Wind Power Potentiality Analysis With Respect To Wind Velocity In Bangladesh (original) (raw)

Wind Power Potentiality Analysis with Respect to Wind Direction Percentage in Bangladesh

International journal of engineering research and technology, 2013

This paper tries to investigate the wind power potentiality in Bangladesh based on wind direction percentage data. For this purpose wind direction percentage data are collected for three different locations considering the data for the year range of 2000 to 2004. From the analysis, it is seen that around 43.30% wind direction flow is occurred in Cox’s bazaar which is comparatively higher than Dhaka and Chittagong.

IJERT-Wind Power Potentiality Analysis with Respect to Wind Direction Percentage in Bangladesh

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2013 This paper tries to investigate the wind power potentiality in Bangladesh based on wind direction percentage data. For this purpose wind direction percentage data are collected for three different locations considering the data for the year range of 2000 to 2004. From the analysis, it is seen that around 43.30% wind direction flow is occurred in Cox's bazaar which is comparatively higher than Dhaka and Chittagong. Index Terms-Wind direction percentage, wind power, power generation.

International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Wind energy potential estimation for different regions of Bangladesh

This paper deals with the estimation of available wind energy potential in Bangladesh and how it can be utilized. The natural sources of energy are limited. Wind is a very good source of energy in many countries of the world. It is a renewable source of energy that can be used in electricity generation, pumping water and many other sectors. But in our country wind energy extraction is a bit difficult due to low wind speed. In this paper, the available wind energy in Rangamati, Bandarban and Teknaf of our country is calculated both hourly basis. Three stations are analyzed in terms of established parameters like Weibull distribution of wind data, frequency distribution of wind directions over few years using measured data collected from Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD). The predictions and calculations of wind potentials are performed for commercial turbine altitudes 50-70 m to overcome the limitations of the weather data obtained by meteorological anemometers at lower heights. This analysis can also show the variation in wind energy in different seasons. It can help us to understand how much energy we have and how much energy can be fruitfully utilized.

Statistical Analysis of Wind Power Potential at Pakshey River Delta Region, Bangladesh

Wind energy is now being used in almost every country of the world as an important and pollution free renewable source of energy. In Bangladesh, research in the field of wind energy began only a few years ago. Wind power potentials of the Pakshey river delta region have been statistically analyzed based on the 10 min duration wind speed data in the river delta region. The hourly and monthly wind speed and wind power density are assessed to have remarkable variations and Weibull distribution function has been derived from the available data with its two parameters identified. First of all the wind data of the river delta region in Bangladesh from January to December, 2006 is to be collected and sorted in sequence in appropriate frequency. The data are further analyzed and converted into several useful parameters, like daily mean wind speed, monthly mean wind speed, and mean annual wind speed. After that, the velocity frequency bar graph, energy bar graph, velocity duration curve, etc. have been plotted and analyzed. Weibull shape factor (K) and scale factor (C) has been calculated and plotted by implying different methods. The wind power potential of this side was found to be encouraging; however, the wind power at different site varies significantly. So, wind energy potential in river delta region and costal region has well prospect for choosing wind power plant in Bangladesh.

Systematic Analysis of Wind Resources for Eolic Potential in Bangladesh

Applied Sciences

Energy consumption in Bangladesh increased for economic, industrial, and digitalization growth. Reductions in conventional sources such as natural gas (54%) and coal (5.6%) are calls to enhance renewable resources. This paper aims to investigate the atmospheric variables for potential wind zones and develop a statistical power-forecasting model. The study-site is Bangladesh, focusing on eight divisions across two regions. First, the southern zone includes Dhaka (Capital), Chittagong, Barishal, and Khulna. The northern regions are Rajshahi, Rangpur, Mymensingh, and Sylhet. This investigation illustrates wind (m/s) speeds at various heights (m) and analyzes the boundary layer height (BLH) from the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecast reanalysis 5th generation (ERA5). The data is from a period of 40 years from 1979 to 2018, assessing with a climatic base of 20 years (1979 to 2000). The climatological analysis comprises trends, time series, anomalies, and linear correlation...

Wind Power: The Available Source of Clear Energy at the Coastal belt of Bangladesh

The wind energy is the most common and fastest growing source of renewable energy in the world. The study offers the statistical analysis of wind speed data in different locations in Bangladesh. The data has been shorted in sequence of appropriate frequency as monthly, annually mean wind speed. The data has been presented and analyzed in velocity frequency bar graph, energy bar graph, velocity duration curve etc. Two important paramets Weibull shape factor "k" and Weibull scale factor "c" have been obtained from the data by Weibull's paper method, Standard deviation method, and Energy pattern factor method. The theoretical and practical available power in the wind (w/m2) has also been obtained from the wind data.

Asian Journal on Energy and Environment Wind resource assessment for southern part of Bangladesh

have been assessed to determine the potential for wind power generation. The variations of wind speed with year, season and time of day are discussed for these sites as proper positioning of turbines is important for the wind industry. From five LGED stations it was found that the average annual wind speed values at different heights for the five wind stations vary from 1.73 m/s to 4.17 m/s. The highest average annual wind speed (4.17 m/s) was observed in Kuakata and the lowest value (1.32 m/s) was observed at Khagrachari. Maximum wind power density was in Kuakata (88kW/m 2) at height 30m and minimum in Khagrachari (13kW/m 2) at a height of 10m. The highest potential was found for Kuakata and Kutubdia, whereas Khagrachari and CUET have low potential for wind electricity generation. Weibull parameters, namely c and k, were determined using Weibull distribution which is considered useful and appropriate for wind energy as it is one of the easiest methods used to identify the wind potential of a specific site, since it allows for estimation of the probability density function.

Present Energy Scenario and Potentiality of Wind Energy in Bangladesh

Scarcity in energy sector is a major problem, which can hamper the growing development of a country. Bangladesh is one of the electricity-deprived countries; however, the energy demand of Bangladesh is increasing day by day. Due to the shortage of natural resources and environmental issues, many nations are now moving towards renewable energy. Among various form of renewable energy, wind energy is one of most potential source. In this paper, the present energy condition of Bangladesh is discussed and the necessity of moving towards renewable energy is clarified. The wind speed found at different locations at different heights and different years from the survey of several organizations are presented. Although, the results of installed low capacity wind turbines (from few kW to few tens of kW) operated by private or government organization at different places in Bangladesh are not so encouraging; however, it is shown that Bangladesh has a high potential of using large wind turbine (M...

Wind Energy Potential in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is encountering difficulties in supplying energy to maintain its economic growth. Government of Bangladesh is looking for renewable energy sources to meet up the total power demand in this country. The present study aims to assess wind energy potential in Bangladesh as a sustainable solution to overcome the energy crisis. Wind speed at six coastal zones Patenga, Cox's Bazar, Teknaf, Char Fassion, Kuakata and Kutubdia at Bay of Bengal of Bangladesh have been analyzed. A near shore wind farm has been considered at these locations having a coastal line of 574 km. The turbines are spaced 7D apart in the prevailing wind direction, and 3D apart in the perpendicular direction, where D is rotor diameter. This near shore wind farm with an array of 5104 horizontal axis wind turbines with hub height of 100 m and rotor diameter of 75 m with a wind speed of 7 m/sec is capable to generate 1855.25 MW of electrical power. This can mitigate 55.93 per cent of energy shortage in 2016. By developing renewable energy sources it is possible to compensate 11.25 per cent of total power demand by 2020.

Analysis of wind characteristics in coastal areas of Bangladesh

Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2009

The present demand of energy is increasing day by day due to various reasons such as increasing population, the aspiration for improved living standards and general economic and industrial growth. In the wake of the increasing world energy crisis, which mostly affected the least developed countries, the interest in alternative energy resources has been increased considerably. In this regard, wind as a source of energy can hold good prospect for a underdeveloped country like Bangladesh. Besides, utilization of wind energy has been growing rapidly in the whole world due to environmental pollution, consumption of the limited fossil fuels and global warming. Bangladesh has fairly wind energy potential, exploitation of the wind energy is still in the crawling level. In the current study, wind characteristics and wind energy potential of Teknaf, Kutubdia, Sandwip, Kuakata, and Mongla in the Coastal Areas are investigated. The measured wind data were processed as hourly and monthly basis. Weibull probability density functions of the locations are calculated in the light of observed data and Weibull shape parameter and scale parameter are also calculated. The main objective is to find out wind energy potential for the utilization.