Profile of Visual-Spatial Intelligence In Solving Geometric of 11th Grades Viewed From Gender Differences (original) (raw)
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Reasoning in solving geometry problem used by students to recognize shapes, identify properties and analyze relationships between geometric objects. This study aimed at investigating the students' reasoning in geometric problem solving with predominance of different intelligence types. This research was qualitative. The research subjects were two male 9th grade students with equal mathematical abilities. First student dominant in logical mathematical intelligence (LM), other's in visual spatial intelligence (VS). The instrument was test to determine the dominance of students' intelligence type and geometry test. Geometry tests used to find out students' understanding and reasoning in solving problem about cuboid surface area. Interview used to find out more about the student's process completed the geometry test. Students geometry reasoning was explained based on Van Hiele's geometric thought model. The results, both students able to identify the shapes, and analyze the characteristics of objects as well. VS able to represent problem into image and visualize information to find the correct procedures. Both are able to providing good explanations about the relationship between geometry constructs, LM uses mathematical model, and VS uses a visual approach. In performing problem solving, LM is more thoughtful using mathematical procedures and calculations while VS had visual analytic abilities.
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Visual-spatial Intelligence is very helpful for students in studying the science of geometry which is always associated with the abstract concept of a geometry object. This research discusses the visual-Spatial intelligence of Senior high school students based on geometry thinking level according to van Hiele theory. The design of this research was qualitative research which described visual-spatial intelligence students for each level of van Hiele Theory. According to van Hiele's theory, The result of this study shows that from 60 high school students, 11 students met the level 0, 16 students met level 1, 28 students met level 2, and 5 students met level 3. This indicates that the students in this research reach more levels higher than the previous level. In addition, the results also show that students who high level geometry. The results showed that there were 11 students of level 0 on geometric ability; 5 students or 45% of students have characteristics of Imaging, 4 students or 36% fulfilled the characteristics of conceptualizing, 1 student or 9% of students have the problem-solving characteristics, and none of the students met the characteristics of the pattern seeking. Next result 16 students in level 1 intelligent on geometric ability. 12 students or 75% students fulfilled the characteristics of the Imaging, 11 students or 69% of students fulfilled the characteristics of the Conceptualizing, 8 students or 50% of the students fulfilled the problem-solving characteristics, and students who met the characteristic of the patternseeking did not exist. The results of the visual-spatial intelligence of 28 level 2 students on geometric ability showed that 24 students or 86% of students fulfilled the characteristics of imaging, 23 students or 82% of students fulfilled the characteristics of conceptualizing, 18 students or 64% of students fulfilled the characteristics of problem-solving, and 3 students or 11% of students meet the characteristics of pattern-seeking. The results showed that there were 5 Students of Level 3 on geometric ability; 5 students or 100% of students fulfilled characteristics of imaging, 4 students or 100% fulfilled the characteristics of conceptualizing, 1 student or 80% of students have the problem-solving characteristics, and 1 student or 80% of the students made the characteristics of the pattern seeking.
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The process of thinking of students in understanding concepts and solving problems about geometry influenced by the cognitive ability of the level of geometry thinking of students, whether male or female. Van Hiele explained that there are five levels of thinking geometry. This study was conducted to determine the cognitive abilities of junior high school students based on Van Hiele's geometry thinking level viewed from a gender perspective. The method used is a descriptive qualitative method with question instruments and interview guidelines. The research subjects were six female students and six male students. The results of tests and interviews were analysed to determine the level of the tendency of students' geometric thinking. Research results show that there are four male students at level 3 (Deduction) and two students at level 2 (Informal Deduction).Whereas for female students there were three students at level 3 (deduction), two students at level 2 (simple deduction) and one student at level 1 (analysis). Male students are better at visual abilities and prefer simple ways of writing answers, while female students are better at verbal abilities and neater in writing answers. So it can be stated that male students tend to be superior to female students. This can be the basis for the treatment of students based on gender and cognitive abilities of students' level of geometry thinking.
Introduction 2.1 The nature of visual-spatial skills 2.2 Spatial cognition 2.3 Contributing factors to the development of visual-spatial skills .14 2.4 The Improvement of spatial ability., 2.5 Diagrams and manipulatives 2.6 Internally guided visualization .19 2.7 Externally guided visualization 20 2.8 Correlating mathematical abilities and mathematical achievement .22 2.9 Summary of the related studies 23 2.10 A history of intelligence testing and spatial abilities 24 2.11 Theories of Perceptual thinking and Three-Dimensional pace 26 2.11.1 Gestalt field theory 26 2.11.2 Piaget's intelligence theory 28 2.12 School geometry 29 2.13 Theories of the development of geometrical thinking 31 2. 13. l Piaget and Inhelder: The child's conception of space 31 V 2.13 .2The Van Hieles: Levels of geometricthinking 2.14 Swnmary ofliterature review :~33 CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Research design 3.2 Population. 3.3 Sample and sampling technique 37 3.4 Instrumentation 3.5 Pretesting the research instruments 3.6 Blocking variable (past chievement) Al 3.7 The Treatment-3.8 Data collection and scoring procedure 3.9 Data analysis 3.10 Null hypotheses and analyses A4 4.0 CHAPTER FOUR: RESEARCH FINDINGS 4.1 Introduction ,.,. 4.2 Research Questions AS 4.3 Presentation of findings 45 4.3.1 Means and Standard Deviations 4.3.2 Correlation 47 4.3.3 Descriptive Statistics for analysis of variance. 48 4.3 A Analysis of variance 50 4.3A.lPost Hoc comparisons 51 4.3.5 Analysis of variance with spatial ability as a covariate 52
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Visuospatial reasoning of eighth-grade students in solving geometry problems: A gender perspective
Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika
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High Visual-Spatial Intelligence Students’ Creativity in Solving PISA Problems
JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika)
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