to them among the petroglyphs and paintings dated from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age in the rock art sites of Kazakhstan mountain regions. The problem of distinguishing between traces of manmade red pigment and zones of ferruginization is discussed. The results of studying photographic documentation by the method of pigment maps are analyzed. Based on the analysis, it is assumed that there are three types of dyes in the cave and niche, apparently differing in chemical composition – natural pigment in zones of ferruginization and artificial pigments of different composition. The authors raise the question of artificial origin of the cave as a result of mining activities.
В коллективной монографии представлены материалы междисциплинарных исследований, проведенных в пещере Матузка (Северо-Западный Кавказ). Уникальный археологический памятник эпохи среднего палеолита позволяет получить разнообразную информацию о жизни неандертальцев от 130 до 35 тысяч лет назад. В книге публикуются реконструкции палеоландшафта, палеоклимата, охотничьих стратегий древнего человека. Особое внимание уделено развитию культуры, определению культурных ареалов, предполагаемых миграций. Подробно освещены вопросы особенностей жилых структур и организации жилого пространства. Все материалы рассматриваются в контексте среднего палеолита Кавказа. Книга рассчитана на археологов, историков, геологов, палеонтологов, палеогеографов, учителей и краеведов.
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