Microsatellite markers: an overview of the recent progress in plants (original) (raw)
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Abbreviations used: SSR -simple sequence repeats; ISSR -inter-simple sequence repeats; SAMPL -selective amplification of microsatellite polymorphic loci; STRshort tandem repeats; SSLP -simple sequence length polymorphism; VNTR -variable number of tandem repeats; EST -expressed sequence tags; RAPD -random amplified polymorphic DNA; RFLP -restriction fragment length polymorphisms; MAS -markerassisted selection; NIL -nearly isogenic lines; BSA -bulked segregant analysis; QTLquantitative trait loci; AFLP -amplified fragment-length polymorphism.
Genic microsatellite markers in plants: features and applications
Trends in Biotechnology, 2005
Expressed sequence tag (EST) projects have generated a vast amount of publicly available sequence data from plant species; these data can be mined for simple sequence repeats (SSRs). These SSRs are useful as molecular markers because their development is inexpensive, they represent transcribed genes and a putative function can often be deduced by a homology search. Because they are derived from transcripts, they are useful for assaying the functional diversity in natural populations or germplasm collections. These markers are valuable because of their higher level of transferability to related species, and they can often be used as anchor markers for comparative mapping and evolutionary studies. They have been developed and mapped in several crop species and could prove useful for marker-assisted selection, especially when the markers reside in the genes responsible for a phenotypic trait. Applications and potential uses of EST-SSRs in plant genetics and breeding are discussed.
Microsatellite markers: An important fingerprinting tool for characterization of crop plants
Microsatellites are simple sequence repeats (SSR) of 1-6 nucleotides. They appear to be ubiquitous in higher organisms, both in animal and plant genomes and involving repetitive as well as unique sequences, although the frequency of microsatellites varies between species. They are abundant, dispersed throughout the genome and show higher levels of polymorphism than do other genetic markers. These features coupled with their ease of detection have made them useful markers. Their potential for automation and their inheritance in a co-dominant manner are additional advantages when compared with other types of molecular markers. SSRs are highly polymorphic, genome specific, abundant and co-dominant, and have recently become important genetic markers in cereals including wheat and barley.
Microsatellite markers discriminating accessions within collections of plant genetic resources
Cellular & molecular biology letters, 2002
The reliability of microsatellite analyses for discriminating between plant accessions maintained in collections of genetic resources was tested for 53 accessions of barley, 65 of soybean, 49 of chickpea, and 19 of alfalfa. The specific primer pairs used in this study were based on microsatellite DNA sequences surrounded by perfect dinucleotide and imperfect trinucleotide tandem repeat units. The evaluated polymorphic information content, diversity index, and probabilities of identity indicate that there is value in the application of SSR analyses in barley, soybean, and chickpea genetic resource management. Variation between alfalfa genotypes was not revealed at the five analyzed microsatellite loci.
Microsatellites for ecologists: a practical guide to using and evaluating microsatellite markers
Ecology letters, 2006
Recent improvements in genetic analysis and genotyping methods have resulted in a rapid expansion of the power of molecular markers to address ecological questions. Microsatellites have emerged as the most popular and versatile marker type for ecological applications. The rise of commercial services that can isolate microsatellites for new study species and genotype samples at reasonable prices presents ecologists with the unprecedented ability to employ genetic approaches without heavy investment in specialized equipment. Nevertheless, the lack of accessible, synthesized information on the practicalities and pitfalls of using genetic tools impedes ecologists’ ability to make informed decisions on using molecular approaches and creates the risk that some will use microsatellites without understanding the steps needed to evaluate the quality of a genetic dataset. The first goal of this synthesis is to provide an overview of the strengths and limitations of microsatellite markers and the risks, cost and time requirements of isolating and using microsatellites with the aid of commercial services. The second goal is to encourage the use and consistent reporting of thorough marker screening to ensure high quality data. To that end, we present a multi-step screening process to evaluate candidate loci for inclusion in a genetic study that is broadly targeted to both novice and experienced geneticists alike.
Abstract: Microsatellites (SSR – simple sequence repeats, STR – short tandem repeats, SSLP – simple sequence length polymorphism, VNTR – variable number of tandem repeats) are the class of repetitive DNA sequences present in all living organisms. Particular characterstics of microsatellites, such as their presence in the genomes of all living organisms, high level of allelic variation, co-dominant mode of inheritance and potential for automated analysis make them an excellent tool for a number of approaches like genotyping, mapping and positional clonig of genes. The three most popular types of markers containing microsatellite sequences that are presently used are: (1) SSR (simple sequence repeats), generated by amplifying in a PCR reaction with the use of primers complementary to flanking regions; (2) ISSR (inter-simple sequence repeats), based on the amplification of regions between inversely oriented closely spaced microsatellites; and (3) SAMPL (selective amplification of micro...
PMDBase: a database for studying microsatellite DNA and marker development in plants
Microsatellite DNAs (or SSRs) are important genomic components involved in many important biological functions. SSRs have been extensively exploited as molecular markers for diverse applications including genetic diversity, linkage/association mapping of gene/QTL, marker-assisted selection, variety identification and evolution analysis. However, a comprehensive database or web service for studying mi-crosatellite DNAs and marker development in plants is lacking. Here, we developed a database, PMD-Base, which integrates large amounts of microsatel-lite DNAs from genome sequenced plant species and includes a web service for microsatellite DNAs identification. In PMDBase, 26 230 099 microsatellite DNAs were identified spanning 110 plant species. Up to three pairs of primers were supplied for every microsatellite DNA. For 81 species, genomic features of the microsatellite DNAs (genic or non-genic) were supplied with the corresponding genes or transcripts from public databases. Microsatellite DNAs can be explored through browsing and searching modules with a user-friendly web interface and cus-tomized software. Furthermore, we developed MIS-Aweb and embedded Primer3web to help users to identify microsatellite DNAs and design corresponding primers in their own genomic sequences online. All datasets of microsatellite DNAs can be down-loaded conveniently. PMDBase will be updated regularly with new available genome data and can be accessed freely via the address http://www.sesame-bioinfo.org/PMDBase.
An Improved Technique for Isolating Codominant Compound Microsatellite Markers
Journal of Plant …, 2006
An approach for developing codominant polymorphic markers (compound microsatellite (SSR) markers), with substantial time and cost savings, is introduced in this paper. In this technique, fragments flanked by a compound SSR sequence at one end were amplified from the constructed DNA library using compound SSR primer (AC) 6 (AG) 5 or (TC) 6 (AC) 5 and an adaptor primer for the suppression-PCR. A locus-specific primer was designed from the sequence flanking the compound SSR. The primer pairs of the locus-specific and compound SSR primers were used as a compound SSR marker. Because only one locusspecific primer was needed for design of each marker and only a common compound SSR primer was needed as the fluorescence-labeled primer for analyzing all the compound SSR markers, this approach substantially reduced the cost of developing codominant markers and analyzing their polymorphism. We have demonstrated this technique for Dendropanax trifidus and easily developed 11 codominant markers with high polymorphism for D. trifidus. Use of the technique for successful isolation of codominant compound SSR markers for several other plant species is currently in progress.